Looking at the people coming and going in front of her, Zhang Cuihua's heart has very complex emotions surging, especially when she sees a pair of parents with a child playing with each other. That feeling makes Zhang Cuihua's eyes reveal a deep color of envy.

But after a burst of envy, Zhang Cuihua reacted. At that moment, she shook her head and looked away from them. A very cold expression appeared on the delicate and beautiful apricot face. Then she pursed her lips and gave a cold hum. She thought to herself, "what envy is there? What envy is there? I don't envy. Yes, I envy a hammer. Envy, I don't envy at all!"

Although that's what Zhang Cuihua said, she still couldn't help looking back at the family. After all, she had lost her parents since she was young, and had no parents' company and love. For Zhang Cuihua... It's really envious.

However, at this time, Zhang Cuihua's eyes suddenly became cold, and then suddenly raised his head and looked in the other direction. At the same time, he secretly thought, "there is murderous spirit!"

When Zhang Cuihua's eyes looked past, he saw a red haired woman in a rivet vest and armor with heavy makeup in his sight.

When the red haired woman in rivet vest and armor saw Zhang Cuihua's eyes looking at herself, she immediately opened her lips and showed a very ferocious smile, looking very evil.

"Mom, that aunt looks curious!"

At this time, the children of the family who had been admired by Zhang Cuihua could not help shouting when they saw the red haired woman in rivet vest and armor.

As a cultivator, the red haired woman with rivet vest and armor naturally has intelligent ear power, so she can naturally hear what the child says. At that moment, she slightly tilted her neck, turned her head and looked at the child, with a ferocious smile on her face. Immediately, Sen Han's eyes were revealed in her eyes, and then her palm suddenly shook, and a blood red aura shot out quickly, forming a long whip full of spikes, Shot at the child.

Obviously, the red haired women in rivet vests and armor want to kill them directly.

Seeing the bloody spiked whip shooting towards their children, the parents of the family suddenly turned pale. The father directly stretched out his palm, held his wife in his arms, and exposed his back on the bloody spiked whip.

Obviously, when in danger, my father is always the first to protect them.

When Zhang Cuihua saw this scene, the delicate and moving apricot face also burst into a startling color. At present, the soles of her feet were heavily trampled on the ground. Immediately, with a "bang", she shot out in front of the family. In the twinkling of an eye, she quickly raised her hands, quickly sealed the seal, and then shot forward.


Suddenly, the vast aura shot out of Zhang Cuihua's green jade hand, quickly forming a cyan light shield, with a rung in front of him.


The bloody spikes and long whip beat hard on the blue light shield, and immediately vibrated a circle of sound waves, glittering with the light of blue and blood, intertwined, looking particularly bright.

Then, the cyan light shield vibrated violently, and then "click, click, click" fell apart and broke.

But similarly, the bloody spikes and long whip also dissipated and ceased to exist.

At that moment, Zhang Cuihua turned her head and saw that the family was still standing in place like a wood, staring at herself, which made her angry. She stared at them angrily and said, "what are you doing here? Don't you run quickly?"

Hearing Zhang Cuihua's words, the parents of the family reacted, threw a grateful look at Zhang Cuihua, and then picked up their children and left quickly.

However, when the child was picked up, he stretched out a small pink fist at Zhang Cuihua, and then shouted at Zhang Cuihua, "come on, beautiful sister, defeat the bad guy!"

When Zhang Cuihua heard this, a look of amazement appeared on the beautiful apricot face. Immediately, the corners of her lips couldn't help but outline a faint smile. Then she withdrew her eyes, turned around and looked at the red haired woman with rivet vest and armor. There was a cold expression on her face, His tone was full of Sen Han: "he is just a child. Are you going to kill him so hard?"

When the red haired woman with rivet vest and armor heard Zhang Cuihua's words, she smiled sadly and said, "I like it. What can you do?"

Hearing this, Zhang Cuihua said in a cold voice, "in that case, go to hell!"


A sullen voice broke out under Zhang Cuihua's feet, and then Zhang Cuihua's delicate body was like a nimble cheetah, holding a thick cyan light, and suddenly appeared in front of the red haired woman in the rivet vest. With a sudden shake of the white palm, the pink fist sent out a very fierce force, and fiercely bombarded the door of the red haired woman in the rivet vest.

The red haired woman with rivet vest and armor saw it, and there was no fear at all. Her heavily made up face still maintained a ferocious smile. She took a step forward, and her palm suddenly opened, and there was a blood aura surging out, forming a halo rotating in the center of her palm, making a "zizizi" sound, like a cutting machine, and then greeted it.


Zhang Cuihua's fist was surging with a blue light, and then hit the bloody halo on the palm of the red haired woman in the rivet vest and armor. At that moment, there was a sound like thunder. The blue light and the blood light burst out in all directions, and the sparks and lightning rushed everywhere. At the same time, a violent and strong energy wave also broke out between the two people, shaking their bodies out.

The wind blew hard, the ground burst, and the dust and smoke billowed. After retreating out, Zhang Cuihua looked at the rivet vest and armor. The eyes of the red haired woman became extremely alert at this moment, and her inner mood seemed very dignified.

Because the strength of this red haired woman with rivet vest and armor is very strong!

Zhang Cuihua stared at the red haired woman in rivet vest and armor, and said in a cold voice, "who on earth are you?"

"Who am I? When you go to see the king of hell, you will know."

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