Su Yu was surprised to see Mu Shishan not angry, but after hearing Mu Shishan's inquiry, Su Yu quickly reacted, He opened his mouth to Mu Shishan and said, "because Mr. Lin's spiritual world has been controlled by the magic array? So once you enter Mr. Lin's spiritual world, the magic array will certainly be found, because we all know that if you can trap Mr. Lin's spiritual consciousness in the spiritual world, then only another consciousness can do it, so it is obvious that this magic array is conscious."

"Although I don't know what this magic array consciousness wants to do, if it goes on like this, Mr. Lin will definitely sink deeper and deeper, and there will be no way to wake up from the magic array in the end..."

"Say the point!"

Before Su Yu finished speaking, Mu Shishan said coldly with a trace of impatience in her tone, because she had really heard enough of Su Yu barabara's nonsense.

"That is to say, in order to prevent being detected by the magic array, I have to disguise you as a talent in the magic array, so that you won't be detected by the magic array."

"So, what do you mean..." hearing Su Yu's words, Mu Shishan's show eyebrows slightly wrinkled, but she still didn't understand these meanings in Su Yu's words, because she said it too ambiguous.

"That is to say, I need to project you to one of the people in the magic array, replace her, and you will correspondingly get the person replaced by you in the magic array, but specifically, this person... I don't know what it is, man or demon, man or woman, and I can't be sure. I can only invest at any time, because in the shortest time, I can only accurately study here."

"So, you don't know which 'creature' I will project on?"

This made Mu Shishan's forehead burst out a blue vein, and he said angrily, "if you project me at a distance of 18000 miles from Yanlin, wouldn't it be cool? If you still look for a fart like this, isn't it a waste of time?"

"This is not going to happen!"

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Su Yu quickly shook his head and said to her, "although there is no way to accurately select the target for spiritual projection, the distance I set is absolutely no more than everything within 500 meters of Mr. Lin's projection target. Therefore, if you are lucky, you may appear directly next to Mr. Lin at the moment of projection."

"In that case, it's OK."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Mu Shishan was also a little relieved, but her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and a confused expression appeared on her exquisite and beautiful face. Then she looked at Su Yu, opened her mouth, and asked aloud, "then according to what you said, I am one of the targets randomly projected into the spiritual world, won't I project it onto Yan Lin?"

Su Yu heard the speech, smiled at the moment, and said with a tone full of certainty: "of course not. After all, Mr. Lin is the master of the spiritual world, so it is naturally impossible to project it on him."

Seeing that Su Yu had already said so, Mu Shishan naturally did not have too much entanglement on this issue. At present, she looked at Su Yu and asked aloud, "what else? Is there anything else to remind?"

Su Yu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "there are no other problems. If there are other problems, I will contact you."


Hearing Su Yu's words, Mu Shishan asked, "my spiritual consciousness has been projected into Yan Lin's spiritual world. Can you still contact me?"

"Of course, the function of the spiritual projection helmet is very powerful. Madam, you must not underestimate it. Although it looks like a fake on the surface, in fact, it is the only guarantee to ensure the safety of your spiritual world in Mr. Lin!"

Speaking of this, Su Yu's tone was full of pride and pride.

"Come on, come on, I know you're strong."

Mu Shishan smelled the speech, but gave a very perfunctory compliment. Then she stretched out her jade hand, took the spiritual projection helmet from Su Yu's hand, and then swept it, and asked aloud, "how do you use this thing? Can you put it on directly?"

"Yes, just put it on!"

Su Yu heard the speech, then nodded and answered aloud.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Mu Shishan nodded gently in response, and then her eyes turned to purple charm, and said softly, "Purple charm, then everything here is up to you. Look at Su Yu, and don't let him have any trouble again!"

Hearing this, Su Yu immediately frowned, and with a helpless look on his face, he said to Mu Shishan, "madam, what have I done to make you think I'm so unreliable? It seems not!"

Mu Shishan heard the speech, glanced at Su Yu, and said faintly, "have you done anything unreliable? Haven't you counted it in your heart?"

When Su Yu wanted to say something more, Mu Shishan opened her mouth and said aloud, "come on, don't grind, hurry to prepare!"

"All right!"

Su Yuxin sighed in her hair and thought to herself, "it seems that this unreliable name is really going to fall on her head!"

Looking at Su Yu's shaking head and helpless appearance, Mu Shishan also smiled, turned her head to purple charm, and whispered, "in fact, Su Yu is a very good man, but he hasn't fully matured yet, so purple charm, if you really want to be with him, you have to be mentally prepared, and you have to give him more time to grow up, so that he can become more mature and stable."

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, purple charm's beautiful face appeared with a touch of crimson, and then said softly, "madam, why did you suddenly talk to me about this? I, I don't want to be with him. I just want to serve my wife well, which is enough!"

Mu Shishan heard the speech, immediately shook her head and laughed. Looking at zimie, she whispered, "don't I know what's in your heart? OK, anyway, I've already said what I should say, and everything is up to you."

Purple charm's pretty face immediately appeared with a serious color, and nodded seriously at Mu Shishan.

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