Still a little unqualified!

This is also the reason why Zhang Cuihua would ask Heng Yanlin aloud.

It's just that hengyanlin's so determined tone and firm eyes surprised Zhang Cuihua a little, and he secretly thought, "is hengyanlin so confident in him?"

At this moment, Zhang Cuihua heard what Hengyan Linkou said: "what you said is not wrong. Just relying on this skill, if you want to defeat the four armed giant, there are still some difficulties."

Hearing that Heng Yanlin actually said so, Zhang Cuihua was stunned again, and couldn't help but ask, "then you just said that the 33rd can defeat the four armed giant?"

Isn't it self contradictory that the preface doesn't match the following words?

Zhang Cuihua thinks that there is something wrong with Heng Yanlin.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin said with a smile, "yes, this is not a conflict!"

"Why is there no conflict? Do you think there is anything more powerful than this technique on the 33rd?" Zhang Cuihua asked aloud.

"You ask me, where do I know? I don't know this person on the 33rd. How do I know if he has a stronger hand?"

Hearing Zhang Cuihua's question, Heng Yanlin threw a white eye at Zhang Cuihua unhappily, and said to her like "are you an idiot?".

"So you still say that?"

"Yes, I believe him, because if he loses, he can't leave a deep impression in front of me. Naturally, I won't consider him as my subordinate, so as long as he still wants to be my subordinate and serve me, he must win this war anyway, otherwise everything will be in vain."

Heng Yanlin said faintly, and his handsome face was full of a very serious look.


Hearing Heng Yanlin's explanation, Zhang Cuihua was unable to answer. Similarly, she was unable to refute. She really couldn't understand why Heng Yanlin could pull out such a reason.

What is this? Blind confidence?

Or what?

I'm doing strategic analysis with you, but you're fooling me. It's really

Zhang Cuihua immediately had no intention to continue talking with Heng Yanlin. She directly closed her mouth and looked at the battle in front of her honestly.

Because Zhang Cuihua has found that Heng Yanlin won't talk to you seriously at all. He will only talk nonsense with you there!

Of course, Zhang Cuihua thinks so in her heart, but hengyanlin doesn't think so.

Because as he just said, if the 33rd is really determined to take refuge in himself and become his subordinates to serve him, then the 33rd will definitely do everything and go all out to win this victory.

If he can really win this game, Heng Yanlin will only look at him with admiration and even be deeply impressed. He may agree to the request of the 33rd on the spot.

But if you lose on the 33rd... Naturally, there is nothing to say.

In fact, under normal circumstances, there is a great chance of losing on the 33rd.

After all, the overall strength of the four armed giant is a little stronger than the number 33.

Therefore, it is normal to fail on the 33rd.

But if we fight on the 33rd, it will prove that his strength is indeed very strong, and he can defeat the enemy by leaps, which proves that he is indeed not a waste.

Hengyanlin will naturally appreciate such a talent.

If you want to stand beside him, if you don't have some characteristics of your own that can attract hengyanlin's attention, then it's impossible to appear beside hengyanlin, and even hengyanlin won't even look at it.

Because Heng Yanlin doesn't want to waste time on these brainless mediocrities.

At this moment, the fierce battle continues.

When such a huge green tree was summoned on the 33rd, his face also became a little pale, his breathing became a little short, and his chest fluctuated up and down.

Because he used the powerful technique of "holding the Cang tree forever", he almost emptied all the aura in No. 33's body. Fortunately, when he was a killer in the assassin League in the past, he also accumulated a lot of assets. Otherwise, I'm afraid he really may not be able to support it.

"Ga wipe!"

At this moment, after gasping for several times, on the 33rd, he moved his tongue, rolled up a pill hidden under his teeth, and then severely bit it down.

Suddenly, a powerful force surged out of the broken pills, and in an instant, it flowed towards the limbs and bones of No. 33, making him feel warm all over his body, and his mental state also recovered a little, no longer as tired as before.

At this moment, it was useless for the four armed giant to slap out. When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened, and then a low roar rang out in the mouth of the four armed giant, and then there were Sen Han's eyes released in her eyes, and immediately her four arms were raised high.

At the moment of lifting, I only heard the roaring sound of the void, and there were countless blood red auras converging on her palm, emitting a hot, fierce breath, and then condensed into a blood red cone of fire, holding the terrible energy to burn everything, and throwing it out mercilessly.

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The four palms waved by the four armed giant were very fast, just like the afterimage, and immediately there were blood red cones shooting out, which made the whole sky show a blood red scene, just like the purgatory world tearing up layers of time and space and coming to the human world. The evil breath surged, and people's hearts and minds felt a tremor.

Looking at the dense blood red cone shooting at him, a thick color also appeared on the face of No. 33. Immediately, he took a deep breath and said to himself, "come on, you can!"

The words fell, and the eyes of No. 33 burst out with bright essence. Then his hands began to seal quickly, controlling the huge green tree in front of him.


At that moment, inspired by the idea of the 33rd, the blue giant tree shook up, and the lush green light radiated, glowing with vitality.

Then, on top of the blue giant trees, there were trees and vines.

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