After the match between the cross-country team and the super black team, the effect is extremely great.

After all, one is a b+ level team, and the other is a C-level team.

Moreover, the super black team of the b+ level team has more than three A. level fighters, including one a+ level fighter!

But what happened?

But was defeated by an extremely garbage C-class team.

And still be one wear five!

Such a situation is bound to cause heated discussion.

The effect will be more extraordinary than that of defeating the blood drinking wolf team before.

However, this is only a postscript.

Because at this time, Heng Yanlin and his colleagues had returned to the bar with 33 people who had passed out of coma and began to treat him.

"In the next few days, let him have a good rest."

Heng Yanlin glanced at 33 lying in bed, then slightly raised his head, looked at Ruiwen and others present, and then said aloud, "there is nothing going on in the next few days, so you don't go out, but also stay in the bar and have a good rest."

Hearing what Hengyan Lin said, Ruiwen's show eyebrow slightly picked, and then asked aloud, "if you don't go out, I'm afraid it won't work."


Heng Yanlin heard Ruiwen's words, his eyebrows trembled slightly, and then he asked aloud, "isn't there no competition in the next three days?"

"There is no competition, just..."

Ruiwen thought for a moment, then opened her mouth and said, "however, since it's a rest, it's not just a good time to go out of the city to eradicate a little alien race, improve our strength by the way, and then earn some military achievements by the way. Isn't it good?"

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Hengyan Linton was stunned. Even if she gently shook her head, then opened her mouth and said aloud, "forget it, you still don't want to think about this anymore. I tell you, if you really want to go out, you'll definitely have a lot of trouble, so I'd better advise you that it's better not to go out during this period."

"Trouble? What trouble?"

Ruiwen heard the words, and the color of amazement appeared on her delicate and beautiful face. Then she seemed to think of something. Even if she said aloud again, "do you want to say cloud flower team?"

Hearing Ruiwen's inquiry, Heng Yanlin couldn't help but open his mouth and said, "of course, it's not the Yunhua team. With that team, at this juncture, they can't do it to us, just... Have you forgotten the effect of our game today?"

"The C-level team defeated the b+ level team, and it still wore five. With such a competition result, which team can do it in this team qualification? And this b+ level team also has three fighters above the A. level, and even a+ level fighters. I'm afraid no matter who it is, they all want to know how to do it?"

"What do you mean?"

Hengyanlin said this, let Ruiwen still have some confused, do not know how to answer.

Seeing that Ruiwen didn't seem to understand what he said, Heng Yanlin couldn't help but utter a sigh, and then gently shook his head, even opened his mouth, and said aloud, "I'll tell you so simply. After this game, we, the cross-country team, became famous. Do you understand now?"

"Famous?" Ruiwen looked at Heng Yanlin in a daze.

"Yes, and it's also a very famous one. Therefore, in this famous situation, no matter who, they dare not act rashly against you, but in the same way, you will also encounter a lot of trouble, such as being concerned by the media."


Ruiwen is a little silly. After all, she never thought of such a thing.

"Yes, in a word, think it over by yourself. Anyway, my words have been put here. As for how you decide, it's up to you. After all, you're the captain, aren't you?"

With this sentence, Heng Yanlin turned around and was ready to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Ruiwen was stunned at first. After thinking for a while, she found that Heng Yanlin was ready to leave. At present, she also turned around and shouted at Heng Yanlin's back.

"Take a few days off!"

Heng Yanlin turned his back to Ruiwen, then waved his palm and said casually.


When Ruiwen heard this, she immediately blinked her eyes, and her face was full of consternation.

After leaving the room of 33, Heng Yanlin took a deep breath to calm his mood. Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Mu Shishan's phone number.

"Beep -"



The beautiful sound came into Heng Yanlin's ear from the receiver of the mobile phone.

Hearing the familiar and moving voice, the corners of Heng Yanlin's mouth rose slightly, outlining a beautiful arc, and then he said softly, "it's me, Heng Yanlin."

Hearing this, Mu Shishan on the other side of the mobile phone couldn't help laughing, and then said softly, "of course I know it's you."

Hearing this, Heng Yanlin was slightly stunned and asked, "how do you know it's me?"

Mu Shishan heard this, and immediately felt unable to laugh or cry. She even shook her head gently and said, "your name is noted on the mobile phone number. Of course, I know it's you."

Hearing Mu Shishan's answer, Heng Yanlin immediately showed a look of surprise on his handsome face. Immediately, he smiled awkwardly and whispered, "it seems... Oh, I forgot this."

"How busy you are! You are so busy that your IQ has been reduced a lot," Mu Shishan also couldn't help laughing and joking, and then asked softly, "what are you doing calling me?"

"I miss you." Hearing Mu Shishan's inquiry, Heng Yanlin originally wanted to say that he had time in the next few days. However, he did not know why, but he made such a statement by God.

Hearing this, Mu Shishan, who was still busy, suddenly stopped. At the same time, she also held her breath and didn't speak for a long time.

For a long time, he didn't hear Mu Shishan's voice. Heng Yanlin thought that Mu Shishan was frightened. Then he thought for a moment, opened his mouth and said aloud, "that..."

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