"Mr. Lin, Miss mu, have arrived."

"Here we are?"

Hearing what Lu Yang said, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan were stunned by each other and looked at each other. They quickly came forward to Lu Yang.

Heng Yanlin glanced at the hole, opened his lips and asked, "so this is the terminal?"

Lu Yang nodded, opened his mouth and said, "yes, there is a terminal inside."

Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan looked at each other again, and then they looked at the hole together, and saw the flickering fluorescence of the hole. For some reason, they always felt that there seemed to be a strange breath surging in it.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan and asked aloud, "go in?"

To be honest, here, I don't know why, Mu Shishan suddenly had some fear in her heart.

As for why? Mu Shishan was also asking herself, but she couldn't find any answer.

So, at this moment, Mu Shishan actually had the idea of quitting in her mind.

However, she thought again that everyone had come here, and it seemed unreasonable to shrink back like this.

So, thinking of this, Mu Shishan nodded at Heng Yanlin, and then said softly, "well, let's go in together."

"OK, let's go."

Hearing the words, Hengyan Lin didn't say much anymore, so he planned to lead him in first.

But at this moment, Mu Shishan directly grabbed his palm.

Heng Yanlin looked back at her.

Mu Shishan pursed her lips, and then a slightly frightened expression appeared on her exquisite and beautiful face. Then she whispered to Heng Yanlin, "take my hand and go in."

Heng Yanlin was stunned, and then a faint smile appeared on his extremely handsome face. Immediately, he nodded gently at Mu Shishan and said softly, "OK, let's go."

Then, Heng Yanlin held Mu Shishan's jade hand with his backhand, and then led her in.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan walked into the cave.

After turning a stone pillar with green fluorescence, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan finally saw the so-called terminal.

However, when they saw the terminal, their eyes widened in an instant.

The so-called terminal in front of us is actually a huge pool.

In the pool, there are several stone pillars shooting up obliquely.

Above the stone pillar, there are chains that fall vertically.

In these chains, there are "objects" interspersed.

Correctly speaking, this is not an "object", but a person.

Human bodies!

These human bodies are also full of cyan, with white eyes, chains inserted through their bodies, hearts, limbs, and then cyan liquid "tick tick tick" fell from their bodies and integrated into the huge pool.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin stayed where he was.

As for mu Shishan, her body kept shaking, and finally she closed her eyes and leaned against Heng Yanlin's back.

Feeling the trembling feeling caused by fear and fear from the people around him, Heng Yanlin finally reacted. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Then he turned around, held Mu Shishan in his arms, then stretched out his palm and gently stroked her long soft hair. His voice also became very gentle at this moment, Softly said, "well, there's nothing left. All this is an illusion. Don't think about it. Let's leave here."

"Well, well..."

Mu Shishan answered in a low voice, but her tone was full of anxiety, fear and fear.

Heng Yanlin quickly left the location of the terminal with Mu Shishan, and soon returned to the cave.

At this moment, Lvyang was already standing there waiting.

Heng Yanlin glanced at Lvyang coldly, and then he quickly left the cave with Mu Shishan.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin's cold eyes swept at him, Lu Yang's firm face showed a helpless expression, which made him couldn't help but sigh and say to himself, "it's really a headache. I've already said it. Why do you stare at me with such eyes?"

He has already told me everything and warned me that you had to come in and have a look by yourself. Can you blame me?

The owner of Lvyang family felt very wronged.

After leaving the stone cave where the terminal is located, Lvyang saw that Heng Yanlin was comforting Mu Shishan.

At this moment, Mu Shishan also recovered from the shock just now.

Although Mu Shishan's courage is indeed great, she won't be scared when she suddenly sees such a terrible scene. That's the ghost.

Anyway, she is also a girl. No matter how strong she is, there is still a soft place in her heart.

"Okay, it's okay, it's okay."

Heng Yanlin stretched out his palm, gently stroked Mu Shishan's cheek, and said softly.

Mu Shishan took a deep breath and tried to calm her mood. Then she looked at Heng Yanlin. Her eyebrows wrinkled at this moment, then she bit her lips and asked in a low voice, "Yan Lin, do you say those people inside... Are they dead or..."

Hearing Mu Shishan's inquiry, Heng Yanlin also slightly frowned, and his voice was mixed with a cold tone: "are they dead or alive? I'm afraid only the owner of Lvyang family can explain all this to us?"

With this sentence, Heng Yanlin turned around and looked at Lvyang.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin looked at him with a bad face, Lvyang stretched out his hands and looked helpless, He said to Heng Yanlin, "I said Mr. Lin, you don't have to be so angry with me. This is not my whole thing. Don't take it out on me. And I've reminded you before. No, it's what you insist to see... And I didn't keep it secret from you. Otherwise, I can use all kinds of reasons to get rid of it. Do you say yes?"

Hearing what Lvyang said, I have to say that this is indeed very reasonable.

Moreover, this terminal had already existed when Lvyang inherited the title of home owner, so Heng Yanlin figured it out, and the look on his handsome face was also slightly relieved.

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