But among the workers, there is a man, who is also following them, eating steamed bread.

And he is also disheartened.

This man is green cover.

The eldest young master of the Green family.

This is what really surprised hengyanlin.

He really didn't expect that Heng Yanlin would actually see green cover here.

I didn't expect that green cover would be like other ordinary workers, eating steamed bread and wearing ordinary work clothes.

What is this?


At this moment, seeing that Heng Yanlin's eyes looked at Green Gai not far away, the captain of the guard standing beside him also showed a gentle smile, and then said to Heng Yanlin, "Mr. Lin, do you also feel very surprised?"

Hearing the words of the guard captain, Hengyan Lin nodded and said softly, "it really surprised me."

"Yes, not only you, but all of us are surprised."

The captain of the guard also uttered a sigh, and began to fall into memories. He said aloud, "at the beginning, master lvgai said that he would join the construction of the green house. Everyone thought he was just making a show, and he must not suffer much. After all, he was spoiled, and even the owner of the house felt that he would not do it if he just tossed casually."

"But what I didn't expect was that master green Gai not only insisted, but also did the hardest and tiring dirty work, but also ate and dressed the same with many workers, completely leaving his identity as a young master, which shocked all of us and felt very incredible."

"Even the master of the house was surprised, which made him feel very happy, because master green cover really changed."

"This makes the owner feel that the loss this time is actually worth it."

"After all, it's really not easy for the prodigal son to turn back."

Hearing the words of the captain of the guard, Heng Yanlin also nodded gently and sighed, "it's true. Looking at his appearance, he has indeed changed a lot."

At this moment, the rope of the wooden piles accumulated on the car not far away suddenly loosened, and then these huge wooden piles rolled down and scattered around.

At this moment, a wooden stake was rolling towards a worker.

That worker was originally a worker with better physical strength, and he was not a real cultivator. If he was hit by a stake, he might turn into meat sauce.

Green Gai, who was chewing on the steamed bread, saw this scene, and suddenly his face changed. The soles of his feet severely trampled on the ground, and then with a "bang", he rushed out, while his hands were running with aura, and severely patted the worker on the shoulder.

At that moment, the worker's body flew out like a baseball hit by a baseball bat, just out of the range of the stake.

As for green Gai, he was the whole person who directly fell to the ground because of inertia.

At this time, it was too late for him to stand up and try to escape.

The wooden stake has come to me.

"Young master!!"

For a moment, everyone in the audience was shocked.

As for green cover, he also knows that he is afraid to die.

However, he did not regret it.

In the past, he was spoiled, arrogant and domineering, and did many evil things.

Now, he found that only by doing good things, can he win more respect, and it is from the heart.

That feeling, for green cover, is really full and happy.

Although it's only a few days since he began to reform, these little things have made green cover remember.

There are only some regrets. He has no way to make up for some of his past sins.

Thinking of this, green cover gradually closed his eyes.


A sultry thunder like sound resounded through the void.

Then, green Gai found that there was no pain on his body, which made him confused in his heart. He thought to himself, "is death so rapid? There is no pain at all?"

"I said, when are you going to close your eyes?"

Just when green Gai felt that he was dying too fast, a indifferent voice rang in his ear.

Hearing this familiar voice, green guy was suddenly stunned, and immediately opened his eyes. Then, it was a familiar face that came into his sight.

"Hengyan forest!?"

Seeing that Heng Yanlin appeared in front of him, green Gai was slightly stunned, and then looked carefully. He found that at some time, Heng Yanlin had supported the rolling stake with one hand and stopped it from rolling.

This let green cover know in his heart that it was hengyanlin who saved him just now.

At this moment, green Gai's mood became complicated again.

Green cover looked at hengyanlin, got up from the ground, looked at him, and said aloud, "you saved me again."

"Now you deserve to be saved."

Heng Yanlin said such a sentence lightly, turned and left.

When green Gai wanted to say something more, many people surrounded him at this moment.

"God, master green cover, are you all right?"

"Yes, we were scared to death when we saw the wooden pile rolling towards you!"

"Master lvgai, you were really handsome just now!"

All kinds of voices suddenly drowned green cover, so that green cover's face appeared embarrassed expression, and hurriedly responded to the group in front of him.

Looking at the green cover surrounded like a hero, Heng Yanlin also smiled briefly, and then looked at the captain of the guard beside him and said, "let's go."


In this world, there are always some people who are willing to turn back.

Then they deserve a second chance.

Under the leadership of the guard captain, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan soon found Lvyang.

At this moment, Lvyang is holding a drawing in his hand, and then is directing his servants to build the ancestral temple.

However, the ancestral temple is too huge, and it took countless financial resources to construct it at the beginning, especially those engraved arrays, which now need a lot of effort and time to repair.

Therefore, from a distance, it is just an embryonic form.

However, this is also a matter of no way. Who told me that the power that broke out in the original war was really too terrible, so that the entire ancestral temple could not bear it, and directly exploded?

At this moment, the captain of the guard had come to Lvyang and whispered two words to him.

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