After all, who could have predicted that iris and Zhang Cuihua directly began to pinch each other at the moment they met?

Obviously, it was only the first time for the two people to meet here, but they seemed to be enemies, which was really out of their expectation.

Even Lvyang is an unexpected thing.

Why on earth is this?

Lvyang is not clear, so is hengyanlin.

It can only be said that because they are both beautiful women, there is a feeling of jealousy between the beautiful women, which leads to both sides looking at each other unhappy, so they want to fight?

Hengyanlin really didn't know what to say in his heart, but forget it. Anyway, such a thing, let it be. As long as they can investigate all the truth behind this thing, they probably won't be able to pinch together later.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin didn't say anything more. Immediately, he turned his head, and the bright eyes as bright as stars under the sword eyebrow were slightly flashing bright light. Then his eyes looked at Zhang Cuihua, and slightly opened his mouth, Then he asked aloud, "Zhang Cuihua, I want to ask you, since you say the official death news is false, can you tell me how your parents died?"

"How did you die?" Hearing this, Zhang Cuihua felt as if she had touched some taboo in her heart. Her bright eyes revealed a strong color of ridicule, and she immediately became gnashing her teeth. Then she suddenly raised her head and looked at the green sun. Her tone became extremely cold, and slowly rang:

"How did I die? Shouldn't I ask you, the householder? How did my parents die... Isn't he the most clear?"

I have to say that Zhang Cuihua's words directly reduced the temperature of the whole secret room in vain, which made people shiver uncontrollably.

Hearing what Zhang Cuihua said, a look of consternation appeared on Lvyang's hard face. He couldn't help pointing to himself, opened his mouth, and said aloud, "you say me?"

"Otherwise?" Zhang Cuihua looked at Lvyang coldly, as if she were looking at her own killing enemy.

It has to be said that Zhang Cuihua's eyes really made Lvyang feel very uncomfortable. If it weren't for Heng Yanlin's presence, he would have slapped Zhang Cuihua and killed her. Where would she be allowed to talk nonsense and slander herself here.

Therefore, I have to admit that Heng Yanlin's presence here is indeed a great limit to save the nine little girls who came to assassinate Lvyang, especially Zhang Cuihua, a rebellious girl.

Therefore, Lvyang tried very hard to suppress his anger flame, then took a deep breath, tried to adjust his anger aroused by Zhang Cuihua, suppressed and calmed it, and then slightly raised his head and looked at Zhang Cuihua. There was no change in the slightest emotional fluctuation on his tough face, so he used such a hard tone to burst out of his mouth: "I don't know."

"How on earth did your parents die? How could I know?"

"I'm not familiar with them. Why should I know how they died?"

Speaking of this, the corner of green Yang's lips also slightly outlined a touch of arc smile, which seemed to be mocking and disdaining.

In fact, what Lvyang said is nothing more than something in the words, which onion is your parents, who actually wants him to be known as the owner of the Green family, and has to care about their life and death?

Are you kidding? Cats and dogs, also deserve to let him know?

Zhang Cuihua is not a fool. Of course, she knows what the hidden meaning of Lvyang's words means. At present, a look of great anger appears on her delicate and beautiful apricot face. Her delicate body suddenly stands up from the futon, her eyes full of extremely angry flames, gnashing her teeth at Lvyang, and roars angrily, "you -"

However, before Zhang Cuihua came close to Lvyang, Lvyang raised his eyes and squinted at her. Although the expression on his face remained calm, the color of disdain in his eyes was extremely obvious. At the same time, his tone also became very indifferent and slowly sent out in his mouth, "what? Do you disagree?"


Hearing that Lvyang despised herself so much, Zhang Cuihua couldn't stand it at all, so she wanted to rush over and fight with Lvyang to the death.

However, before Zhang Cuihua had any action, Heng Yanlin's eyebrow was slightly wrinkled, and a rather unhappy look appeared on his handsome face. Immediately, he raised his palm slightly, and his mind moved slightly, which was that there was a gentle strong wind floating out of his gently waving palm, pushing Zhang Cuihua back, making her sit on the futon again.

"Hengyanlin, you!!"

Seeing that Heng Yanlin directly hit himself back to the futon he sat on, Zhang Cuihua's entire delicate apricot face showed an angry look, glared at Heng Yanlin.

"Do you want the truth or simple revenge? It's up to you."

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly, and a serious look appeared on his handsome face. Then he looked at Zhang Cuihua, and there was a sharp look in his eyes. Han Sheng said, "if you really just want revenge, I will never interfere again, but what specific consequences will happen, I will no longer help and be responsible!"

It has to be said that Heng Yanlin's attitude became so serious at this moment, which really scared everyone in the audience.

Although Heng Yanlin has been very kind before, once he really wants to annoy him, the aura he erupts is definitely more terrible than anyone.

Just like this.

It really provoked hengyanlin. Now she has some emotions. She directly opened her aura and didn't give them any chance to talk nonsense at all.

However, it has to be said that Heng Yanlin's aura is so full that naturally these people present are shivering and unwilling to say more nonsense.

Therefore, everyone present was unwilling to say anything more.

After all, if it really annoys Heng Yanlin, then Zhang Cuihua's side may really die here.

After all, it is impossible for Zhang Cuihua and Tian Xin to leave the green house safely without the protection of hengyanlin.

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