Seeing the woman holding her name in her hand, Heng Yanlin walked directly past and stood in front of the woman. When the woman saw Heng Yanlin, she did not wait for Heng Yanlin to open her mouth and said first.

"Heng Yanlin, right? Come with me. "

The woman's voice seemed extremely cold, and his prejudice towards Heng Yanlin seemed very general. Without introducing her name, she turned and left.

Heng Yanlin touched his nose, looked at the other side seemed not to want to talk to himself, also followed behind her, and then toward the outside, in the envy of the eyes, diameter is on the car parked outside.

"I've heard commander Wu talk about your business. When the time comes, you just have to follow behind. Don't move things or talk nonsense. Do you understand?"

The woman looked in front of her, and said without twisting her head. Heng Yanlin listened to this. Seeing that the woman was so indifferent and didn't want to be bored, he nodded his head directly, and then gave a faint answer. Then he closed his eyes and raised his mind.

That Su Yanhe saw hengyanlin's reaction, unexpectedly was so indifferent. Suddenly, he looked at hengyanlin with some surprise. This guy, isn't he aiming at himself?

Before that time, there was also a special command to himself, let her come to pick up Heng Yan Lin, how at the moment is so indifferent appearance?

However, no matter what idea Heng Yanlin made, Su Yanhe didn't bother to pay attention to Heng Yanlin. Seeing that he didn't want to talk, it was better. The car drove to a remote place. After driving for a long time, he turned into the deep mountain directly.

After driving for more than an hour, I saw a group of soldiers blocking the road from afar. After passing the inspection, the car finally stopped at a camp.

"That blue tent over there is where you sleep. Remember to get up early tomorrow. We won't wait."

Su Yanhe pointed to the tent on one side and said to Heng Yanlin. He turned his head and left him directly.

Heng Yanlin turned his head and looked around. On one side, there were people who were constantly busy, some people in strange clothes, some researchers in white coats, and some soldiers were watching the intersection on the periphery, so as not to let any irrelevant people get into it.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin lifted his eyes slightly and looked towards the distance. He saw that in a slightly farther place, a hole in the ground appeared there, and then he could see a continuous stream of black gas coming out from inside.

"It's a little strange indeed."

Seeing the cave entrance, Heng Yanlin frowned and wanted to go over and observe it carefully. However, seeing the people standing on both sides of the cave, he gave up the idea and went back to the tent. He began to close his eyes and wait for him to enter with others tomorrow.

The next day, Heng Yanlin opened his eyes and swept his mind slightly. He saw that they were ready to start at any time. He tidied up his clothes and went out.

Su Yanhe in the distance saw Hengyan forest coming. After a light look at Hengyan forest, he was paying close attention to him.

"After the meeting, some masters will lead the way ahead. The soldiers will stand on the left and right, and the rest of them will follow. Don't move anything. Do you hear them clearly?"

At this time, Su Yanhe said a word in a cold voice, and then he said to the crowd. When they heard this, they immediately responded with a yes, and they had already put their things in order.

Compared with them, Heng Yanlin seems to be on holiday. All over his body, he has nothing to bring with him. Standing in the crowd in casual clothes, he is particularly dazzling.

"Yan He, don't know this is?"

Seeing the crowd, suddenly a man came out of the crowd. There was a man full of arms. After seeing Heng Yanlin, he immediately asked.

Listen to the man's inquiry, Su Yanhe seems to be a little unhappy, frown slightly, "his name is Heng Yan Lin, is an apprentice, come here, want to learn."

The man listened to this and nodded. In his eyes, there was a flash.

"You, when you go in, don't run around. If you run around, you will lose your life. Don't blame us for not saving you. Really, what study? I didn't bring anything with me, so I still studied? "

Gao Fei Yuan looked at Heng Yan Lin, but he just felt that Heng Yan Lin was a little bit handsome, and the rest was no threat. After he said something, he ignored Heng Yan Lin.

However, his words were a little loud, which directly attracted the attention of several people wearing strange clothes.

"Learning? What, you want to learn from us old guys?

A man named Li Xingde, after seeing Heng Yanlin's practice, directly opened his mouth and said a word. When he spoke, he was full of disdain for Heng Yanlin. In terms of the country, they have always been very curious about their learning skills. They want to learn some of their abilities three times and four times. However, unless they teach them in person, otherwise, if they want to learn it with only a few eyes, they simply don'tpossible.

At this time, the rest of the people in Taoist robes also turned their heads and took a look at Heng Yanlin. Seeing how young he looked, they immediately turned back.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at those people, also did not open his mouth to say anything, just calm incomparable stand aside, eyes a piece of indifference.

Seeing Heng Yanlin not talking, he felt that he was some neglected Li Xingde. He immediately gave a cold hum, and then turned his head. On the side, the gods were chanting something. It seemed that he was ready to go to the cemetery.

"You, just follow me later. Do you understand?"

It seems to be aware that hengyanlin is a little unpopular here. Su Yanhe goes to hengyanlin and says a word to him. From yesterday to now, hengyanlin does not talk much, which makes her feel more satisfied.

However, satisfaction returns to satisfaction, which does not mean that she will have any special care for Heng Yanlin.

"Well, I've calculated. Now is the best time to enter the cemetery. Let's hurry up and go in together."

Su Yanhe said that at this time, Li Xingde had finished his recitation. After saying a word, he took the lead to enter the cave. At this time, the people behind him slowly followed in.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Heng Yanlin was pushed to the back. He could only look at the figures in front of him and follow him in. As for the situation ahead, he could not see at all.

When Heng Yanlin came to the cave entrance, he was finally able to observe what was happening around him. On a flat ground, a hole appeared out of thin air, and then there was a ladder, which was put down towards the bottom.

From inside, with Heng Yanlin's eyes, you can see a faint black breath. It's not very rich, but it makes hengyanlin feel uncomfortable. This hole was not dug out by a regular person, but rather by a grave robber. Heng Yanlin glanced at the hole and analyzed the situation. Then he slightly stretched out, and the diameter of the cave jumped down. Then he fell lightly on the ground.

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