Green two's body was as hard hit as encountering a huge hammer, and soon his body flew upside down. With the scattered long knife fragments, it flew upside down for nearly a hundred meters, and then fell on the ground. Finally, there was a loud impact sound, with thick dust and smoke.


At the moment when lver was hit and flew out by his own offensive, Zhang Cuihua was charming Her body trembled slightly, and finally she couldn't help it. Her throat was sweet, and a mouthful of red blood was in her powder The tender lips spurted out, and then a rather pale look appeared on her delicate and moving apricot face. Then she looked at Green Er, who was lying on the ground motionless, and kept panting.

With the dust and smoke rolling, it gradually dissipated, and the figure of green two appeared in Zhang Cuihua's line of sight. Then Zhang Cuihua saw that green two had been lying straight on the ground without any action.

Seeing that green two finally lost its combat effectiveness, Zhang Cuihua was also secretly relieved.

Just when her breath just relaxed, she felt that her whole body was like being pricked by a needle, especially stinging.

This is because Zhang Cuihua is overloaded by running her aura, plus the tearing pain caused by her injury. It is also because of this that Zhang Cuihua has become extremely weak at this moment.

At that moment, Zhang Cuihua raised her head and looked at the place where green San and Tian Xin fought fiercely in the distance. She also took a deep breath, sat up cross legged hard, and then closed her eyes, began to operate the skill, absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and wanted to recover herself quickly, so as to help Tian Xin.


At this moment, the energy body constructed by Tian Xin and green San's palms collided fiercely.

The long golden sword and the fierce Blue Tiger exploded directly in the air, and the powerful energy waves spread in all directions, almost tearing the void apart, which was extremely terrifying.

The strong wind also blew, enough to lift a large piece of the ground up, and countless stones of different sizes were crushed by the strong wind, rotating with the strong wind.

Then the bodies of Tian Xin and green San also retreated because of the impact of this strong wind.

Immediately, green three stabilized his body. With a glance, he saw green two lying on the ground motionless in the distance, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead. This made green three's face show a color of surprise, and shouted loudly, "green three!"

With that, the soles of his feet were severely trampled on the ground, "bang", and his body shot out quickly, trying to see what the situation of green two was.

But since Tian Xin wants to stop green San, it is naturally impossible for him to have any chance to pass. In case this guy wants to fight Zhang Cuihua, what should he do?

However, Tian Xin certainly didn't shoot green San, because if she shot green 300, wouldn't she be fooled by green San?

Therefore, when seeing green three rushing in the direction of green two, Tian Xin's show eyebrows slightly picked up, turned around, and shot away at the strong man.

Green San, who was always paying attention to Tian Xin's situation, immediately sensed what Tian Xin had done, which changed his face and made him swear: "damn!"

After swearing, green San turned around and quickly chased Tian Xin. His hands flipped Yin FA. Immediately, a low cry came out of his mouth, and then a light blue aura surged between his hands, quickly forming a heavy hammer, emitting a powerful, thick and huge atmosphere, and then he blasted down behind Tian Xin.

Naturally, Tian Xin would not be so silly to completely expose his back without any defense.

Therefore, at the moment when green San started to fight, Tian Xin was already aware of it, so she quickly turned around, raised her jade hand, and played seals. The aura was boiling out, forming a golden light shield in front of her, lying in front of her.


The light blue hammer hit the golden light shield hard, and immediately there were energy ripples spreading out from the place where the two collided. Immediately, there was only a sound of "clicking". The golden light shield was split and exploded, and then a shock wave formed, which hit Tian Xin's body hard.

However, Tian Xin was already ready. On the surface, there was a layer of aura gauze clothes surging out, which resisted this shock wave. At the same time, using this shock wave, it also made Tian Xin's body move back quickly.

Just when Tian Xin's body left the original place, there was suddenly an energy explosion in the original place, directly exploding a deep pit on the ground, with gravel splashing out, and a plume of scorched smoke diffuse upward.

Seeing that the place where he had just been burst directly, Tian Xin's eyes changed. He immediately raised his head, and a cold expression appeared on the baby's fat face. Staring at Green San, he said in a cold voice, "I didn't expect you to be so vicious!"

If Tian Xin had just stood where she was, Tian Xin felt that she would have been killed by the explosion, and she didn't know where the attack came from. If she hadn't obeyed her intuition just now, I'm afraid she would have been blown to pieces by now.

At the thought of such a result, Tian Xin felt a cold surge under his feet.

Hearing Tian Xin's words, green San's eyes also flashed with disappointment. He really didn't expect that Tian Xin would choose to deal with a strong man. After all, at the beginning, green San thought that Tian Xin would come to pursue him, so he secretly launched a lot of attacks, but what he didn't expect was that Tian Xin was still hiding from him, and he really didn't play cards according to common sense.

At that moment, green San smiled coldly and said in a cold voice, "don't you also want to take advantage of others' danger?"

Tian Xin didn't speak, but stared at Green San vigilantly to prevent green San from playing any more tricks.

As for green three, I'm not in the mood to watch green two now, because if I really did that, I'm afraid Tian Xin would directly fight their boss.

Compared with lver, Lvyi, their boss, is more important.

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