The next second, Ruiwen's feet were severely trampled on the ground, and then "bang", the low voice sounded like a sultry thunder.

The huge force surged out under Ruiwen's feet, directly pressing the ground to crack inch by inch, and cracks spread out, just like a huge spider web, dense, people felt startled when they saw it.

Then, another "bang" burst sound rang out, Ruiwen's charming Her body tilted forward slightly, and then with a "whew", she was like a rocket launched, setting off a gust of wind and disappearing in place.

Seeing Ruiwen's figure disappear in the same place, there is a touch of shock on Hua wukai's handsome face. At the same time, his heart also secretly thought, "no!"

The next second, Hua wucrack was a burst of low drinking in his mouth. His hands were lightning bound, and his aura billowed out. Under the control of his hands, it gathered in front of him, condensing a flower shield.


At the moment when Hua wucrack condensed Hua Dun, Ruiwen's body appeared in front of Hua dun. At the same time, the jade hand was also holding the power of fierce Qi and blood, and severely slapped on Hua dun.

A thunder like collision sound rang out in the void, and then the energy wave that was powerful to the extreme spread out, just like a terrible wave, causing the void to continue to vibrate.

Then, Hua Dun was torn apart and broken, and the strong wind was shot backward, severely pounding Hua wucrack's body, forcing Hua wucrack's body to retreat, and even the blood in his body was violently churning, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Damn it, how is this possible?!"

Hua wucrack was forced to retreat, which made a touch of frost appear on his handsome face, and the eyes revealed in his eyes were also extremely shocked.

At this moment, Hua wucrack's mood really exploded directly. He really didn't expect that things would be like this.

You know, for Hua wucrack, Ruiwen is just a small B-level fighter. For him, it should be easy to handle.

Like a mole ant, he can crush it casually.

But the current situation, but it is to spend no crack have some doubt, oneself is not into what illusion and so on.

However, feeling the painstaking effort churning in his body, he still feels a little uncomfortable until now. Hua wuchaxin already knows very well. I'm afraid what happened in front of him is not a fantasy, but a real existence.

This means that Ruiwen's strength is not just a B-level fighter!

Therefore, at this moment, Hua wucrack's mood became extremely bad. Staring at Ruiwen's eyes, there was a very strong murder. At the same time, a low roar came out of her mouth: "you deceived me?"

When Ruiwen heard this, she couldn't help smiling softly and answered faintly, "it's really interesting. It's you who have been shouting and imagining there all the time, but I've never said that I'm just a B-class fighter?"

"You should know that there is a saying that scholars should treat each other with admiration on the third day. Do you really think that if I don't have some skills, I dare to appear against you?"

Seeing Ruiwen has already said so, Hua wucrack understands that I'm afraid Ruiwen should have some adventure, otherwise, her strength can't become so strong.

However, it doesn't matter much for Hua wucrack, because in his cognition, even if Ruiwen has some adventures and her strength has become stronger, he finally feels that Ruiwen is absolutely impossible to be his opponent!

Immediately, Hua wucrack took a deep breath to calm his mood.

Because he knows that now is the most critical time, he must also win this game, otherwise, on the side of the serious elder, he may completely lose his value.

Therefore, in order to show his value, he must win this game anyway!

Thinking of this, there was a strong killing mechanism in Hua wukai's eyes, and then he said in a cold voice: "hum! Ruiwen, you think you have such a little adventure and improved your strength, so you think you can defeat me? I tell you, this is absolutely impossible! My strength is definitely not what you can imagine!"

Hearing that Hua wucrack was boasting again, Ruiwen couldn't help rolling out her eyes and said angrily, "if you want to fight, why do you talk so much nonsense? If you really have the ability, you can do it. I want to see how terrible your real strength is!"

Seeing that Ruiwen actually said these words with such indifference, and her attitude was extremely contemptuous, it was obvious that she was mocking herself, which made Hua wucrack feel extremely bad again.

Hua wucai's eyes were full of extremely gloomy eyes, and he said in a somber tone, "well, since you can't wait to die, then I'll help you!"


The rage to the extreme surged out of Hua wucrack's body, and immediately the thick aura billowed out, and his hands were also printing rapidly. At the same time, pink lotus blossoms condensed out of thin air, hovering in the void, emitting a very strong and violent aura of energy.

Then, under the cold drink in the flower's unbroken mouth, the pink lotus blossoms shot out at Ruiwen quickly, blocking all her retreats.

Looking at these pink lotus flowers shooting at her, although she didn't know what the role of these lotus flowers was, Ruiwen ran the aura in her body for the first time, and then gathered her hands and shot them in the left and right directions.

At the moment of shooting, rolling aura gushed out of her palm, and quickly constructed a aura mask to firmly protect her body.

Seeing Ruiwen's behavior, Hua wukai's mouth was slightly tilted, outlining a disdainful smile, and then said in a cold voice, "it's really ignorant!"

With the falling of the voice in the crack of the flower, the aura mask constructed by Ruiwen was hit by such pink lotus flowers.

And the moment the pink lotus touches the aura mask

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