Of course, Heng Yanlin's comments can't say anything bad, but say a lot of beautiful words. After all, this is what girls want to hear.

What's more, although what Heng Yanlin said is a little different, it's not much different. After all, although these nine girls don't look like the kind of country and city, they are also beautiful. As long as they wear and dress up a little, they can actually inspire their temperament at once.

It has to be said that Heng Yanlin's words of praising others are really first-class, and they make people sound very comfortable and have no appearance of fraud at all, which makes Tian Xin and these girls really happy.

After all, no matter who it is, they all like to listen to good words very much, especially being praised by a handsome man. More importantly, the praise of such a beautiful man as hengyanlin makes their mood become extremely happy.

Seeing Tian Xin's group of girls chirping one by one, he became extremely excited, which made iris, who was standing next to Heng Yanlin, also couldn't help but curl his lips. He was also quite unhappy in his heart, which was not a taste.

After all, they were praised by hengyanlin so much, but they didn't get the praise from hengyanlin. Naturally, there was some gap for iris, which made her mood a little unhappy.

So, iris pursed her lips, and finally couldn't help but open her lips, and then whispered to Hengyan Lin, "Mr. Lin, what do you... What do you think of my dress?"

However, just after iris said these words, she had some regrets, because what she said was equivalent to that iris was jealous, which seemed too modest, so iris couldn't help biting her lips, I thought to myself, "what am I doing? Why should I say such words? Doesn't it seem that I'm competing with them? It's too impotent!"

"I hope Mr. Lin won't hear what I just said."

Although what iris just said was to hengyanlin, it can also be said to be talking to himself. After all, iris just spoke in a very slight voice, not so big, which was simply said without passing through the brain for a moment.

However, iris' voice, no matter how small, could not escape Heng Yanlin's ears.

After all, such a strong man with super strength as hengyanlin, how can such a slight voice deceive hengyanlin's sharp ears?

Therefore, when Heng Yanlin heard the whisper said by iris in his ear, a look of surprise appeared on his handsome face, and he secretly thought, "is this iris so unsure of his appearance?"

After all, from the perspective of these people, except that Zhang Cuihua can compete with iris, the faces of other people are completely incomparable with iris.

But how jealous is she to say such words now?

However, since iris has said it, although hengyanlin thinks he can pretend not to see it, hengyanlin has a premonition in his heart that iris may help him a lot in the future, so if he doesn't have a good relationship at this time, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to ask her to do anything in the future.

Although hengyanlin can make iris yield to his orders with absolute strength, compared with the forced reluctance, if you take the initiative to do things for you, the effect will definitely be very good, and you can certainly achieve twice the result with half the effort.

So, thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on Heng Yanlin's extremely handsome face, and then turned his head, smiled at iris, and said aloud, "in fact, your dress is also very good, with a little sense of sex in maturity, and a little charm in sexuality, which is very suitable for your style."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's praise of himself, iris's charming, sexy, mature and beautiful face showed an unexpected color. Immediately, a faint smile was involuntarily raised on the corner of his lips, and then he said to Heng Yanlin's beautiful face: "Mr. Lin, what you said... Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Do I look like such a liar?" Seeing that iris actually questioned what he said, Heng Yanlin couldn't help shaking his head, even if he said aloud.

Hearing that Heng Yanlin was so committed, iris could not help but outline a faint smile on his lips, which was full of countless happiness.

Seeing the excited smile on Iris' mouth, Heng Yanlin's heart is also quite relieved. After all, it's good that iris can be happy. In this way, it should be very easy to ask her for anything in the future.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin looked at the crowd and said aloud, "have you already arranged it?"

Iris nodded gently, and immediately said, "the car has been arranged, and now he is ordering the amusement park to clear."

"Clean up?"

Hearing what iris said, Heng Yanlin climbed up with consternation on his extremely handsome face, immediately stood in situ, and asked aloud, "what do you mean? Why do you want to clear the scene?"

However, when iris heard what Heng Yanlin said, a look of confusion appeared on his charming and beautiful face, because Eric really didn't expect Heng Yanlin to say such a sentence, Then she opened her mouth and asked, "Mr. Lin, don't you want to take them to the amusement park together? Since it's to the amusement park, so many people must clear it. Otherwise, there are many people in the amusement park now. If you used to go there, you'd have to queue up. After all, it's business hours now, and there can be no exception."

Hearing iris say that there is no special case, this makes hengyanlin really have some accidents, because generally speaking, since it is their own amusement park, even if it is to let their own people join the team, there should be no big problem.

But what I didn't expect was that iris actually said that there was no special case. It seems that the green house still pays great attention to this reputation, which makes hengyanlin have to look at the green house with new recognition again.

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