Seeing Zhang Cuihua's insistence, 33 had to explain.

"The secret method I used was at the cost of my own vitality, so in other words, if I want to recover from the injury, I must also use vitality for treatment, so that I can completely recover my vitality."

Hearing the words said in thirty-three mouths, Tian Xin's baby's fat face showed a particularly surprised expression, and then she whispered, "so if you want to make you better, you must use vitality and so on."

33 nodded gently, opened his mouth, and continued to explain aloud, "yes, as I just said, the injury on my body is not the injury, but the loss of vitality, so if you want to restore vitality, naturally, only vitality can make up for it."

"This... This is difficult!"

Hearing 33's words, Tian Xin's eyebrows were twisted into a ball, and his face was full of sadness.

She really didn't expect that things would develop to such a degree.

At that moment, Tian Xin looked at Zhang Cuihua and asked, "sister Cuihua, I've heard of aura healing, but this vitality healing... What's the matter? I really don't know!"

Hearing Tian Xin's words, Zhang Cuihua's delicate and beautiful apricot face also maintained a calm color, but her eyes also revealed a thick dignified color, and there was a thoughtful color between her eyebrows, but she did not answer Tian Xin's words.

Obviously, Zhang Cuihua also seems to be in such a tangle, and she wants to know whether there is any way to make up for the missing part of vitality in 33.

Seeing that Zhang Cuihua's face was full of difficult expressions, 33 also smiled slightly, but he also looked very open, Then he opened his mouth and said, "I'm really sorry. Although I don't want to worry you, this is actually the case! I also said that even if I tell you the way, I'm afraid you are helpless, so I'd rather not say it than tell you and let you worry about yourself, wouldn't I?"

Tian Xin smelled the words, and her face was full of distress. She was also thinking hard, thinking about whether there was any way to solve the problem in front of her.

But after thinking for a while, Tian Xin finally reacted. She thought of a way that was not the way. Then she looked at 33, opened her mouth, and asked aloud, "33, what you said about vitality should be vitality?"

33 hearing this, he didn't understand why Tian Xin wanted to ask him what to do with this thing, but he nodded seriously, and then opened his mouth and explained aloud, "according to the truth, there is nothing wrong with this appearance."

"Since it's like this, if I transfer my vitality to you, will it be able to make up for the part of vitality you lack?" Looking at 33, Tian Xin asked such a sentence again.

When Zhang Cuihua heard this, Xiu Mei also shook, and a look of surprise appeared on her beautiful face. Then she looked at Tian Xin, and she didn't expect Tian Xin to say such a thing.

As for 33, the expression on his face was also because of Tian Xin's words, which had changed dramatically, The next second, he hurriedly said, "how can this be possible? The vitality is yours, not mine, and this is not Reiki. How can it be said that transition is over? Things that simply cannot exist, don't talk nonsense! I'm not dead yet. If you toss blindly, you'll really toss me to death!"

"Although I'm really dying, I'm willing to live a few more minutes if I can live a few more minutes. Please don't torture me again, OK?"

Hearing the words said in thirty-three mouths, Tian Xin's baby's fat face showed a confused color. Then he stretched out his palm, scratched the back of his head, and shouted at thirty-three, "is it? Is it really like this? Is it really impossible to say it?"

Thirty three heard the speech, and he knew that Tian Xin still didn't give up. At that moment, he didn't think about it, so he opened his mouth and retorted, "of course not! I'm not a fool. If I could survive, would I tell you no? I'm a person who cherishes my life, okay?"


The words of 33 came into Tian Xin's ears, which also made Tian Xin feel very reasonable and nodded. After all, if there is a way to survive, Tian Xin believes that 33 will definitely try to survive.

Maybe... This method really doesn't work.

Seeing a rather regretful expression on Tian Xin's beautiful face, 33 was also secretly relieved in his heart.

Because just now, 33's heart was really flustered.

He really didn't expect Tian Xin to say such words at all.

In fact, is this method that Tian Xin said possible?

Of course it's possible!

Vitality, although invisible and untouchable, is like Reiki, it is real energy, but it just means that vitality should be a little more advanced.

Otherwise, what happened to those who used their own blood essence to burst out more power?

Blood essence is actually a way of vitality.

Vitality is vitality.

However, it takes a lot of trouble to transfer one person's vitality to another person, and another person's vitality will also be consumed. This is a method of depletion, which will cause great internal friction to the person who has transferred his vitality, and it will take a long time to recover.

After all, vitality is the function that supports you to survive. If you consume all your vitality, won't you die?

Although 33's heart wants to survive, he is unwilling to exploit the vitality of others to survive, especially Zhang Cuihua, Tian Xin and Bai Baihe. Otherwise, all he has paid is a sacrifice in vain? Is this too bad?

However, 33 didn't know at all, but there was another person staring at the scene.

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