At the same time when Bai Baihe shot, Tian Xin's eyes also burst out a bright light, and a soft drink came out of her mouth.

"Xuanshan suppression!"


A huge mountain seal condensed in the void, glittering, emitting a thick, huge breath, fell from the sky, and went towards the suppression of Li Qingyi.

Three girls, three forces, powerful, extremely terrible!

After 33, who was standing outside the array, felt it, his body could not help shaking, and there was a color of surprise in his eyes. Then he thought to himself, "my God, these women are too fierce? Sure enough, women are really not a group of annoying creatures!"

33 secretly swore in his heart that he would never be able to provoke these women casually, otherwise, he would not know how he died?

At this moment, Li Qingyi watched these three strong offensives rush towards him, and finally there was a slight change in his handsome face.

Because in these three offensives, Li Qingyi also felt a threat.

After all, the heavy water Xuan Dharma array laid by 33 institutes was there, which greatly suppressed his action force, so if he didn't do something, I'm afraid he would really be injured.

At that moment, Li Qingyi's eyes flashed a cold look, and he said to himself, "I originally wanted to take you away with the least cost, but since you are so toasting and don't eat and drink, don't blame me for not remembering the old love in the past and giving you a heavy hand."

Yes, at this moment, Li Qingyi has decided to burst out his real strength.

What Li Qingyi has just done, in fact, has not released his real strength.

Because Li Qingyi felt that to deal with these guys, he didn't need to burst out how powerful he was. Moreover, if he could take them away in a low-key way, it would naturally be the best thing.

After all, Li Qingyi doesn't want to attract the one who is visiting the green house now.

Yes, the person li Qingyi is very afraid of is hengyanlin.

Although Li Qingyi has never dealt with hengyanlin head-on, he has been thunderous about hengyanlin's recent intelligence.

You know, even the prefecture level killer of the assassin alliance was easily killed by hengyanlin, not to mention Li Qingyi himself.

Although Li Qingyi knew that his strength was indeed stronger than the prefecture level killer of the assassin alliance, Li Qingyi still had a strong fear in the face of hengyanlin, because he had seen hengyanlin from a distance, and he could not feel the depth of hengyanlin's strength.

Therefore, if there is no need, Li Qingyi really doesn't want to bump into Heng Yanlin face to face.

But now at this time, there is no way. The joint offensive of these guys has made him no longer so complacent, and he can only use his real strength.

Although it is likely to be noticed by Heng Yanlin after using his real strength, it doesn't matter. There must be some buffer time, so this buffer time is enough for Li Qingyi to take Zhang Cuihua and them away by himself.

Thinking of this, Li Qingyi no longer hesitated and began to urge the aura in his body.

At the same time, the three strong offensives have been mercilessly bombarding Li Qingyi's position.


When the energy fluctuation reached the extreme, it exploded violently. The light of three different colors, blue, white and yellow, were intertwined. With the surging energy fluctuation, a three color mushroom cloud was formed. Waves of strong wind swept the four directions, and the dust and smoke surged, looking at the spectacular outside.

When Zhang Cuihua saw the scene in front of them, they all widened their eyes and watched carefully.

White lily opened her mouth and asked aloud, "did you succeed?"

Zhang Cuihua shook her head and replied, "I don't know."

With these words, Zhang Cuihua's beautiful eyes showed a complex look.

Intellectually, she told Zhang Cuihua that she hoped Li Qingyi could suffer heavy losses under the joint offensive of the three of them, and even die on the spot. This was the best result.

But emotionally, I told Zhang Cuihua that Li Qingyi was also their former nurturing benefactor and taught the master. Is it too cruel to die like this?

So Zhang Cuihua's inner emotions are still very complicated.

After a short period of time, the billowing dust finally dissipated, and immediately, a figure emerged in the dust.

When they saw a standing figure there, they were stunned.

"Isn't it?"

"Are you kidding?"

"Is that impossible?"

The third daughter of Zhang Cuihua looked at the figure in the gradually dissipated dust and smoke. The whole delicate body seemed to have been hit by lightning, and her mood burst instantly.

Then, under their gaping gaze, the figure finally appeared in their sight.

It is clear that it is Li Qingyi.

At this moment, Li Qingyi's aura has turned into a blue flame, and the smell of evil and darkness is diffuse, just like the God of death from hell, which is frightening and creepy.

"Hell fire!"

Seeing the blue flame released from Li Qingyi, 33, who had been in the assassin League for a long time, was also well-informed, so he soon recognized what the green flame surging on Li Qingyi was, so that his face changed at that moment and cried in horror: "are you kidding?! this is impossible! How can you have the legendary dark fire!"

How could the flame from the Styx River on the other bank appear on Li Qingyi? What kind of Arabian Nights is this?!

Li Qingyi raised his head slightly, looked at 33, picked his eyebrows, and said faintly, "I didn't expect you to be so good at recognizing goods, and actually recognize that what's on me is Ming fire. It seems that you are still a little useful!"

At that moment, 33 stagnated for a moment, and immediately reacted, shouting at Zhang Cuihua and the three people, "run! Run! This fire is definitely not what we can bear, run!"

With this sentence, 33 quickly changed the printing method between his hands.

Then, the heavy water Xuanfa array controlled by 33 began to move, bursting out with more powerful forces.

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