"I refuse to answer."

When Yu Ling just finished this sentence, Heng Yanlin didn't think about it, and didn't even hesitate at all, so he directly said.

Hearing this, Yuling immediately got a black line and said angrily, "you don't know what question I'm going to ask? Why did you refuse directly?"

"I refuse to answer any question."

"Shit, there's no such thing as you!"

"Yes, isn't that what I am?"

Heng Yanlin raised his head, blinked his eyes, and looked at the rain order with a face of "I was born like this".

Let the rain make angry really don't know what to say, can only be angry staring at Heng Yanlin, said: "do you say it or not?"


"Say it or not!"

"Are you annoyed? I've already said I don't want to say it. You're still here, jijiwaiwaiwai, you ghost!"

Heng Yanlin rolled his eyes angrily and opened his mouth.


The rain order uttered a cold hum and said, "cheapskate!"

Hearing the words of rain order, Heng Yanlin was also too lazy to talk to him. Instead, he twisted his neck and was ready to go back to the bar.

However, when Heng Yanlin just took two steps, suddenly, he felt a dizziness in his head, and immediately his body began to shake, feeling weak.

Seeing Heng Yanlin's precarious appearance, the rain changed his face and hurried to say, "how are you? Nothing?"

With that, Yu Ling also stretched out his palm and hurriedly supported Heng Yanlin's body.

Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin just shook his head gently and said in a low voice, "it's nothing. I'm just overworked. Just have a rest."

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Yu Ling looked at Heng Yanlin anxiously, because he saw that Heng Yanlin's face had become very pale, "I see your face has no blood color, are you sure?"

Hearing this, Heng Yanlin just nodded gently, then opened his mouth and whispered, "I was quite sure just now, but when you say so, I'm not sure..."

After saying this sentence, Heng Yanlin was unconscious.

"Hey, Kobayashi!"

Yu Ling hurriedly stretched out his hand to support Heng Yanlin's body, and immediately he called again twice. As a result, he unexpectedly found that Heng Yanlin really fell asleep, and there was no response at all.

This made Yuling cry and laugh. Immediately, he couldn't help but sigh, then gently shook his head, opened his mouth, and said to himself, "really, in this case, you dare to faint in front of me like this, aren't you afraid that I'm not good for you? You guy, your heart is really big enough!"

Of course, Yu Ling didn't do anything bad to Heng Yanlin, so he dragged his body back to the bar.

For a while, Heng Yanlin really fell asleep for a long time.

He felt like he was trapped in a prison, and then countless chains were wrapped around him, strangled frantically, as if to strangle him, making Heng Yanlin feel like he was going to suffocate.

"No, no!!"

Heng Yan Lin sheriday roared, and immediately he suddenly opened his eyes, and his body also quickly sat up. A look of surprise appeared on his face, and then he breathed heavily, and his forehead was full of bean sized sweat.

When Heng Yanlin reacted, he found that he was in his room.

This made Heng Yan Lin Leng for a moment, and immediately he thought that before he was unconscious, he was surrounded by rain orders.

So in other words, I was brought back by the rain order.

At present, Heng Yanlin closes his eyes slightly and feels himself at the same time.

Then, Heng Yanlin found that the power of many seals in his body was even stronger.

At the same time, he seemed to lack something, which made him feel empty.

Heng Yanlin knows what is missing, which is the lack of "authority".

Control of the fantasy world.

Yes, now, Heng Yanlin finally knows why he lost his memory and so on.

It was because his "authority" was deprived that he fell into this fantasy world and could only act according to the rules of fantasy.

The seal on Heng Yanlin is also a form of deprivation of authority.

The more you want to release your power, you must use more permissions to unlock the seal.

Of course, in this way, your authority will naturally be destroyed and disappear.

Then the control of fantasy rules over hengyanlin will naturally become more and more serious.

Heng Yanlin opened his eyes, stretched out his palm, and shook it. There was a helpless expression on his handsome face. Immediately, he sighed, shook his head, and said to himself, "it's really a headache. I didn't expect that the strength in my body is also a trap. The more I unlock the seal, the more authority I lose. It's really incredible!"

It's really incredible. Hengyan Lin never thought that the power contained in his body was also a trap set by the magic rule. If it weren't for the sudden recovery of some memories this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't know that there was such a big conspiracy hidden in it.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Then he shook his head and said softly, "forget it. Anyway, no matter how you think, it's useless. Anyway, whoever should come will always come, so forget it, just like this!"

After saying this, Heng Yanlin simply cleaned himself up, and then turned and walked outside.

When Heng Yanlin had gone out to the front hall, he found it empty, which made him really confused. He thought to himself, "it's really strange. At this point, shouldn't they all lie here drunk?"

There was no trace of many cross-country team members. He went to some familiar team members' rooms to find them, but he still didn't find them.

This made Heng Yanlin feel very strange. Where did everyone go this morning?

When Heng Yanlin was thinking like this, suddenly he heard a burst of shouting.

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