Hearing the words in Heng Yanlin's mouth, Mu Shishan didn't say much. Anyway, since it was arranged by Heng Yanlin, it's natural to follow his arrangement.

Moreover, the appointment is only the second. The main thing is to stay with hengyanlin for 12 consecutive hours. In this way, the task can be completed smoothly.

After breakfast, Mu Shishan went to a scenic spot under the leadership of hengyanlin.

Although boring, but in hengyanlin's blunt explanation, it is also a different kind of fun.

After that, they went to the amusement park.

It has to be said that the amusement park is really a good place for dating.

Of course, Heng Yanlin and mu shisan had a tacit understanding and did not choose to go to the haunted house.

After all, haunted houses... For the two of them, it's really nothing.

It's impossible to say that the "ghosts" in the haunted house were scared to death by them.

After playing the amusement park, it's time for the afternoon.

After coming out of the amusement park, Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin, with a shallow smile on her mouth, and then asked softly, "where are we going next?"

Hearing the words in Mu Shishan's mouth, Heng Yanlin smiled and asked aloud, "what's the matter? Do you think you had a good time?"

Mu Shishan heard this, thought about it, nodded gently at him, and replied, "I'm still very happy."

"Just be happy."

Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin nodded with satisfaction, and then opened his mouth and asked, "are you hungry now? Why don't we go to eat now? It's not early to see the weather."


When Heng Yan Lin said this sentence, Mu Shishan touched his belly, and then heard that the belly had made a voice in protest.

At that moment, Mu Shishan's moving, beautiful, exquisite and beautiful face appeared with an embarrassed expression. Then he nodded gently at Heng Yanlin, then opened his mouth and said aloud, "what you said is not wrong. I'm really hungry. Do you want to take me to eat delicious food?"

Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin saw a faint smile on his extremely handsome face, and then he nodded gently at Mu Shishan, opening his mouth and answering, "what you said is not wrong, I have arranged it, shall we go there now?"


Therefore, Heng Yanlin took Mu Shishan, rented a car, and then drove there by Heng Yanlin himself.

Soon, Mu Shishan followed Heng Yanlin to an antique hotel.

Seeing the environmental layout of this Antique Hotel, Mu Shishan was really surprised. She blinked her eyes, looked at hengyanlin, and asked aloud, "how did you find this hotel?"

Seeing the surprise on Mu Shishan's beautiful face, Heng Yanlin smiled faintly and asked, "how about it? Do you like it?"

Mu Shishan nodded and said, "well, I really like it."

At this moment, a female waiter in cheongsam came to Heng Yanlin with a professional smile on her face, opened her mouth and said aloud, "Hello, are you Heng Yanlin, Mr. Lin?"

Heng Yanlin nodded and said, "well, it's me. Has the box I made an appointment with been empty for me now?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, the box is ready. You can take your wife there now." The waitress smiled and said.

"OK, thank you. Please lead the way."


Soon, led by the waiter, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan walked into a vintage wing room.

At that moment, Mu Shishan felt as if she had entered a fairyland, which was particularly wonderful.

This made Mu Shishan really feel extremely surprised. Her beautiful eyes couldn't help but widen, and her mouth was full of an exclamation.

Then Mu Shishan turned her head, looked at Hengyan forest, and then asked aloud, "how on earth did you find such a good place?"

Hearing this, Heng Yanlin just smiled softly, and then asked Mu Shishan to sit down. Then he opened his mouth and replied, "I actually looked for it in many restaurants, and then compared various comments. Then I found such a house. Of course, some people also asked for help, such as... The owner of Lvyang house."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan suddenly realized that even with a smile, she opened her mouth and said, "you can book a box here with the help of him!"

"Of course, but it's also an interesting thing to say."

Hearing the words in Mu Shishan's mouth, Heng Yanlin also smiled and whispered, "this used to be the place where the owner of the Green family and his wife often came."

"Before the wife of the Lvyang family passed away, they often came here for dinner. It seems that there is still a good story here."

"Oh? Is it like this?"

Mu Shishan heard the speech, but there was also some surprise: "I really haven't heard him mention this."

"That's probably the sweetest memory between the owner of the Lvyang family and his wife, so when he recalls it, he will feel more pain and hide it in his heart, so that no one will know." Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin also uttered a sigh, and then said softly.

Mu Shishan felt that there was something reasonable when she heard the speech. At that moment, she nodded gently, opened her mouth, and said aloud, "what you said is not wrong. Maybe it is because of this that he dotes on green cover so much. After all, this is the only biological child between him and his wife."

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin nodded and immediately asked, "speaking of this, how's your recent investigation? Is there any news about green cover?"

After hearing Heng Yanlin's inquiry, Mu Shishan gently shook her head, slightly opened her lips, and replied, "no, there is no news about him at present, but we are still investigating with all our strength now, but the forces that stole the green cover... It seems very mysterious. Although we conclude that it was the Green family, but whether it was the Green family or not, we can't give any evidence."

Seeing that Mu Shishan had already said so, Heng Yanlin asked again, "since it's like this, do you need my help? There's a wide way for me to have a friend here. Maybe he can help."

The friend mentioned in Hengyan Linkou is no other than the rain order.

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