Just after Heng Yanlin's roast, suddenly Heng Yanlin felt a strong danger enveloping him.

At that moment, he felt his eyelids jumping wildly and his scalp tingling.


The next second, I only heard a "hiss", but I saw in the gradually melting ice cone, suddenly a figure burst from it, tearing open the sea of fire of hengyanlin, and at the same time, holding a sharp edge of the ice cone, stabbed at the heart of hengyanlin.

However, when this ice pick blade was about to stab Heng Yanlin's heart, Heng Yanlin had reacted quickly, so his body moved slightly, and then narrowly avoided the ice pick blade, but the ice pick blade still stabbed Heng Yanlin's shoulder.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin felt a burst of pain, and then a burst of frost invaded his body, and the red blood began to flow out on his shoulder.

Hengyanlin really didn't expect that this man in black had such a strange spiritual method.

At present, Heng Yanlin first stagnated for a moment, and then saw the proud eyes revealed in the eyes of the man in black. At present, he also reacted quickly, and his heart moved slightly. Immediately, with a "bang", a violent and unparalleled aura erupted in Heng Yanlin's body, directly shattering the ice cone sharp blade stabbed on his shoulder. At the same time, the strong wind also shook the man in black out.

Then, Heng Yanlin quickly operated the aura in his body, suppressed the frost aura that invaded his body, completely wiped it out, and then treated the wound on his shoulder.

Soon, with the aura treatment of light attribute, the wound on hengyanlin's shoulder was quickly recovered, quickly cured, then scabbed, and finally the scar was completely eliminated.

The originally proud cloaked man in black stared at such a magical scene, which made her eyes widen directly. Even she was so shocked that she couldn't help shouting: "what kind of aura is this? Why can you be cured so quickly? Are you still human?"

Originally, hearing the words in front of the man in black, Heng Yanlin was in a very good mood. However, hearing the words behind, Heng Yanlin's whole face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but answer: "you're not human! Your family is not human!"

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the man in black also rolled his eyes angrily, thinking how this guy was so naive.

However, although he said so, the black cloaked man's heart was still very heavy. He really didn't expect that hengyanlin's strength was so terrible. She had already achieved such a sneak attack and injured hengyanlin, but hengyanlin recovered again in just a few breaths, and there was no change with just now.

This makes people in black cloaks really messy, and their inner emotions are like nuclear bombs exploding, directly exploding.

"Yes, you actually have such a spiritual method. No wonder you have so much confidence that you can escape from my hands. It's a pity that my strength is stronger than you think, so you'd better surrender!"

Looking at the man in black, Heng Yanlin's handsome face climbed up with a touch of surprise, and then couldn't help nodding gently at her. His eyes revealed the color of appreciation, and then opened his mouth and said aloud.

After all, since he came to the steel core city, he has experienced many battles along the way, but no one can hurt him.

Oh, no, it can't be said that no one has hurt him. It should be said that not even a hair of his has been hurt.

In other words, hengyanlin is almost invincible up to now.

However, today, at this moment, the man in black can actually hurt hengyanlin. Although this injury is not worth mentioning for hengyanlin at all, you know, the man in black is the first person who hurt hengyanlin after he came to the steel core city, so it is really a very surprising thing for hengyanlin.

This makes Heng Yanlin more curious about people in black cloaks.

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, although the man in black still wears a mask and can't see his expression, it's obvious that because of Heng Yanlin's words, it's not difficult to imagine how ugly the expression of the man in black is.

Immediately, the man in the black cloak gave a cold hum in his mouth. Looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, he said in a cold voice, "don't be proud of you. If you want me to surrender, just dream. I can't surrender!"

Hearing the words of the man in black, Heng Yanlin gently shook his head and looked at her. There was an indifferent smile on his handsome face. He immediately said to her, "since you are not willing to surrender voluntarily, then I can only use force to make you surrender."


When Heng Yanlin finished saying these words, his body moved slightly and disappeared in the same place. The next second, he appeared in front of the man in black cloak, opened his palm and went towards her.

The man in the black cloak had already had an insight into the purpose of hengyanlin, so before hengyanlin had an action, she also quickly printed, and then with a "bang", her body was broken like a mirror, and immediately formed pieces of ice in place, overflowing in the void.

Heng Yanlin took back his palm and his eyes swept out. Then he saw the figure of the man in black flashing back and forth in these ice fragments. I have to say that such a spiritual method really surprised Heng Yanlin.

Because Heng Yanlin has never seen a fighter who can sweep back and forth among the debris, which is like a person breaking into the folded space.


The man in black finally emerged from a piece of ice fragment and appeared in front of hengyanlin. Then the jade hand raised, and there was a cold spirit gushing out, forming a sharp cold blade, and stabbed at the back of hengyanlin's neck.

And all this, hengyanlin seems to have not found.

This made the black cloaked man's eyes show a strong sense of satisfaction, and he felt that he was finally going to successfully kill hengyanlin.

However, when the frost blade in the black cloak man's hand stabbed at the back of hengyanlin's neck, he found that he and his whole body had passed through.

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