"Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? What's the danger? If there is any danger, it's your work. What's the matter with me?"

The goatee, listening to Heng Yanlin's words, immediately felt a burst of discomfort, and then he spoke with a strong voice. A word was to directly shirk the responsibility. "Hum, I just came here and didn't do anything. If there is anything, it's also your problem. Now I can see that after two minutes, the patient will be in danger. At least, my medical skills are OK, but you need to

prove it with your means."

"Besides, by the way, it's not because you can't save people that you want to escape."

Heng Yan Lin is now directly relaxed, so he is holding his chest in both hands, and then opening his mouth, while saying, while extending his hand, indicating his own preparation.

"Snake spirit disease! This world, who can see, is to see the patient's situation clearly! Do you think anyone will believe it with that nonsense? "

At this time, the goatee said a tough word. Then he grabbed the bag and wanted to leave.

However, at this time, there were several big men in black blocking the door. Then they looked at the goatee with a cold face. Originally, they were clean bodyguards for him, but now it seems that some strangers are not allowed to enter.

At this time, the goatee secretly swallowed his mouth water, and then turned his head and body with a stiff face.

"Mr. Lu, what do you mean? At present, you have already hired a doctor, but you don't mean to pay attention to me. Don't you let me go now! Is this the way your Lu family treats guests? "

At this time, the goatee was still adamant, afraid that his side might be weak, and then let the other side doubt himself more.

However, his calculation is obviously wrong. It is obviously not that kind of fool to have such a large family property here. Even if he looks cold, he looks at him. "I don't really believe what this little brother said, but as long as two minutes, what this little brother said can be confirmed. Before that, I hope you can stay here. If my father has any accident, I hope you can help me

, as long as this time, if you save my father once, then I will Go away, let you go, and a great ceremony is offered. "

At this time, the middle-aged man spoke slowly.

If what Heng Yanlin said is true, then two minutes later, his father is in danger. If this guy is really capable, he should stay for a while, and then save his father this time, let the other party leave.

His father's condition is not recovered, so hengyanlin is there, it is estimated that it is not a problem. With a few eyes, one can know when the patient is in danger. He has not seen such a person.

So if it really happens, then hengyanlin's medical skills are absolutely incomparable. There is no need for this goatee at all.

If it's not true, it can't let him go. This guy, just listening to Heng Yanlin's words, can see that nine out of ten of what Heng Yanlin said is true.

Actually, he was unable to save himself and didn't speak. He just put the responsibility on others. He wanted to leave immediately. What made him even more angry was that he seemed to have been cheated by the other party during this period of time.

Who would Lu Li be? He was cheated by a cheater. If this is spread out, will he still have a foothold? I can't say it's the other side's cramp!

Thinking of this, Lu Lihui's eyes twinkled with a thick cold light. Looking at the goatee in front of him, he saw that the goatee was sweating all over.

He was very clear about the influence of the Lu family. The more clear he was, the more scared he was. So he found a reason to leave directly.

But now it seems that it is completely impossible. If he stays here, he is expected to get worse and worse. I knew that he should not have coveted this money at the beginning!

At this time, goatee can only pray in his heart, hoping that what Heng Yanlin has just said is just a fake. So really, two minutes later, the patient is ill. How can he save the patient?

It is estimated that he will not save a person faster than he can. However, if what Heng Yanlin said is a lie, then there will be no problem. At that time, he can find some excuse to come out and then get away. Although he is in a dangerous situation, he has experienced this situation before. I believe that this time, he can succeed in the plan.

A room of people, at this time, is also quiet, and then are closely staring at the patients on the hospital bed, the heart is very nervous, but here, maybe Heng Yanlin is not very nervous.

At the moment, Heng Yanlin is just looking at the layout here, and then walking up and down, is not affected by the atmosphere here, as if in his own home.Lu Lihui and his daughter, seeing Heng Yanlin at the moment, look a little strange. You say that the patient is going to be critically ill, but you are not nervous at all. That's just a little unreasonable.

This is also a patient at least, critically ill, but it is very serious, OK! You look so relaxed.

However, seeing Heng Yanlin like this, Lu Lihui has some expectations in his heart. If what Heng Yanlin said is true, at least at that time, he can be sure that Heng Yanlin's medical skills are absolutely very high.

In this way, there is hengyanlin, his father, should be no problem, can be rescued.

"By the way, you should be the resident of Shilan group, right? Or advanced? "

Heng Yanlin suddenly thought of something. He asked the woman on the other side. Seeing the other side's exquisite face and some residual fluctuations, Heng Yanlin could guess out what the other side used.

That Lu Menghan listens to Heng Yanlin's words, immediately is slightly a Leng, is some not clear, the other side inquires about this thing to do, slightly hesitates for a moment, or slightly nods.

"Go and get the liquid."

Heng Yanlin gently waved to Lu Menghan, and directly directed to this scene. Seeing that Lu Menghan was biting his teeth, what kind of guy is this? He is commanding himself!

I'm a lady of the Lu family, OK! There is no one who can command themselves, even their own father can not!

One side of the Lu Lihui also did not know what Heng Yanlin wanted to do, but at this time, she still looked at his daughter and motioned her to do it according to the requirements of the other party.

When Lu Menghan saw this, he stamped his feet in a incomparable atmosphere. What does a man want in green liquid! And actually is to see oneself is using in the green liquid, is really abnormal!

Lu Menghan had no choice but to turn around to get the liquid. At this time, the patients in the hospital bed also had some changes.

"Di ~ ~"

a sharp and incomparable sound came from the side of the instrument. After guarding my father for so long, I understood the meaning of these instruments. The sound was the meaning of an emergency in the patient's body.

"What I said has come true. The patient's condition has changed. Here, it's up to you."

Heng Yanlin listened to this voice, and then looked at the goatee. He said, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand and made a word of invitation.

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the middle-aged man with goatee suddenly changed his face and became extremely white. At this time, Lu Li Hui turned his head and looked at him directly.

At the moment, he was shocked. He never thought that what Heng Yanlin said was true. He said it was two minutes. It was really two minutes. His father would be in critical condition.

"Save my father quickly, no matter what way, if you don't go up, I'll think you won't be cured!"

Patients are in such a situation. Lu Lihui has no mind to dally with this guy. If he doesn't go up to save his life, he can be sure that what Heng Yanlin said before is true.

He has been deceived, before the time, the other side really want to escape! Hearing this, the middle-aged man with goatee shook his body immediately. He was too frightened. What use could he do if he went up? If he moves, the other party will die faster!

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