With the printing method of green Yang's one hand constantly flipping, there was an ancient smell on him, and his mouth was plausible:

"People from ancient times, please listen to my call and protect everything you built in the past!"

"Come out! Giant soldiers!!"

With this voice recording, Lvyang's palm was severely patted on the ground.


Suddenly, a sound like a bee shouting rang out in the void. Immediately, a light stripe appeared on the ground, and finally converged to the two places on the far left and right, forming a circular spiritual array, and then



The red column of light rose into the sky!

The blue column of light rose into the sky!

Then, in the column of light, there appeared a huge puppet that looked like Gao Da.

As soon as Gao Da's puppet appeared, there was a smell of terror, which made the void tremble slightly.

These two Gao Da puppets, one is red and the other is blue.

The red gauda puppet exudes a fiery breath. It seems that it should have the flame attribute of burning everything.

The blue tall puppet exudes a thick breath. Obviously, it should be the heavy water attribute that drowns everything.

Fire and heavy water!

These are the giant magic soldiers who have guarded the ancestral temple in the past dynasties!

Only the owners of previous dynasties can summon them and obey their orders.

However, Heng Yanlin felt that although these two giant magic soldiers were very strong, it was impossible to deal with these two monsters.

As for the lizard demon and the fox demon, when they saw the two giant magic soldiers in front of them, they also opened their mouths and smiled ferociously, without any fear at all.

Seeing the lizard demon man and the fox demon man didn't mean to be afraid at all, which made green Yang frown slightly, and made a little uneasy mood surge out of his heart, but soon he calmed down again, and gave a cold hum heavily in his mouth, Cold voice said, "this is the giant magic soldiers of our Green family who have guarded the ancestral temple for generations. Now, give you a chance to surrender, otherwise, you will bear the anger of the giant magic soldiers!"

When the lizard demon and the fox demon heard this, they looked at each other, and then they giggled.

"Ouch, giant soldiers!"

"How scared!"

"Come and hit us!"

"Come on, come on!"

Hearing the words spoken by the lizard demon man and the fox demon population, how can Lvyang not know that this is ridiculed?

This made the face on the green sun's face become extremely iron blue, and the inner emotion was extremely angry, just like a volcano about to erupt.

Therefore, Lu Yang roared angrily, "since you don't drink and punish, don't blame me for being merciless!"

"Great soldiers, up, crush the enemy!"


At that moment, the giant divine soldier's eyes were shining with a bright light, and the fire giant divine soldier took a step forward, and then his body suddenly rushed out, and in a flash appeared in front of the two demons, and then he slammed at the lizard demons with a fist.

At that moment, the void sent out a strange howling sound of "wuwuwu", as if it was about to be torn apart by the terrible fist wind emitted by this fist, causing the whole space to vibrate violently.

However, in the face of such a fierce blow, the lizard demon didn't have any fear at all. Instead, he quietly closed his eyes. Looking at that, it was like giving up resistance.

Green Yang saw it, and immediately a cold smile appeared on his face. He said in a cold voice, "it's really death. Do you think that if you don't resist, the giant soldiers won't attack you? Crush him, the giant soldiers!"

As for Heng Yanlin, his handsome and charming face was calm. Looking at what was happening in front of him, he just felt that there was a great chance that the giant magic soldiers of Lvyang should have no effect on them. Otherwise, they would not appear so fearless.

Yes, as hengyanlin expected.

When the giant magic army was about to hit the lizard demon, it suddenly stopped when it was less than half a meter away from him.

Seeing the fire giant god soldier suddenly stopped, green Yang's face was full of cold smiles, and his face showed a look of consternation. Even if he frowned tightly, he shouted in a deep voice, "giant god soldier, what are you doing? Do it!"

However, the red eyes of the fire giant magic soldier kept turning, scanning the lizard demon and the fox demon, and found that their blood was not the enemy. Finally, he withdrew his palm, because the system in its body determined that these were his own people and could not deal with them.

Seeing that the fire giant divine soldier actually stopped, Lvyang really felt very incredible. He didn't understand why it was like this!

"What on earth is this?"

Lu Yang murmured in his mouth. Immediately, he raised his head and looked at the other heavy water giant magic soldier. He shouted coldly, "heavy water giant magic soldier, take action and solve these two invaders!"

The eyes of the heavy water giant magic soldier are also flashing blue light, constantly rotating, and constantly scanning the lizard monster and fox monster. Then, like the fire giant magic soldier, it found that these two monsters are not enemies, so under the judgment of the system, it can't attack these two monsters.

So, the two giant magic soldiers stood in place and did nothing.

Seeing what happened in front of him, Lvyang was really shocked, and his inner emotions exploded directly.

Lu Yang couldn't figure out why the giant magic soldiers guarding the ancestral temple would not attack the two invaders, lizard demon and fox demon. What's the matter? Is it bad?

Green Yang kept giving orders, but the two giant magic soldiers were unmoved, which made green Yang extremely anxious.

"Jie Jie Jie, do you find that you can't call your giant magic soldier?" At this moment, a sad and strange laugh rang in the mouth of the lizard demon, and the tone was full of pride.

"It's a pity that such a good masterpiece can't be ordered. It's a pity!" The fox demon also spread his palm, shook his head, and said faintly.


Green Yang gnashed his teeth. Naturally, he could see that the two demons were mocking him, but this made green Yang very confused.

Why is it like this?

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