Heng Yanlin's heart is really confused.

After all, Jiuyou's things can't be obtained casually.

How did this green leaf do it?

However, although his heart was full of confusion, it did not prevent Heng Yanlin from starting at the same time.

When this wave of purgatory heavy water surged towards him, Heng Yanlin slightly raised his palm, slightly clenched his fingers, clenched his fists, and rushed towards this wave of purgatory heavy water.

There are no fancy moves, which are very simple and direct.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin's fist was pounding away at the wave of purgatory heavy water launched by him, the corners of Shui Luocha's mouth pulled slightly, outlining a sneering smile, Xuan even said disdainfully, "dare to resist with meat fist? Do you really think your body is invincible? I tell you, my Inferno heavy water is no better than the Inferno fire, you can resist the Inferno fire, but my Inferno heavy water can suppress you to death!"

With this sentence, Shui Luocha even had a picture in his mind that Heng Yanlin would be crushed into meat sauce by his own purgatory heavy water.

Thinking of this, Shui Luocha felt very exciting, and his eyes showed a thick color of excitement.

However, although I think so, as I said before, the dream is beautiful and the reality is cruel.

What shuiluocha thought was really very good, but unfortunately, the person he met was hengyanlin.


When Heng Yanlin's fist touched with purgatory heavy water, Shui Luocha's imagined Heng Yanlin's fist was crushed, and the scene of blood and flesh flying did not appear. Instead, a powerful force spread on Heng Yanlin's fist, directly bombarding the purgatory heavy water to explode and shoot everywhere.

The infernal heavy water that shot out from all directions hit the ground hard, sending out a "bang bang" sound, and strong gravity broke out on the infernal heavy water. Everywhere, the ground was blasted out of pits of different sizes, and the dust and smoke were faint. It looked as if it had entered a fog.

"How is this possible?!"

When Shui Luocha saw the scene clearly in front of him, his eyes suddenly widened, and a touch of incredible eyes appeared in it. His inner mood also burst in an instant, and a startled voice rang out under his blue mask: "how is this possible?! how can you break up the heavy water of my purgatory with one punch? Just ordinary people, just ordinary people..."

"What about mere mortals?"

Hearing the words of shuiluocha, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows slightly lifted up, and his handsome face maintained a calm color. Looking at shuihuoluocha in front of him, the eyes revealed in his eyes were full of disdain, and he opened his mouth and sneered, "I'm a mortal, aren't you? It's hard to say that you think you can become the master after you get the power of Jiuyou? Do you want to laugh to death?"

Hearing the words said by Hengyan Linkou, the fire Luocha and the water Luocha looked at each other. Immediately, the fire Luocha gave a heavy cold hum and said in a cold voice, "boy, you don't know what we've experienced, so don't tell me what to do here, because you don't deserve it!"

"Well, I really don't deserve it, but you're not qualified to let me tell you what to do. After all, we are enemies," Heng Yanlin nodded gently, agreeing with what Huo Luocha said. At this moment, the eyes in his eyes also became extremely cold and his tone was somber. "Since it's the enemy, let's stop talking so much nonsense and see the truth!"

"Boy, it seems that you are really confident!"

"You want to deal with us?"

Shuihuo Luocha saw that Heng Yanlin was so confident, and his eyes were gloomy, and Han Sheng said.

"When you two appear here together, aren't you destined to deal with me together? Why pretend here?"

Hearing the words of Shuihuo Luocha, Hengyan Linton felt a little funny. Even if he shook his head gently, then he opened his mouth and said, "besides, don't think I don't know what your heart is thinking. You just want to delay time, and want to make more time for the green leaves, don't you?"

When Shuihuo Luocha heard what Heng Yanlin said, he glanced at each other again. His inner mood was also quite shocked, and he secretly thought, "this boy, how do you know what we think?"

Shuihuo Luocha knew very clearly in his heart that the boy in front of him did not look like what they had seen.

His strength is generally very strong. If he is a strong enemy, it is not easy to keep him. At present, the time required by green leaf is racing against time, so Shuihuo Luocha wants to delay him with words as much as possible, and try not to do it if possible. In this way, green leaf can create more time.

However, this conspiracy of Shuihuo Luocha was seen by hengyanlin in the blink of an eye. How can this not shock Shuihuo Luocha's heart?

Seeing the startled eyes revealed in the eyes of Shuihuo Luocha and Heng Yanlin, Heng Yanlin's handsome face also showed surprise, and he couldn't help murmuring: "is it really like this?"

Hengyan Linxin thought that he wanted to stay with a war of words, and then delay time so that green leaf could complete his plan!

The words that Hengyan Linkou said did not reduce the tone, so naturally, Shuihuo Luocha and Luocha could also hear the words that Hengyan Linkou said.

However, when Shuihuo Luocha heard hengyanlin's words, their faces suddenly changed, and Shuihuo Luocha shouted angrily, "are you cheating us?!"

Hearing the indignant voice of shuiluocha, Heng Yanlin couldn't help laughing and gently shook his head, Open your mouth and say: "I didn't expect you to be so stupid either. I just cheated you casually. I really don't understand how you can have purgatory fire and purgatory heavy water with such a brainless person. I don't think you should call it Shuihuo Luocha at all. Call it Shuihuo silly fork. Don't mention it. If I look at your shape like this, it's really like a silly fork!"

At last, Heng Yanlin also crossed his hands around his chest and said in a critical manner.

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