Hearing Yu Ling's inquiry, Heng Yanlin was in a trance, even though he was recovering, and then he gently shook his head at Yu Ling. Then he opened his mouth and said aloud, "nothing, just a little expectation."

"Expect? Expect what?" When Yu Ling heard this, the confusion on his face became more intense, even if he asked aloud.

Hearing the topic asked by Yu Ling, Heng Yanlin pulled his mouth slightly, outlined a faint smile, and then nodded gently at Yu Ling, then opened his mouth and said aloud, "looking forward to going to the central city."

"Looking forward to going to the central city?"

Hearing this, Yu Ling felt more confused. Immediately, his eyes were slightly rotated and connected. Then he gave a burst of "hey hey" obscene smile, and then he said to Hengyan Lin: "so, the sister who made you distracted is really in Zhongxin city!"

Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin just glanced at him and said in a bad voice, "I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!"

Of course, Heng Yanlin didn't say so much nonsense. After all, this kind of thing really doesn't need to be said, and it's hard to say. It's better not to explain.

What's more, at present, Hengyan Lin is 100% sure, and what Mu Shishan said is true.

Since what Mu Shishan said is true, it means that the world in front of him is likely to be false.

Of course, hengyanlin certainly doesn't believe that the world is false, but hengyanlin is very clear in his heart that even if the world is not false, there must be a set of operating rules, which will definitely hinder him and mu shisan.

Therefore, before investigating all the facts, the less people know about it, the better.

And, to be honest, Yuling is quite right.

In central city, there is indeed a girl waiting for him.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin took a deep breath and opened his eyes. At the same time, he shook his fingers slightly and clenched his fists. A low voice rang through his throat, saying to himself, "come on, Heng Yanlin, you can."

Seeing that Heng Yanlin actually cheered himself up, Yu Ling widened his eyes. He was like a monk in his second year of age who couldn't touch his head. He felt extremely magical. Then he shook his head, looked at Heng Yanlin, and his face was full of pity. He exclaimed at him and scolded: "it's really forgetting friends and righteousness when seeing color!"

Hearing these words spoken by Yu Ling, Heng Yanlin rolled his eyes angrily, revealing a disgusting look in his eyes, then opened his mouth and said aloud, "I'm too lazy to talk to you so much nonsense, let's go!"

With this sentence, Heng Yanlin turned around to leave the training square.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin was ready to leave, Yu Ling hurriedly asked loudly, "where are you going?"

"Seek revenge."


Hearing this, Yuling's eyes immediately burst into bright light. Immediately, the soles of his feet were severely trampled on the ground, and then with a "bang", he came to Heng Yanlin's side like an arrow leaving the bow string. Then he opened his mouth and asked aloud, "how to say, who are you looking for revenge?"

Hearing Yu Ling's inquiry, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows were slightly lifted up, and a surprised color appeared on his extremely handsome face. Then looking at Yu Ling, his voice was full of confusion and asked Yu Ling, "what's the matter? Don't you know?"

"Don't know what?"

Hearing the words of Hengyan Linkou, Yuling suddenly became confused.

Seeing the dazed color on Yuling's face, Heng Yanlin finally remembered it. At that moment, he suddenly realized it. Then he nodded, opened his mouth, and said aloud, "it seems like this. You haven't been in the team these days, so you don't know what happened to them."

"You mean they were ambushed by the cloud flower team in the dragon scale cave and were in danger, almost annihilated?" Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Yu Ling finally understood what Heng Yanlin was going to say at this moment, even when he asked aloud.

Hearing the words of the rain order, Heng Yanlin nodded even gently, and even opened his mouth and said, "well, it's really this thing, so you know!"

"So you want to go to the cloud flower team for revenge?" Looking at Heng Yanlin, Yuling raised her eyebrows and asked aloud.

Heng Yanlin didn't make a sound, but just kept walking forward and kept silent.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin didn't make a sound, but kept silent, it was obvious that he had changed his direction to answer the question of rain order.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin really wanted to find Yunhua team for revenge, it immediately made Yuling a little anxious. At that moment, he hurried out and said, "no, no, no, you can't go, this is not a good thing!"

Hearing what Yu Ling said, Heng Yanlin just rolled his eyes and ignored him.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin seemed to be determined to go to the headquarters of the Yunhua team to find their revenge, when it rained, he quickly took two steps, and then stopped in front of Heng Yanlin. Then he opened his mouth and said aloud, "Xiao Linzi, listen to me, now is not the time for revenge."

"Why?" Seeing that the rain order stopped him, Heng Yanlin stood in situ and looked at him expressionless.

Seeing Heng Yanlin looking at himself like this, I don't know how to say. Yu Ling felt a little creepy, but he still patiently came down and said to Heng Yanlin, "Xiao Linzi, I know, for you, you are very angry about the things that Yunhua team did."

"Of course I'm angry. If it weren't for this bastard cloud flower team, would I lose Shishan?"

Hearing the words of the rain order, Heng Yanlin thought secretly in his heart, and immediately his heart was filled with extremely angry emotions.

Thinking of this, I found that the culprit that made Mu Shishan disappear from the world was the cloud flower team!

Hengyanlin hadn't thought of this before!

The more you think about it, the more angry you get, so that there is a killing opportunity in Heng Yanlin's eyes, and it has become more and more rich.

Seeing the murderous spirit in Heng Yanlin's eyes changed Yu Ling's eyes and said something bad.

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