Of course, it's not so much that 33 has determined the answer, but rather that those who are present with a little brain have already understood the answer of this past event.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin looked at Bai Lili and asked aloud, "Bai Lili, do you believe that Qingyi guest so?"

Hearing this, Bai Lili almost answered without hesitation: "of course, he saved us from the deep water, and also cultivated our benefactor to grow up!"

"Save you from deep trouble? I can't see it." Hengyan Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Bai Lili's pretty face immediately became gloomy, glared at Heng Yanlin, and said in a cold voice, "Heng Yanlin, what do you mean? I hope you can show some respect!"

"That is, Qingyi guest is the best person!"

"If it weren't for the Qingyi guest, we would have been dead!"

At present, these girls glared at Heng Yanlin one after another. It was obvious that Heng Yanlin had violated the scales in their hearts. Even if Heng Yanlin was handsome and charming, it was useless.

Hearing the words, Heng Yanlin didn't care about his handsome face. After all, for him, there was no need to care about the anger of these people at all. After all, a benefactor who raised them for so many years, now being pointed out by others, it was understandable that they were angry.

Heng Yanlin opened his mouth and said, "I know his importance to you, but are you sure he is really kind?"

"Otherwise? Is there any ulterior purpose for him to raise us for so many years?" Bai Lili looked at Heng Yanlin, pulled the corners of her mouth slightly, and a sarcastic smile appeared, saying loudly to Heng Yanlin.

Heng Yanlin didn't speak, but 33 smiled and said to Bai Baihe, "Miss Bai Baihe, you don't have to be so angry, and we just have some doubts from every clue."

"Doubt a benefactor who has raised me for more than ten years? I can't!" The white lily gave a cold hum and said in a cold voice.

Thirty three heard this sentence, immediately there was some helplessness, it is clear that white lily they have begun to play with their emotions.

Therefore, as long as 33 gave his eyes to Heng Yanlin, because this was after all what Heng Yanlin did, so he had to let Heng Yanlin solve it.

Heng Yanlin didn't care when he saw 33 deliver his eyes. Then he looked at Bai Baihe and them. Even with a smile, he said aloud, "since it's like this, I really want to ask you why you believe him so much? What did he do to make you believe that these words he said are true?"

"Because he is also a person in that mine, who survived by luck!"

Seeing that Heng Yanlin still didn't want to believe it, Bai Baihe naturally didn't say any more nonsense and said frankly about this matter: "moreover, in those days, he also worked hard to dig out all the skeletons of our parents from the abandoned mine, so that we could bury our parents with our own hands, so as to avoid their bad end!"

"Isn't such behavior enough?"

"Of course not!"

However, when Bai Baihe said these words, Heng Yanlin's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and at the same time, his voice suddenly became cold and sounded, which directly scared Bai Baihe and others to suddenly jump in their hearts.

"Because these two points you said alone are already very suspicious!"

Hearing that Heng Yanlin was still suspicious of the Qingyi guest, Bai Baihe was startled, but a cold smile still appeared on her pretty face and chose to fight:

"Well, tell me, why is it suspicious?"

Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin immediately frowned slightly. He had his guess and reasoning, but what he wanted to say was really a waste of too much tongue. He didn't want to say so much. He was very tired. At present, his eyes looked at 33 and said faintly, "explain it to them."

"First, you said he survived from the mine, so I want to ask, why didn't he go to the inspection department for filing?" Thirty three first asked this question.

"Hehe, at that time, the Green family had secretly colluded with the inspector general and wanted to kill all the people who got the secret in the mine. How do you think he could go back and report it?" Bai Baili sneered and retorted.

"Well, now that you have said so, I have another question to ask you again. I'm afraid there are more than inspectors in the outer city in the steel core city? If something like this happens, you can completely complain to the inspectors in the inner city, right? Don't say you didn't even think of it." XXXIII raises such a question again.

"Of course, we have tried, but the Qingyi guest said that there are also people from the Green family in the governor chasi. Once we pass, they will definitely find us. Then we will be dead, so we can't go to the inner city to find the governor chasi!" White lily explained again.

"Then, have you ever investigated this?"

"Why investigate?" Bai Lili asked back.

"If you don't investigate, how can you know whether this is true or false? You just trust him?"

White lily answered with almost no hesitation, "of course."

"Well, in that case, it's over. The second thing is, your parents... Are you sure it's really your parents?"

White lily smelled the words, her face changed, glared at 33, and said in a cold voice, "33, what do you mean?"

"Don't be angry, Miss White Lily. Why are you so angry? Aren't we investigating?" 33 immediately raised his hands and said to her with a smile, "because I'm really curious about the ability of the Qingyi man in your mouth to dig out the bodies buried under the mine."

"There is no special intention, but if the mine was bombed and collapsed by something at that time, it was almost impossible to enter it, unless it was dug a new channel with various scientific and technological means."

"But it is obvious that the Qingyi man in your mouth can dig out the bodies of your parents from the mine. Then I want to ask, how on earth did he do it?"

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