"Pay less, who is that guy? Are you so afraid of him?"

On Lin Xueyi's face, a red handprint was still on it. Seeing Fu Ziyi at the moment, he asked in a strange way. Fu Ziyi had already left a lot of hands.

So although his face, there are marks, but at that time, it is not much pain.

After listening to this, Fu Ziyi's face changed slightly. He just wanted to talk nonsense. But seeing the palm print on Lin Xueyi's face, he sighed again. If he didn't give a reasonable explanation, the other party would definitely resent him.

So at the moment, even if it is to lose face, it can only be lost.

"As you all know, I just got out of hospital, right?"

Fu Ziyi sighed, this matter, has been his biggest shadow, so if you can, he really don't want to mention it.

"We know, so today, are not all gathered here, want to celebrate for you?"

Listening to Fu Ziyi's words, the crowd immediately nodded, and then said, the reason why they are so many people here is not because of this, but also because there are more women here.

In addition, some of them are relatively pure, not as messy as those in some nightclubs, so they chose to take the opportunity to find some twists and then vent their anger.

"Then you should know how my injury came about?"

Hearing all the people's response, the face of Fu Ziyi became more ugly, although some people did not publicize the events at that time.

However, this matter is still spread in this group. There are so few people in this circle. Therefore, some people know that, basically, all the people know about it.

He was beaten by a man in full view of the public, but he was unable to resist. In other words, he wanted to resist because he was hanged.

At that time, there were countless policemen and a secretary standing there, but they didn't see the other party's behavior.

It can be said that his face is all lost, and this is the state. Who will want to mention this matter, it is estimated that everyone wants to forget it.

Listening to Fu Ziyi's words, people immediately think of this thing. When they want this thing, they think why the other party should mention it. Then they think of Heng Yanlin, and immediately their face changes.

"Fu Shao, should it be..."

the faces of the people all turned pale, and then asked Fu Shao tremblingly, hoping that it was not the guy who offended him.

Damned guy, if it's this guy who offends him, what should I do? The other party is the one who beat up even Fu Shao, and he still lives well after that.

If you encounter them, it is estimated that the other side is beaten half disabled, there will be no problem.

In front of the Secretary, the other party has done the same thing, so what else can they do alone? It is basically not, basically, it is the share of being beaten violently.

However, it is sad that they are unable to defend. It is so terrible that they are not opponents at all.

No matter in terms of strength, or in that background, they will not be opponents of each other. This is the most sad place, which makes them feel cold.

"Yes, it's him, so do you understand why I asked you to stop. No matter whether you can fight him or not, don't be the enemy of him."

At this time, Fu Ziyi directly opened his mouth, nodded his head, and then said, he can't deal with that guy at all, so he can only be soft.

After that, I heard about the story of this matter and the father's many inquiries. Then I learned some things. I also knew that this guy was not something they could provoke.

Minutes, is to be able to pull them off the horse, not to say, even they are able to kill.

"It's really thanks to the lack of payment this time. Otherwise, we would be in trouble."

At this moment, everyone finally understood why the other party was so angry and decisive, which directly taught him a lesson.

If he had not come forward and stopped the following things, it is estimated that several people on their side would not die or be disabled.

So immediately, all of them expressed their deep thanks to Fu Ziyi, and then said.

"You don't have to thank me. They are all brothers. But the problem is, the guy didn't seem to let you off. He wanted to wait for some of the things he said. If we could complete the tasks he assigned, we would be able to erase them."

At this time, Fu Ziyi also opened his mouth and said that there was a trace of shame in that voice, because, in the final analysis, this matter has not been solved.If their performance is not so good, I don't know whether Heng Yanlin will make a move and teach them a lesson.

"Pay less, you can rest assured, then listen to the other party is, think it should not be too difficult is."

A few people on the side, listening to this, also said a word. The other side can use their place, think about it, that is, some things, as long as it is not too difficult, there should be no problem.

All of them are discussing with each other outside, while Heng Yanlin and Shan Haizhen are in the box. They also tell the story directly, hoping that Shan Haizhen can help himself.

Heng Yanlin is very bad at these things.

But Shan Haizhen is not the same. She has rich experience. I think there will be no problem.

"Do you mean that there are a group of guys who are companies with black background who want to attack your Shilan group and steal the formula of Zhuqing liquid?"

Shanhaizhen at the moment, is also looking at hengyanlin with eyes shining. "Do you know that on those lists, there are also some people hanging this task, and the remuneration is extremely high, but no one has taken it up yet, because everyone doesn't want to come to China. Some people in China are more difficult to deal with, but some people are still ready to move

and want to try."

Zhuo Qingye's name is that even she knows her. Before that, she had thought about whether to take the task next. Later, because of other things, she didn't take the task.

The reason why she stayed here after that was that she wanted to play Zhuqing liquid. In that foreign country, it was too difficult to buy Zhuqing liquid.

She wants to stay here to see if she can buy a bottle and then see if you can steal some recipes. If it goes well, she will be able to earn a lot of money.

But at the moment, she was a little lucky to get up. Fortunately, she didn't do this task, and then she didn't start the formula of Zhuqing liquid.

If she did, the guy at present would definitely seize her. With the ability of the other party, she really didn't feel that she could steal things from each other's hands.

This man is so powerful that she is weak. She doesn't want to be the enemy of this guy. In her heart, she thinks that if this guy hands, she'd better take up the things in her hand and fight hard.

Even if there is no hope, but also can not give up like this, it does not conform to her style.

"Mission? Why, this thing still has a mission, and someone wants to take it? " When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he was stunned. It was the first time that he heard about it. Before that, he didn't know about it. In addition, the mountain and sea treasure seemed to be some unusual, but it was still quite powerful. He could even know these things.

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