Hearing the words of the strong man, he looked at the strong man calmly with 33 expressionless faces.

Seeing that 33 didn't say a word, the strong man frowned slightly, and didn't understand what the behavior of 33 meant, but he said directly and coldly, "look at you like this, there should be no last words. Since it's like this, I'll send you to the West!"

With this sentence, the strong man walked in the direction of 33 step by step.

Seeing the strong man coming towards him, 33's face didn't have any emotional fluctuations, just watching him come quietly.

Seeing that 33 had no fear at all, this made the strong man's heart surge with some confused emotions. He didn't quite understand why 33 was so calm, but it didn't matter. It was still easy to suppress it.

However, when the strong man stepped towards 33, and there were still ten meters away from him, suddenly the strong man felt that the toxin in his body suddenly erupted, and immediately surged out like a raging tide, and began to spread in every meridian, bone, and flesh of his body.

But correctly speaking, it should be frozen.

Immediately, the rock armor on the surface of the strong man was broken inch by inch, and the cyan toxin began to surge out, starting to make the rock armor on the surface gradually fall off.

"This, how is this possible?!"

The whole body of the strong man was stiff in place. He tried his best to resist this force, but no matter how hard he tried, there seemed to be no way. The aura in his body seemed to be eroded, making his whole person stiff in place.

This big man didn't understand why he became like this. He had suppressed all these toxins. How could he suddenly start to spread?

This is unscientific!

At that moment, the strong man looked at 33 and shouted angrily, "what's the matter?"

"I have to admit that your strength is indeed very strong, but you have forgotten one thing."

Hearing the question from the strong man, 33's face was full of calm. He didn't tell the former because of this, but slowly opened his mouth, He said aloud, "you suppressed the toxins, but you forgot that these toxins can also absorb Reiki. When you start, your Reiki will naturally be eaten by the toxins. Naturally, these toxins will break the defense and spread into your body."

Hearing this, the big man's face was stunned. He really didn't expect it to be like this, which was simply too unexpected.

Immediately, after a moment of silence, the strong man also felt that the toxins in his body could not be contained. Now he pulled out a bitter smile and whispered, "it turned out to be like this. It seems that I was careless after all!"

With this sentence, the strong man looked at 33 in front of him, smiled faintly, and there was no despair or fear on his face. Instead, he smiled softly and said, "I have to admit that I was indeed careless, but although I fell here, it is absolutely impossible for you to leave here."

"You don't know how long and how much energy Lord green leaf has invested in preparing this plan. You can't succeed!"

"Whether we can succeed or not, if we can escape from here, we won't bother you."

Hearing the words of the strong man, 33's face didn't have any emotional fluctuations, just said to the strong man like this.

Hearing this, the strong man just smiled faintly, and immediately his body made a "click click" sound on the surface, and then his body was torn apart. Finally, with a "bang", it exploded directly, turned into countless fragments, and completely dissipated in the void.

The strong man's body exploded and immediately attracted the attention of the other two people.

At that moment, green San was staring up, and his mouth sent out a sad roar: "boss!!"

"Hum! You're already in trouble, and you still care about others?"

At this moment, a cold hum sounded, and immediately Tian Xin's mouth gave a soft drink, and her hands quickly formed seals. Then the terrible force broke out on her, forming an extremely terrible spear light, which was a fierce sprint towards green San.

Green San saw it, and a look of horror appeared on his face. But when he thought that their boss was dead, what was the significance of their execution of this task?

So, after thinking of this, green San's face was full of despair, and he shouted, "I want you to die!"


Strong energy fluctuations broke out on green three, and the dark blue light surged out, quickly forming a heavy mountain, emitting a thick, solid atmosphere, and fiercely crashed into green three.


The silver spear awn and the blue heavy mountain collided fiercely in midair, bursting out an extraordinarily bright light, and the violent energy fluctuations spread out in all directions. Wherever they went, they almost tore the whole space, which was extremely frightening.

After a while, the silver spear awn tore open the blue heavy mountain, and the surface of the heavy mountain collapsed inch by inch, and then a sharp and unparalleled force hit green San's body severely.

Green three's face showed up with a shock color, and immediately a sad scream came out of his mouth. Then his body flew upside down like a broken kite, and fell on the ground mercilessly. At the same time, his eyes widened, full of unwilling eyes, but finally his neck tilted, and he fell on the ground, and he couldn't get up again, and completely lost his breath of life.

Seeing that green San was defeated, Tian Xin also farted directly Gu sat down, and immediately she was panting with a big breath. The baby's fat face was full of horror, so she couldn't help but utter a helpless sigh. After all, killing such a person was actually cruel for Tian Xin.

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