"What's your feeling? I don't know what you mean by this sentence, Mr. Lin."

Hearing this sentence from Heng Yan Lin Kou, Mu Shi asked back with a smile.

Of course, Mu Shishan didn't know what Heng Yanlin said. Even if she knew, she wouldn't take the initiative to say it.

Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin showed a gentle smile on his handsome face. Then he looked at Mu Shishan and whispered, "I believe with Miss iris' intelligence, I can guess what I just said."

Hearing this, Mu Shishan just smiled faintly and said softly, "I'm really smart, but in front of Mr. Lin, my IQ is not enough."

"Miss iris, you are really too modest."

"I didn't. I just didn't tell the truth."

Heng Yanlin gently shook his head, not too much in Mu Shishan's words. After all, in Heng Yanlin's heart, Mu Shishan should be a very smart woman, but why didn't I find it before? Is it because I used to be blind? Or is it because she is too low-key?

Hengyanlin didn't know such a thing in his heart, but hengyanlin understood that it was very comfortable to be with iris now, so that hengyanlin didn't want to change and destroy.

Of course, Heng Yanlin doesn't know. Now iris is not the real iris, but mu Shishan.

Can you feel uncomfortable with your wife by your side?

But I don't know why, hengyanlin always feels that the current iris is not iris, but another person, but he has no rejection, which makes hengyanlin very strange in his heart.

However, after thinking for a while, Heng Yanlin found that he didn't seem to be able to figure out why, so after thinking for a while, he decided to give up.

Anyway... Whatever!

Since it's comfortable to stay next to others, it's better to continue to be comfortable.

So, soon, the two people did not have any words and began to be silent.

It's mainly because Mu Shishan doesn't know what to say to Heng Yanlin. After all, Heng Yanlin can't recognize himself now, so in other words, Mu Shishan can't talk to Heng Yanlin Chang now.

This made Mu Shishan feel a little worried.

Because she didn't know what to do next, she could make Heng Yanlin wake up.

But now I can't receive Su Yu's information, which is the most puzzling thing.


"Madam, can you hear me? Madam, zizizi..."

At this moment, Mu Shishan's mind seemed to ring out a clear sound, which sounded like Su Yu's voice.

At that moment, Mu Shishan was a little stunned, and immediately responded, saying silently in her heart, "Su Yu, is that you? Can you hear me?"

However, no matter how many sentences Mu Shishan silently recited in her heart, there was still no way to hear Su Yu's response.

This made Mu Shishan involuntarily frown and think to herself, "what's the matter? I clearly heard Su Yu's voice, is it an illusion?"

Mu Shishan didn't know very well, but she couldn't hear any sound at the moment, and she had to give up.

After all, Mu Shishan can't contact Su Yu and purple charm at all, so she can only continue to wait for them to contact her.

After a while, their chariot began to slow down.

Feeling that the speed began to slow down, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows slightly picked up and said faintly, "it looks like we have arrived."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan nodded gently, opened her mouth and said, "it should be."

"Mr. Lin, we have arrived."

At this moment, the driver in front said to Heng Yanlin behind.

With that, someone opened the door voluntarily.

"Go down."

Heng Yanlin said and got off the bus.

After getting off the bus, Heng Yanlin glanced and saw a huge mine in front of him.

At the same time, there are many walls and iron fences around the mine, with many signs: "no entry."

Heng Yanlin looked through the iron fence and then saw the mess inside.

At this moment, Lvyang came to Heng Yanlin and whispered to him, "Mr. Lin, everyone is ready."

"Then go in."

Lvyang's words came into Heng Yanlin's ears, but he just let Heng Yanlin nod gently, even if he opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Lu Yang nodded subconsciously. Just after nodding, Lu Yang reacted, looked up at Heng Yanlin, and asked aloud, "Mr. Lin, what did you just say?"

"Go in, what else can I say?"

Hearing Lvyang's inquiry, Heng Yanlin's handsome face showed a confused color, and he didn't understand why Lvyang would say such a sentence.

Lu Yang hesitated for a moment, and then opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Lin, let's go straight in like this... Is it not very good?"

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the question of Lvyang, Heng Yanlin shook his head gently and answered, "there is no need to be like this. Although the strength of LVYE has not fully recovered, it is impossible for him not to know that we have come here. Therefore, there is no need to cover up, so go in directly and boldly. I can't say that they have already been waiting for us in there."

When Lu Yang heard the words, he realized that all this had already been guessed by Heng Yanlin.

At that moment, Lu Yang nodded gently and replied, "it's like this. I see, Mr. Lin!"

"Let's go!"

At that moment, Heng Yanlin slightly raised his palm, gently waved it, and a aura turned into a sharp blade. He directly split the iron fence, and then took the lead to step in.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

At that moment, the iron fence flew out, rolled on the ground a few times, and sounded a clear sound.

These sounds echoed in the whole empty mine, and seemed particularly gloomy.

But these voices were just perceived by the Green family ancestors who were guarding here.

"Jie Jie, they are coming!"

"In that case, let's welcome them!"

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