The light gradually dissipated, and a figure appeared in it.

This person is none other than hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin glanced at these guys lying on the ground. There was a faint smile on his handsome face, and he said softly, "it's really a pity. You tried to stop me, but you failed after all."

With this sentence, Heng Yanlin stopped paying attention to these guys. With a flash of his body, he rushed out again towards the depths of the mine. At the same time, his heart moved slightly, and a vast spiritual force spread out and began to perceive everything.

After a while, Heng Yanlin had detected a strange channel, and then he quickly moved away.

However, when Heng Yanlin's feet stamped on the ground and his body dipped into this channel, suddenly it was dark around, and a strange energy wave shrouded his whole body in it.

"Not good!"

Heng Yanlin felt the dark energy surging around him. Although his face was still calm, his heart couldn't help shouting, "cheated!"

When Heng Yanlin thought like this in his heart, suddenly the surrounding environment suddenly changed into an extremely dark and boundless dark space.

The incomparable silence, as if time had lost its function here, and there was no meaning of existence.

At the moment, Heng Yanlin frowned tightly, vigilant around.

At the same time, Heng Yanlin also slightly raised the soles of his feet and stepped forward.

However, when Heng Yanlin stepped out, he was keenly aware that when he stepped out, it was

No sound?!

Here... Will even sound be isolated?

Just when Heng Yanlin thought like this in his heart, he felt his eyelids jumping wildly, and his scalp became a little numb, which made him have a strong uneasiness surging in his heart.

"No, it's dangerous!"

At the same time when this idea came into Heng Yanlin's mind, he also turned slightly sideways.


At the moment when Heng Yanlin turned sideways, a sharp sword burst and stabbed, just passing by his waist, tearing open a wound, the size of a centipede, and the red blood surged out like a fountain.

Heng Yanlin quickly stepped back, as if he were a kangaroo, jumping and jumping, and directly opened a distance of 70 to 80 meters. At the same time, he also stretched out his palm, covered the wound on his waist, ran his aura, and began to heal him.

However, the blood splashed, and the soles of the feet trampled on the ground, but there was no sound, which was really particularly magical.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin felt like he was deaf and couldn't hear anything.

But Heng Yanlin knew that this was the effect of the dark space in front of him, which made his ears useless and completely restrained his hearing.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin raised his head slightly, looked forward, and then saw a thin, short old man in a vest staring at him with a smirk on his face, his mouth open and closed, and kept talking, but unfortunately, Heng Yanlin simply couldn't hear what he was saying.

After all, the sound here is completely blocked.

Oh, no, his hearing is restrained.

Therefore, for what the thin old man said, Heng Yanlin really didn't know what he was talking about.

However, seeing that the smile on the thin old man's old face is so rampant and arrogant, Heng Yanlin feels that it must not be a good word.

So Heng Yanlin doesn't care much about what the skinny little old man is saying. Instead, he should care about the situation in the dark space in front of him.

Only by having a certain understanding of this dark space can he have the opportunity to avoid being trapped here.

After all, if you don't have hearing, there is naturally no way to prevent many attacks, and you can only rely on the instinct transmitted by your body to resist them.

Wait, instinct?

At this moment, hengyanlin seemed to think of something.

"Although my hearing has been restrained by this space, my spiritual power... Doesn't seem to be restrained?"

Heng Yanlin thought secretly in his heart, "if I use my spiritual power to replace my hearing, will this be able to offset the containment power presented by this dark space?"

Just when Heng Yanlin was about to try, he found that the thin old man standing in front of him had disappeared.

Seeing that the thin and short old man disappeared, Heng Yanlin's extremely handsome face showed a startling color.

Then he sensed that there seemed to be someone on his side. Then he turned his head slightly, and he saw the ugly old face of the thin old man appear in his sight. Then the thin old man waved the dagger in his hand and blasted fiercely at hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin also didn't react at all. When he reacted, the dagger in the thin old man's hand had stabbed Heng Yanlin's waist.

"What the hell is this old man doing to my waist?"

Heng Yanlin secretly roast in his heart, immediately his idea moved slightly, and then a thick aura rushed out of him, quickly formed and gathered on his body surface, like a gauze, covering his whole body.

When Heng Yanlin finished all this, the dagger in the thin little old man's hand had stabbed Heng Yanlin's waist. It was only because of the aura gauze clothes, so the dagger did not stab Heng Yanlin's waist, but splashed sparks on the surface. Of course, there must be a "Ding Ding" sound, but it was a great pity that Heng Yanlin's ear power was restrained by this dark space, So he couldn't hear it at all.

The thin and short old man also had some accidents. He didn't expect that Heng Yanlin would react so quickly, and directly condensed the aura gauze clothes to protect himself, so that a touch of unexpected color appeared on his old and ugly face, but soon he was smiling.

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