Of course, Li Qingyi's disdain smile from the corners of his mouth was not only aimed at Zhang Cuihua, but also, more importantly, he showed contempt and disdain for this spiritual method released by 33.

For Li Qingyi, there are too many flaws in this "wave fist seal" of 33.

Therefore, Li Qingyi just slightly raised his palm and stretched out a finger, and then the blue aura gathered on his fingertips, and then there was a strange blue light flashing in the depths of his eyes, as if he could see through all secrets, and finally he hit the blue fist print slightly towards 33.


The next second, a crack appeared on the surface of the blue fist print, and then this crack began to spread out, with countless cracks covering it.


Li Qingyi said softly.


The blue fist print finally exploded like a bomb, and a strong force exploded in it, severely impacting 33's body and blowing 33's body out.

At that moment, 33 hit the ground heavily like a broken kite.

Suddenly, the ground shook, the dust and smoke rolled, and the blood in his body churned, making 33 feel like he was hit by a heavy hammer, especially uncomfortable.

33 took a deep breath and tried to stabilize the injury in his body. Even if he struggled to get up, he raised his head and wanted to fight with Li Qingyi.

However, at this moment, 33 heard a burst of "Da Da Da" rapid footsteps behind him.

This made thirty-three heart is a "click", secretly thought: "no?"

At that moment, 33 turned his head and looked over. Sure enough, he found that three figures appeared in his line of sight in the smoke.

Those are the three girls of Zhang Cuihua.

There was a helpless color on thirty-three's face. Looking at them, he said aloud, "I said, aren't you? I let you leave here. How did you return?"

At this moment, when Zhang Cuihua and her friends saw 33, their delicate and beautiful faces also had a thick color of amazement. Immediately, they looked at each other, and then white Lili said to 33, "we really ran away, but we don't know why, we came back!"


Thirty three heard this, his face slightly changed, suddenly turned around and looked at Li Qingyi, but found that Li Qingyi didn't do anything at this time, just looking at them quietly.

This made thirty-three's eyebrows frown tightly. I don't know why, there was a bad premonition surging out of his heart.

At that moment, 33 said to the white lily, "try again."

Hearing what 33 said, Bai Baihe nodded gently at 33, then turned around and left again.

At this time, 33 didn't shoot Li Qingyi again, but wanted to see if there was any trap here, so that Bai Baihe and the three of them could spin around in situ.

Sure enough, after a while, three figures appeared here in the smoke.

It's not Zhang Cuihua. Who can it be?

Seeing that the three of them came back in place again, 33's mood burst in an instant.

He turned around, looked at Li Qingyi, his eyes became extremely deep, and asked in a cold voice, "what did you do to them?"

When Li Qingyi heard this, a faint smile appeared on his face and said aloud, "what have I done to them, just as you can see?"

"I have laid a fog formation within a radius of tens of meters. Without my permission, it's a fool's dream to leave my fog formation, so I advise you that you'd better follow me honestly, after all, you can't leave here."

Hearing Li Qingyi's explanation, 33's eyes immediately became dignified. When he saw Zhang Cuihua and their return in situ, he had guessed this situation, but before he heard Li Qingyi's personal explanation, he still had a trace of expectation.

But unfortunately, this expectation did not come as expected.

At this moment, the three of Zhang Cuihua had come forward, side by side with 33.

Thirty three swept the three of them, frowned and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Naturally, I will fight side by side with you." Zhang Cuihua said.


"There's nothing but," hearing what 33 wanted to say, Bai Baihe interrupted him very simply and rudely, and continued at the same time, "What's more, we can't leave here now, can't we? So if we want to leave here, we have to defeat this guy. Only by defeating him, can we break the fog formation. Otherwise, we can only turn around here."

"Yes, we think if we work together, we won't lose to him?" Tian Xin also said such a sentence.

Hearing that the three women had said so, 33 smiled faintly, and then looked at Li Qingyi straight in the eye, and said faintly, "what you said is not wrong. In that case, let's have a fight, but I didn't expect that I would have the fate of being a protagonist."

Hearing 33's words, Zhang Cuihua and her three daughters threw a big white eye at him unhappily, and then looked at Li Qingyi Qi Qi Qi, with a serious look on their faces.

Seeing that thirty-four people actually wanted to fight against themselves together, Li Qingyi gently shook his head, and a cold smile appeared on his rather handsome face, followed by a cold tone: "it's really interesting, but you think the four of you fight against me together, do you really think you can defeat me? It's really naive!"

Thirty three heard the speech, smiled gently, and said aloud, "who knows? At least we are willing to try hard. Maybe we can succeed if we try hard?"

Li Qingyi said expressionless, "you won't have this chance to succeed."

"Then maybe!"

Thirty three smell speech, but a faint smile, immediately eyes become sharp.

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