Until the end, the skinny little old man still didn't get the answer he wanted, and then he was angry to death by Heng Yanlin.

I have to say, it is really very sad.

At the same time, Heng Yanlin, who left the original place, couldn't help frowning, and a thoughtful color appeared on his handsome face. At the same time, he whispered to himself: "I really didn't expect that, here we are, and there are enemies with such strange means. It seems that this green leaf has revived many miraculous men."

Hengyanlin was also very clear in his heart that before he saw the green leaves, he must encounter many opponents, but the thorniness of these opponents should not be so big.

However, after this battle, with hengyanlin's own deepening, he found that he really thought wrong.

These subordinates resurrected by green leaf are all extraordinary people within a thousand years, so naturally they have some extraordinary skills. If it weren't for hengyanlin's strength, it would be really difficult to resist it, and there are many means.

Just like the "quiet and dark space" of the skinny little old man just now, if it weren't for hengyanlin's intelligence and his ability to use spiritual power, I'm afraid he would have been tortured to death by the "quiet and dark space" of the skinny little old man.

"It seems that you have to be careful behind, otherwise, it is really possible that the boat capsized in the gutter."

Heng Yanlin thought in his heart.

Then when he was thinking like this, suddenly he felt that a killing machine broke out in the void, aiming at himself.

But soon, this thread of killing disappeared quietly, as if it no longer existed.

But it's a pity that Heng Yanlin has noticed it.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows were slightly raised, and an imperceptible smile was outlined at the corners of his mouth. He secretly thought to himself, "it's really interesting. Do you think I can't detect it?"

However, on the surface, Heng Yanlin still kept the appearance of nothing and walked forward step by step.

At present, the whole space becomes extremely quiet.

Only the sound of footsteps from Hengyan Lin stepping forward.

After a while, in the dark, a pair of green eyes suddenly opened, just like a ghost fire. If someone looks at them, they will feel extremely shocked.

The next second, a dark shadow shot out quickly, emitting a fierce Qi machine, and shrouded behind Heng Yanlin.

Hengyanlin had long been aware of the danger flying behind him. Just because he didn't understand how powerful the enemy behind him was, hengyanlin didn't fight hard at the first time, but moved slightly, leaving a phantom in place.

The shadow swept out, and its sharp claws waved down fiercely, but it directly passed through the shadow of Heng Yanlin, which made the shadow's eyes widened and revealed with surprise: "phantom?"

"Oh, let me see who is ambushing me here!"

At this moment, the shadow heard the sound not far away.

The shadow turned his head and looked at it. Then he found that Heng Yanlin appeared in his sight and was standing there leisurely.

At the same time, Heng Yanlin's eyes also looked at the guy who attacked him.

Immediately, his handsome face also showed an unexpected color.

Because the guy in front of him is a woman.

He has long black hair, an ivory necklace around his neck, and a three-point animal suit on his body. Although his skin is dark, it reveals a wild beauty. It looks like a human leopard, emitting a strong power.

This is really something unexpected for Heng Yanlin. He couldn't help but say, "I finally saw a normal human being here."

Indeed, those guys in front are really weird. If hengyanlin didn't know their details, they would still think they were monsters from the demon world!

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the woman in animal clothes gave a cold hum. Her eyes staring at Heng Yanlin were full of Sen Han's color, and she said coldly, "it's really interesting. I didn't expect that you could break through the green 'quiet and dark space'. It seems that you have some strength!"

Hearing the speech, Hengyan Lin just smiled faintly, looked at the woman in animal clothes, and said aloud, "so?"

"So, this is the end! When you meet me, ludley, you have to be destroyed!" Green Deli, a woman in animal clothes, said coldly.

Heng Yanlin's face showed surprise. He really didn't expect this green Deli to be so confident. At present, he smiled softly and said aloud, "you are really confident, but do you think your strength can be compared with that bad old man in front?"

"Hehe, are you mocking me?"

Hearing this, green Deli sneered contemptuously and said disdainfully, "do you know why I am here?"

"I don't know. I'd like to hear it in detail." Looking at Lu Deli, Heng Yanlin made an open-minded attitude of consulting.

Green Deli said coldly, "that's because only people with stronger strength can get closer to Lord green leaf. Do you understand what I mean?"

"The green quiet and dark space is really great, but in front of me, green Deli, there is only one way to lose!"

"Is it like this?"

Hearing the words, Heng Yanlin nodded his head clearly. Immediately, he looked at Lu Deli curiously and asked aloud, "then I want to ask you how strong your strength is?"

"Next you will know, because you are about to encounter the strongest resistance from ludley. Are you ready to die?" Lu Deli looked at Hengyan Lin coldly and said in a cold voice.

Hearing this, Heng Yanlin immediately felt that he couldn't laugh or cry. How can this sentence sound like a middle two?

But Heng Yanlin answered seriously, "I'm really sorry, but I haven't thought of dying yet! So I won't be ready at all."

"Not ready? It doesn't matter, you'll be ready!"

The voice fell, and Lu deli's eyes opened with sharp light, and then a low roar rolled out of her throat. Then she raised her palm and slightly clasped it. The thick aura flashed blue light and gathered in her palm.

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