Seeing a sigh in thirty-three mouths, Zhang Cuihua said unhappily, "come on, you, what are you sighing? Sigh, this is not to eat you, is this to save you? Don't shake your head and sigh, and quickly say the way."

"But the problem is that I don't want you to save me now!"

Looking at Zhang Cuihua, 33 decided not to hide it, but frowned tightly, completely exposed his inner thoughts, and then opened his mouth and said, "you know, this method is not good, it will only make your situation worse and worse."

"We're happy. Can you manage it?" Zhang Cuihua said such a sentence so proudly.

"Of course!"

Zhang Cuihua said this sentence, directly made 33 feel a little speechless, but soon it was back to the past: "this is my own life, and now what you need is to transfer your vitality to me, so that I can survive, but in this way, for you, you will pay a great price, and these costs will make you need to recuperate for a long time."

"We will, won't we?"

"I know you are willing, but have you ever thought about when it is? It is a very dangerous time!" 33 patiently explained to them, "if it's normal, if it's confirmed that it's safe, then I have nothing to say, but now we're still in this mine cave, in the enemy's territory, who knows if we can escape? After all, we don't know how many enemies there are and how powerful they are."

"If you transfer the vitality of your body to me at this time, even if it's only a small part, it will also affect your strength. So what should you do if you encounter the enemy at that time? You can't fight again and again, and you can't even run away at that time, wouldn't all my previous efforts be wasted?"

Hearing these words said by 33, Zhang Cuihua and Tian Xin suddenly became silent.

Of course, even if there is no silence, there is no way.

Because this time, even if Zhang Cuihua wanted to refute the words in 33 mouths, she had no way to refute it.

Seeing that both of them were silent, 33 was also a little relieved, knowing that he had persuaded them more or less.

Now 33 is to continue to speak, add a firewood, want to make the surrounding warm.

"Isn't it? What I said is not wrong? If you leave me here to survive, at least your strength will remain in full strength. If you can leave here as soon as possible, then you may find reinforcements, and then come back to support me. Maybe I can survive. Although this hope is very small, at least we won't be completely destroyed here, right No? "

33 know that if you want to persuade them, you can't just say how desperate the situation is. You have to give them some hope, but you can't enlarge the hope infinitely. Otherwise, if you don't succeed, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to them, which will cause a certain psychological shadow to them.

That way, it will definitely affect the future path of cultivation.

This is something 33 doesn't want to see.

That's why thirty-three people say such great things step by step, so that they can understand the importance of these things at present.

Therefore, after hearing these words, Zhang Cuihua and Tian Xin have actually shown some signs of being persuaded.

Especially Tian Xin, at this moment, her eyes became bright. She looked at 33 and asked, "33, is all this true?"

"Of course it's true!"

Hearing Tian Xin's inquiry, 33 immediately became happy, knowing that Tian Xin had been moved by his words. Xuan even said without hesitation, "I'm sure I can continue to survive, but whether I can leave here smoothly depends on how long you can bring the rescuers here."


When Tian Xin heard this sentence, he didn't know how to respond for a moment. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Cuihua, trying to see what Zhang Cuihua meant.

Zhang Cuihua looked at 33. Her delicate and beautiful face was full of calm. She opened her mouth and asked, "are you sure you can survive here? Won't someone deal with you?"

Thirty three smiled softly, Say aloud: "Of course, and to be honest, your risk is higher than me. If I guessed correctly, the reason why you can still live should be that Li Qingyi wants to experiment with you, so you can survive. If you are actually more noticeable, so if you run away, Li Qingyi will go crazy to find you, so as for me, he won't have any mood to talk to me again, after all, I It's just a nobody. "

"So, as long as there is no accident, as long as I hide honestly, there will be nothing wrong, and I can wait for you to rescue."

"Instead, you need to be careful, which is the most critical."

I have to say that the last words of 33 really shocked Zhang Cuihua and Tian Xin.

Because what 33 said is indeed very reasonable.

Zhang Cuihua and Tian Xin were able to survive because they were still valuable, so as long as they didn't get caught and left separately from 33, 33 really didn't have any problems.

At the thought of this, Zhang Cuihua looked at 33, opened her mouth, and asked aloud, "how long can you persist?"

Thirty three heard the speech and was about to answer, but Zhang Cuihua seemed to think of something. She was the first to say, "don't deceive me, tell me the most real situation directly, otherwise, you should understand the consequences!"

Hearing Zhang Cuihua's verbal threat, 33 also had some helplessness in his heart, but he answered honestly, "at least there are still a few days left."

"How many days? Can't you move now?" Zhang Cuihua asked again.

"I can move, but it will consume a lot of my vitality."

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