Then, Li Qingyi slightly raised his fist and smashed it on the light curtain barrier.


The dark fire surged out of the fist and directly broke the light curtain barrier.

Li Qingyi looked down at Zhang Cuihua and said expressionless, "am I going to take you or are you going with me?"

Zhang Cuihua's face was expressionless, her eyes were extremely cold looking at Li Qingyi, and she didn't speak.

Li Qingyi uttered a cold hum, directly grabbed Zhang Cuihua's collar, vigorously lifted her up, and then glanced, and immediately saw an extremely terrible smell in the distance, like a storm rushing towards this side.

The intuitive feeling made Li Qingyi's face suddenly change color, and his heart became incomparably shocked, as if he saw a towering mountain, unattainable, which made him feel incomparably small!

"Is that Hengyan Lin?"

Li Qingyi narrowed his eyes and burst into a split mood. Immediately, he understood in his heart that if he really wanted to compete with Heng Yanlin, I'm afraid that even if his strength was really strong, he might not be able to suppress the front, even if he had a dark fire... I'm afraid it's useless!

At that moment, Li Qingyi grabbed Zhang Cuihua, quickly took her back to the position of 33, Bai Baihe and Tian Xin, and then opened a transmission array. With a "buzz", the void condensed into a vortex, and Li Qingyi took them into the vortex.

Then, the vortex closed, the void returned to calm again, and their figures disappeared completely.

It seems that nothing unusual has happened here.

After Li Qingyi took the four of Zhang Cuihua away, there was a rush of footsteps quickly followed up, and then he saw iris lying on the ground, unconscious.


So far, this is what happened in two hours.

Although Heng Yanlin didn't know the truth, he probably guessed that it should be Li Qingyi who took Zhang Cuihua and the four of them.

"Mr. Lin, what should we do next?" Looking at Heng Yanlin, Lu Yang frowned tightly and asked aloud.

"This matter should not be publicized. After all, it involves the supervision department, and it is also the deputy director general. If you make a big fuss about finding someone, it will certainly attract their attention, and some unnecessary trouble will happen."

Hearing Lvyang's inquiry, Heng Yanlin's handsome face didn't look much flustered, but calmly said such a sentence to Lvyang.

Lu Yang nodded again and again and said, "Mr. Lin, what you said is exactly what I think, but if it's like this, it means that we can't find people with great fanfare. In this way, it will only restrict us from doing more things. I'm afraid it's not so easy to find them."

"No, I know where they are," hearing Lvyang's words, Heng Yanlin gently shook his head and said faintly, "but I didn't expect that they would come so soon. It seems that they noticed our actions."

Hearing hengyanlin's words, Lvyang also felt that there was something incredible. Hengyanlin didn't even know what happened here. He already knew clearly where they went with Zhang Cuihua? Is this the ability to predict? Isn't this amazing?

Seeing green Yang's eyes widened, he looked like he had seen a God, which made Heng Yanlin have to explain: "all this is what I inferred from the truth of the previous green label."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, green Yang immediately frowned tightly, and his face was full of confusion. Immediately, he shouted at Heng Yanlin and asked, "Mr. Lin, to be honest, I really want to know now, what truth did you get in the green label? And looking at you... It seems to be a little broad?"

"It's really a little involved. Let's go back and talk."

Heng Yanlin said faintly, turned and walked forward.

Zhang Cuihua and others have no idea that they have been robbed by any strong ones, but seeing Hengyan Lin is not in a hurry at all, which makes Lvyang's heart also have confused emotions surging up, but since Hengyan Lin is not in a hurry, Lvyang naturally won't say anything.

Moreover, Heng Yanlin's so calm appearance also made Lvyang a little more at ease, and his mood was not so irritable.

Back in the main hall, Hengyan Lin was preparing to return to his seat, but at this moment, Lvyang directly opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Lin, please come and sit here."

Hengyan Lin looked over with Lvyang's eyes and found that the seat Lvyang wanted to sit in was actually his main seat, which made him a little surprised, but soon he just shook his head and calmly said, "no, the master of the house is yours, you can sit well, and the priority is clear."


When Lu Yang wanted to say something more, Heng Yanlin gently shook his head at him and motioned him with his eyes not to say more.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin had already signaled himself with his eyes, Lu Yang had to gently nod his head and give up the idea. He also returned to the main seat, but he didn't know why. He found that he was sitting in this position, very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

It was the first time for him to feel like this in charge of the green house for so many years.

Why on earth is this?

Is it because of the existence of hengyanlin, a super strong man?

Or did his mentality change because of the recent changes in the green house?

At this moment, many people returned to the hall.

"Mr. Lin, where are Cui Hua and them?"

One of the nine women had a goose face. The woman with yellow hair glanced at it and didn't find several girls in Zhang Cuihua. Then she looked at hengyanlin and asked aloud.

This yellow haired woman is called He Jie. Among the nine girls, she is the youngest one, similar to Tian Xin, so she is basically called Jiezi.

Hearing he Jie's inquiry, Heng Yanlin said calmly with a look on his face, "he was caught."

"What?! caught!"

He Jie and many other girls stared wide, and a look of shock appeared on their beautiful faces.

He Jie hurriedly shouted and said, "have you been taken away? The little sweetheart has been taken away with you?"

"What about sister Baihe? Where is she? Where has she gone?" Another girl asked.

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