The moment it spread out, it formed a blue light sword, emitting a bright light, and then green Yang's eyes suddenly widened, and a very loud roar rang out in his throat. Then he held the blue light sword tightly and waved it forward.


At that moment, a sword light swept out of it, swept across the void, emitting a bright light, with a sharp breath, and then shot towards the green strong body.

Green lie saw it, and there was a faint smile on his old face, without any color of fear. Then his mouth sent out a low roar, and then green lie slightly raised his palm, and the auras were intertwined in the palm of his hand, forming a holy stripe. Looking at that shape, it seemed to be a fist.

"Smash fist!"

A dull voice rang out in Lu lie's mouth, and then his five fingers were tightly held together, and immediately rushed forward.


The powerful aura rushed out, forming a green fist, emitting a strong breath of breaking everything, and severely pounded on the sword light.


The light of fists and swords collided in midair, sending out bursts of roars, which made people deafen.


A rapid sound of breaking the air also rang out at this moment. Immediately, the body shape of green Yang appeared in front of green lie in an instant, and then the lightsaber in his hand was waved quickly and went to green lie's chest.

Looking at Lu Yang's merciless stabbing towards his chest, Lu lie also smiled faintly, but he didn't feel any panic because of this appearance, but raised his arm and stood in front of him.

At the moment when the arm rung came out, there was a holy stripe, which was also intertwined and outlined under the surge of aura. It was printed into his arm, and immediately formed a layer of armor with a light cyan light.

Then green lie raised his arm forward and met the green lightsaber from the blast.


At present, the sonorous sound is resounding, just like metal objects colliding together.

Obviously, they are all energy bodies, but they can make the same sound as metal collision, which is really amazing.

Seeing that his lightsaber was resisted by a layer of armor condensed by green lie, Lu Yang's eyes pupil couldn't help contracting. Even if his inner mood exploded at this moment, he thought to himself: "are you kidding?! why does his armor have such terrible defense?!"

At that moment, green leaf took back his lightsaber again, and then erupted into a terrible force again, launching a fierce and unparalleled attack against him.

At that moment, the sword light overflowed with a sharp and unparalleled terrible breath, shrouded in green lie, trying to break green lie into pieces.

However, at this moment, Lu lie seemed to have seen how terrible the attack of Lu Yang was, but he didn't panic at all. Instead, he raised his hands. At the same time, the spiritual lines on his arms emerged, and the aura was injected into them, and the armor formed also came up to resist the sword attack that Lu Yang often erupted.

In that instant, in the void, there was an extraordinarily bright metal impact sound, which echoed continuously with "bang bang". At the same time, with the sound, there were green lights and green mans constantly intertwined and flashing, looking extremely beautiful.

However, no matter who it is, it is very clear how terrible the hidden danger is under this beauty!


There was another ferocious collision, and soon the green lightsaber in green Yang's hand condensed an extremely terrible force and blasted away.

Seeing this, Lu lie's eyes were also slightly heavy. The deep voice was slowly sent out in his mouth, and he also raised his arm and bumped away.


The lightsaber and armor collided with each other so fiercely that a very bright energy wave broke out, and then the dazzling light burst out, and then the powerful force broke out in it, forming a force of anti shock, which shook both their bodies out.

At that moment, the ground was swept to collapse, billowing dust and smoke filled out, and everything was shrouded in obscurity.

The green Yang that retreated violently was to stamp his feet on the ground hard and force his body to stop. Then he raised his palm and found that the blue lightsaber in his palm had dissipated completely in the just collision. At the same time, there was a fierce force that shook his palm slightly, and the tiger's mouth opened, with the flow of berthing blood.

As for Lu lie, although the armor on his arms was not broken because of this, the surface was covered with countless cracks, like a spider's web.

Obviously, the blow that green Yang just broke out also damaged the spiritual method condensed on green lie's arms, so now it is obviously impossible for green lie to use such armor to resist the attack of green Yang.

Therefore, Lu lie didn't insist, and his heart moved slightly, which was to stop the output of Reiki and let the armor break and dissipate directly.

At present, Lvyang is also running the aura in his body, forcibly suppressing the injury on his arm, trying to make his palm not tremble, and then slightly raised his head, looking at the green lie in the distance, which contains a thick dignified and forest cold.

At this moment, Lu lie also looked at LV Yang, and then he saw the change of eyes in LV Yang's eyes. At present, the corner of his mouth was also slightly tilted, and a faint smile emerged. His eyes also became milder than just now. Immediately, he slowly opened his mouth and said aloud, "I just said that with your increased strength, there is no way to defeat me!"

"The battle is not over, and the victory or defeat has not yet come out. Why do you think I can't defeat you?"

For what green lie said, green Yang didn't recognize it at all, and felt that he was farting. Although what this guy said was indeed reasonable, because with his current strength, there was really no way to defeat green lie.

Then, he can only think of other ways to solve it.

Otherwise, he will lose.

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