In order to preserve the spiritual power in the spirit stone, after the breakthrough in cultivation, Heng Yanlin began to use his own spiritual power and began to refine the spirit stone. As usual, Mu Shishan brought some food to hengyanlin, including her share.

She is ready to work with Heng Yanlin to solve the lunch food here.

When Mu Shishan came in, he looked at the clear two batches of Zhuqing liquid in Jinghe River, and was slightly stunned. It was strange that hengyanlin divided Zhuqing liquid into two batches this time.

This liquid, which is not diluted, is divided into two levels: high-level and low-level.

Seeing Mu Shishan's puzzled expression, Heng Yanlin explained the situation directly. It is estimated that there will be trouble in the future.

After listening to Heng Yanlin's explanation, Mu Shishan suddenly nodded. Then she looked at the new Zhuqing liquid on the side. She couldn't hide her thoughts. She stepped on high-heeled shoes.

"I'll take a bottle and see how it works." Mu Shishan's face is full of charming and simple color, as if she was a little woman begging for things from her boyfriend.

Women love beauty. Naturally, there are not too many things like zhuiqing liquid, which can help them maintain a better appearance. Mu Shishan will not let go of a better thing.

So I immediately came with a bottle, ready to take it back and use it by myself.

Hengyanlin naturally doesn't care about Mu Shishan's actions. If the other party takes all of these Zhuqing liquid, he won't have any opinions.

"This time, how can you know to say these things? I thought you wouldn't say them?"

Mu Shishan took Zhuqing liquid, poured out some directly, and then daubed it on her face and on the back of her hand. On the other hand, she took a look at Heng Yanlin, and then asked.

Heng Yanlin listened to this, stunned for a moment, some do not understand, Mu Shishan this is what to say.

Seeing hengyanlin's expression of some doubts, Mu Shishan told hengyanlin what had happened before. When Heng Yanlin just made a breakthrough, a message suddenly spread on the Internet, that is, advanced Zhuqing liquid can be saved a little when someone is in critical condition. Not only that, you are suddenly seriously injured, but also you can use this advanced liquid as emergency treatment.

When the news just came out, many netizens were sniffing at it. No one would believe this nonsense. After all, Zhuqing liquid is really very effective and useful.

But the problem is, this thing is just a skin care products, who will take it to eat, this is not a brain teaser? Can you eat skin care products? If you can eat, go back to the bath gel and other things, are able to eat.

And when people questioned, the netizen also made a surprise, that is, this matter is actually what the R & D personnel of Zhuqing liquid said, that is, hengyanlin.

The reason is that someone in her family was critically ill. At that time, Heng Yanlin asked her to take out the liquid and drink it to the patient. After that, the first aid was successful. The patient was able to speak at that time, and his spirit was very good.

Just for this, it only lasted for a period of time, but as a first aid thing, in fact, sometimes, a period of time is able to save the next person.

At present, the medical means are actually very developed, but if you do not rescue in time, it is a dead word.

After this incident broke out, some people were suspicious. Because of the doubts in their hearts, they all called the headquarters of Shilan group. However, no one in the Shilan group knew about it.

Even Mu Shishan didn't know about this matter at all. She wanted to ask Heng Yanlin, but when Heng Yanlin made a breakthrough, she already told her not to disturb him at this time. He had very important things to deal with and could not disturb him.

Mu Shishan didn't know whether it was like this or not. She could only tell her that it was not convenient to disclose it at present. If she said that she was not clear about it, it would be too bad to talk about it, so she could only use this to block it back.

The attitude of Shilan group makes some people even more strange. However, sometimes some local tyrants are idle. When they know about this, they directly take high-level Zhuqing liquid and then find animals for experiment.

After the animals are dying, they are filled with liquid in.

Facts have proved that this high-level liquid is really very powerful. It was originally a dying animal, but it was so alive, only for a short time.

But after that, although it was still a little dying, it was much better than before.

And after this video was sent out, everyone felt very incredible. As a skin care product, Zhuqing liquid has a very adverse effect. Now it can be used as an emergency medicine. Is it going to heaven?After all, this may be something that will save one's life in the future, so this thing, in an instant, is uploaded crazy on the Internet. This medicine can be called holy medicine!

However, the definition of this thing is actually a skin care product, which makes people cry and laugh. Is this to sit on skin care products and monopolize other people's pharmacies?

If so, it would be too inhumane.

After listening to Mu Shishan's explanation, Heng Yanlin realized that he didn't tell Mu Shishan about one of the hidden things of Zhuqing liquid. This time, the effect of the two batches was completely different. However, he knew it, and it was inevitable that Mu Shishan would make fun of it.

Heng Yanlin is embarrassed when he hears the speech. In fact, he has forgotten about it. After all, at that time, it was made as a skin care product.

Moreover, in the cultivation world, who cares about such things? Each has a very good healing elixir, so naturally, for a time, they will not notice this.

I've been here for a while, but sometimes, some ideas can't be changed easily.

"In any case, because of this, our liquid is in a big fire again. It is estimated that it will not be long before the hospital sends people to buy some of it."

At this time, Mu Shishan also said with a smile that it could be used as an emergency medicine, and it was universal. It was estimated that no one would be indifferent.

The hospital will be equipped with more and more patients when they die.

It is not easy to erect a word of mouth. When there is a good word-of-mouth, it will have a very good effect for Shilan group in the future.

"This is a good thing, but there are also some problems."

What Heng Yanlin thinks about is that he is a little far away.

Originally, this liquid has made a lot of people think about it, but now it's the same thing. At that time, there will only be more people who care about this thing. Moreover, this liquid in green is now directly becoming a more advanced thing.

The things that can save people's lives at critical moments can arouse the salivation of countless people. I'm afraid that at present, some people who are ready to move can no longer resist their own greed. They want to take this kind of liquid for themselves.

Mu Shishan listened to Heng Yanlin's words, a little stunned. Then she understood what Heng Yanlin was referring to. This Zhuqing liquid was already hot, and now it is undoubtedly burning a fire. Mu Shishan originally had a great antipathy to those who kept coming to the door and wanted to use various means to seize zhuiqing liquid. Now, when the matter happened, she thought that the future waves would only become bigger, but also had some helplessness.

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