"Let's go!"

After waiting for a moment under the tree, Heng Yanlin flashed past a woman in red clothes, and then pulled him over. On the one hand, he hurriedly walked to the front, while on the other, he said in a hurry to hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin is slightly stunned. Some don't understand what Jiang Siyu is doing, but he still follows her to the front.

"Why, isn't it because someone wants to do you a disservice? It depends on how nervous you look."

After walking a few blocks, seeing Jiang Siyu calm down, Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows and asked.

"No, just don't want some students to see it," Jiang Siyu said with a smile of embarrassment, then released his hand from holding Heng Yanlin. "Have you just waited for a long time? There is a western restaurant in front of me. The food in it is delicious. I'll treat it as a apology. "

Jiang Siyu shook his head, and then walked to the front with Heng Yanlin.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin didn't ask much. He just followed Jiang Siyu, without prejudice of the last time. Jiang Siyu was quite gentle, thought Heng Yanlin.

"Hello, may I ask you a few questions?"

A moment later, they came to the western restaurant that Jiang Siyu said. After asking about it, they took them to the elegant seat. Jiang Siyu was not polite. He just waved and ordered the list. By the way, he helped Heng Yanlin order.

"These are the best things to eat here. You should have never eaten them. I'll help you order them."

Jiang Siyu is also a bit forthright. After ordering, he tells Heng Yanlin why. Heng Yanlin doesn't care much about this. After nodding, he asks.

"What you said before is about the spirit stone. Now, talk about it carefully."

Compared with what he ate, Heng Yanlin is still more concerned about the spirit stone. If he can find enough spirit stones, he will not need to lack spiritual power.

Listen to hengyanlin ask about this, Jiang Siyu also came to the spirit, for this thing, she is more than Heng Yanlin, you know, this thing is related to whether she can learn hengyanlin's magical ability!

At present, listening to Heng Yanlin's inquiry, Jiang Siyu directly told hengyanlin how to obtain the spirit stone.

After listening to this, Heng Yanlin realized that the spirit stone was not found by Jiang Siyu. To be exact, it was found by Jiang Siyu's classmates. Because of the jade pendant given by Heng Yanlin, Jiang Siyu noticed that the thing in their hands was the spirit stone.

"Maybe there are some other spirit stones that you can get by accident

After hearing this, Heng Yanlin said with a slight disappointment that the spirit stone was picked up by Jiang Siyu's classmate when he went out to play. In this case, it can't represent that there are still spirit stones there.

Hearing this, Jiang Siyu immediately shook his head again and again, "it should not be. My classmate said that there were many stones like this, but he just took two at random, and they were all spirit stones."

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly when he heard this. He took two of them at will. If there were only two pieces there, the luck of this guy would be too bad. In this case, you can go and have a look.

"It's very late today. When we get ready, we'll go and see if there are any spirit stones."

Heng Yanlin made up his mind in an instant, then raised his head and said to Jiang Siyu, since all of them have come, there is no reason why he should not go and have a look.

When Jiang Siyu heard the speech, he wanted to say something, but at that moment, his face changed slightly, and then he was embarrassed.

He noticed that there was something wrong with Jiang Siyu's face. Heng Yanlin also turned his head and saw three beautiful girls standing behind him. All of them were wearing a skirt, jade legs and long tube stockings. They wrapped the upright jade legs tightly.

At the moment, the three girls saw Heng Yanlin, who turned her head. The originally sinister smile on her face changed suddenly after seeing Heng Yanlin. In her eyes, a touch of surprise flashed through her eyes.

"I said, it's all agreed. When we come out to have dinner together, how can we change our mind in an instant? It's just that I ran away alone. It turns out that I came to see my lover."

A woman in the middle, after looking at Heng Yanlin, suddenly pursed her lips and said to Jiang Siyu.

At this time, others are also looking at Jiang Siyu and waiting for her explanation. They just abandon their sisters for the sake of a man, which is too much, although this man is too handsome.

Jiang Siyu was embarrassed when she heard the speech. Before that, she really said it, because she didn't know that Heng Yanlin was so concerned about Lingshi that he came directly.

But some of these things, and not easy to explain with their sisters, can only be a little embarrassed to look at them.

"I'm sorry, my Lord."Jiang Siyu stood up with a bitter smile and then said to several people. As he said this, he changed a seat for more seats and sat down.

I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. They all sit down opposite hengyanlin and then take a look at hengyanlin from time to time.

"I don't know what this one is called. He is very capable. He can take down all our school flowers."

The woman in a beige skirt on the left looked at Heng Yanlin, sipped a drink, and then asked.

"Hello, my name is hengyanlin. Jiang Siyu and I are just ordinary friends. I hope you don't misunderstand me."

Heng Yanlin bowed slightly, and then said a word, but this, the three people are obviously extremely distrustful, just ordinary friendship, their college flowers will follow him out, or abandon them, the ghost will believe!

"Hello, my name is Wei Qingqing."

The female student with the beige skirt on the left responded first.

"My name is Gao ZHANJING."

"My name is Zeng Roulian."

The last female student, full of soft mouth, said to Heng Yanlin. It seemed that she was rather shy. After saying that, she bowed her head to drink a drink and stopped talking.

After several people finished speaking, they looked at Heng Yanlin with the feeling of examination on their faces. They seemed to want to see something out of Heng Yanlin and be able to abduct their school flowers. It should be extraordinary.

Seeing their eyes, Heng Yanlin naturally understood that they were looking at something. They were helpless. They had nothing to do with Jiang Siyu. How could these people not believe it?

After looking at Heng Yanlin for a few eyes, that Wei Qingqing seems to notice something. After a pause for a moment, his eyes flashed with disdain, and then quickly closed his eyes. However, the enthusiasm before that quickly dissipated.

"By the way, I don't know what you do, are you a student?"

Wei Qingqing looks at Heng Yanlin and seems to have said something unintentionally. Seeing Heng Yanlin's appearance, it is not big, so she thinks that students are excusable.

However, Heng Yanlin, listening to this, directly shook, indicating that he was no longer a student. After listening to this, the scorn in his eyes became more intense.

Then, after drinking a few drinks, it seems that there is some lack of interest, and then no longer speak, and then play on the side of the mobile phone. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin didn't care. With these people around, it was not easy to talk about tomorrow's affairs. Naturally, he gave up. It's OK to wait until tomorrow to talk about specific things.

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