"What?! how is this possible?!"

Seeing the sword of mountains and seas behind Lu lie, Lu Yang widened his eyes, and his face was full of horror that was difficult to hide, and his mood exploded directly.

Seeing that the resolute face of Lvyang was full of incredible expression, it made a faint smile appear on lvlie's old face. Even if she slowly opened her mouth, she said faintly, "it's really interesting, isn't it? You were so shocked. Why on earth?"

"Have you forgotten that I used to be the owner of the green house? Have you forgotten?"

With the sound, the eyes of green lie were full of bright eyes. Immediately, he slowly raised his palm, pointed to the front, and slowly opened his mouth and said, "go!"


At that moment, the Shanhai sword behind him shot out obliquely, emitting a terrible breath of energy, and then hit hard with the Shanhai sword shot down by Lvyang.

At that moment, Shanhai sword and Shanhai sword sent out the same terrible breath, that is, in mid air, up and down, the two collided together.


At present, the extremely terrible energy fluctuation is exploding in the void, and then the whole space is shaking violently.

The earth shook, cracks sprouted, gravel flew, and dazzling light burst out.

At the moment of the impact of the two mountain and sea swords, the burst of energy waves swept around like a raging wave. Everywhere they went, the ground was broken inch by inch, as if the whole heaven and earth were about to be torn apart, sending out a "purr purr" sound, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which made people feel abnormal thrilled.

Then, the dazzling light bloomed, making the two mountain and sea swords as dazzling as a day.

Powerful energy fluctuations continue to spread out, which is almost like tearing it apart.

Looking at the collision between Shanhai sword and Shanhai sword, Lu Yang gnashed his teeth, frowned, and frantically injected his aura into it, hoping to crush it.

However, after a while, Lvyang found that his Shanhai sword... It seemed that there was no way to suppress lvlie's Shanhai sword!

Yes, as Lvyang thought, lvlie's Shanhai sword is indeed more terrifying and powerful than Lvyang's Shanhai sword. Anyway, lvlie's practice of "Shanhai sword" is longer than Lvyang's, and he is immersed more deeply. Therefore, after a while, lvlie's Shanhai sword completely suppressed Lvyang's Shanhai sword!


Lu lie's Shanhai sword erupted into an extremely terrible force. Soon, there were lines on the surface of Lvyang's Shanhai sword, which collapsed and finally exploded into fragments.

However, because the power contained in Lvyang's Shanhai sword is also extremely terrifying, even though lvlie's Shanhai sword also smashed Lvyang's Shanhai sword, it was also weakened by most of its power. Finally, the light was dim, gradually narrowed, only more than three meters, and then it was hard to bombard Lvyang.


At that moment, Lvyang's body was severely hit.

Because after green Yang released the "mountain sea sword", he had no more strength to resist the remaining power of the mountain sea sword erupted by green lie.


As a result, the mountain sea sword slammed into Lvyang's body. Soon, Lvyang's body flew upside down like a broken kite and fell heavily on the ground. Then with a "wow", a mouthful of red blood was spewed out in Lvyang's mouth. The whole person's face became extremely pale, and his face became particularly depressed.

At this moment, Lu lie also walked slowly in front of Lu Yang, and his old face was full of dignified expression, so he stared at Lu Yang directly.

Green Yang saw that green lie came to his face, and the corners of his mouth also pulled slightly, showing a cold smile. Immediately, he looked at Green lie coldly, and said in a cold voice, "you win, do it!"

Yes, Lu Yang knew clearly in his heart that he was bound to die, so naturally he would not give Lu lie any good looks.

Hearing what Lu Yang said, Lu lie's old face was full of serious expression. Even if he gently shook his head and sighed, he turned and left here.

Seeing that green lie didn't kill himself, he turned around and left with a sigh, which made green Yang's firm face appear a look of surprise. Even if he couldn't help opening his mouth, he shouted loudly at Green lie's back, "why don't you kill me? Why?"

Hearing Lu Yang's words, Lu lie's heart also surged out with some helpless emotions. At the same time, he couldn't help rolling his eyes. He thought to himself, "this idea actually has someone eager to be killed. Is this an idiot?"

In fact, Lu lie doesn't know why he didn't want to kill Lu Yang. It may be because of the blood in his body, or it may be because of some other emotion.

Anyway, when Lu lie saw Lu Yang, he really couldn't do it.

Green lie didn't understand why it was like this, but he was very clear in his heart that he had no way to kill green Yang again.

Therefore, Lu lie quickly turned around and left.

As for Lvyang, I really don't understand why lvlie wants to let himself go.

Is it really because he is his son?

"No, no, impossible, absolutely not like this!"

Lu Yang quickly denied this idea. Immediately, there was a firm look in his eyes, staring at the direction in which Lu lie fled. He said to himself in a cold voice: "wait for me, no matter you run to the ends of the earth, I will definitely catch you back!"

At the same time, fierce battles were also launched in other places, and the collision sound of various energy fluctuations continued.

However, because of the strength gap, some people were suppressed, but some people let him escape.

At the same time, hengyanlin is constantly repairing the space cracks in the sky, which is extremely hard and sweaty.

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