In the next second, the body of the woman in blue will fall like a meteor Fell on the ground, "bang", raised a lot of dust and smoke, and then... There was no sign of any movement, life and death unknown.

Seeing green bell, a woman in blue, was slapped to death by Heng Yanlin directly, which made green lie's old face show a very frightening expression, and his mood burst directly!

Is this really cute? Is it so terrible?

That woman in blue, green bell, is also a double A. level fighter anyway. Why was she slapped out? This gap is too big?!

At the moment, green lie's voice was very angry. Of course, this voice was mixed with fear that there was no way to hide.

"Run! Everyone runs separately! Run as far as you can!!"

With this sentence, Lu lie turned around first and fled here.

With green lie taking the lead, others turned around and ran away without any delay!

After all, the green leaves have fallen, and if they continue to stay here, they will only be slaughtered.

Although their leader has died, this does not mean that they will be buried together.

Looking at those guys in green lie who had fled everywhere, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows were slightly raised, and a rather gloomy expression appeared on his handsome face. A cold voice slowly rang in his throat: "it's really interesting, but you still want to escape, but can you escape?"

With this sentence, Heng Yanlin is ready to hunt down Green lie these guys.

However, just as Heng Yanlin was preparing to leave, a "creak" sound sounded in Heng Yanlin's ear, as if the glass was being rubbed by something. It made people's scalp numb and goose bumps appeared.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin raised his head slightly and looked at the dark cracks in the sky.

Then, Heng Yanlin saw that these spatial cracks have been expanding, and the nihility force in the cracks has been gradually overflowing, eroding the rules of heaven and earth around.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Heng Yanlin's eyes changed. He immediately glanced at those fleeing green lie and others below, and his heart was quite helpless. Xuan even thought secretly, "forget it, anyway, sooner or later, he will find you and solve you. Now it can only be regarded as your good luck!"

Yes, Heng Yanlin knew in his heart that if he went after green lie, he would definitely delay a lot of time.

But now the space crack has been gradually expanding. If it is not stopped in time, I'm afraid that in the back, hengyanlin will have to spend more effort to suppress it.

Therefore, in order to avoid such things, hengyanlin felt that he still had to solve the problem of space cracks.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin withdrew his eyes, stopped looking at those guys who ran away, and then took a deep breath. His eyes revealed a very focused look. Looking at these space cracks in front of him, he began to raise his hands, condense spiritual lines, and began to repair these space cracks.

At this moment, Lvyang finally recovered from his sluggish state at this moment. Then, Lvyang said to himself in a trance, "did we... Win?"

Yes, Lvyang is still a little confused. After all, the time from just now to now is really too short for him to react.

However, when he saw that green lie had started to escape, his brain was completely awake, and then his face became extremely gloomy, and a low voice rolled out of his throat: "all out, surround and suppress the enemy!"

"If you can get caught alive, get caught alive. If you can't, then kill on the spot!"


With this clear order in the mouth of Lvyang, the next elite of the famous green family came back to his senses, responded neatly, and then began to think about the green lie and others who fled in all directions.

As for Lvyang, of course, he was not idle. The soles of his feet trampled on the ground fiercely, and then a low voice like a sultry thunder rang out on the ground, and then Lvyang's body shot out in front of him and chased lvlie.

Of course, some people didn't do it.

Such as Mu Shishan, 33 and Zhang Cuihua.

Mu Shishan is mainly lazy, while 33 wants to protect Zhang Cuihua and them, because Zhang Cuihua and them are now seriously injured, so they have to leave someone to protect them.

As for Zhang Cuihua and them, it goes without saying that they didn't leave because of their injuries.

However, at this moment, after seeing Lvyang and they all left, Zhang Cuihua, Tian Xin and Bai Baihe all became a little trance.

They and he Jie's remaining sisters all gathered together, and their pretty faces showed an undisguised color of surprise. Their eyes were full of incredible eyes, and Qi Qi was silent and didn't speak.

That way, it's like once you open your mouth, everything in front of you will break like a foam.

They were really afraid. What happened in front of them was just a dream.

But in the end, Tian Xin finally couldn't stand the silence and depression, and was the first to break the silence.

But she is also a little cautious in speaking.

"Are we... Free?"

Tian Xin's words came out, and all the women looked at her in unison, which made Tian Xin couldn't help shrinking his neck.

At this moment, a faint smile also appeared on the White Lily's bloodless face. Even if she looked around the crowd, she gently nodded, slowly opened her lips, and whispered, "yes, sweetheart, you're right, we... Are free!"


"Are we... Really free?"

"Isn't this... Dreaming?"

Others are also nagging, a little do not believe the scene presented in front of them.

At this moment, Zhang Cuihua also smiled slightly, and the pretty apricot nodded fiercely on her face, saying in a deep voice, "sisters!"

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