Then, there was a poor look in the eyes of Lvyang.

"Make it clear to me, what exactly does it mean?" Seeing the poor eyes in green Yang's eyes cast on him, Qingguang asked coldly.

Yes, Qingguang really doesn't understand why Lvyang should look at himself with such eyes, and what kind of relationship does it have with the owner of the Qingjia now?

Seeing Qingguang, there was no way to remember, which made Lvyang and Hengyan Lin look at each other involuntarily.

Then Lvyang said faintly, "Qingguang, I really don't know whether you are really stupid or fake stupid. Don't you know that there is cloning technology in this world?"

"Cloning technology?"

Hearing what Lvyang said, Qingguang was confused. Then he finally reacted. He looked at Lvyang and asked coldly, "what do you mean, Lvyang?"

Speaking of this, Qingguang couldn't help but pull out a sarcastic smile on his face and said in a cold voice, "do you want to say that the person who occupied the main position of my family in the green house is my clone? Are you kidding? Want to clone me? How is this possible?! am I the kind of person who can be cloned casually? It's really interesting, it's absolutely impossible!!"

However, when Qingguang finished these words, Qingguang found that the expression on their faces, whether it was hengyanlin or Lvyang, was telling Qingguang very seriously that all this was not a joke.

This makes Qingguang the whole person extremely confused.

Is all this... Really true?

Qingguang looked at Hengyan Lin, swallowed his saliva, and couldn't help but ask, "Lin, Mr. Lin, you told me that all this should not be true, right?"

Qingguang stared at Heng Yanlin with expectation. He wanted Heng Yanlin to tell himself that all this was not true.

However, dreams are beautiful and this world is cruel.

Naturally, it is impossible for Heng Yanlin to fabricate facts casually.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin opened his mouth and said aloud, "everything the master of Lvyang said is true."

"At present, there is indeed a clone of you in the Green family that is replacing you, sitting on the seat of the head of that family and managing the affairs of the whole green family."

"Of course, in the eyes of the Green family, you have never disappeared, which can also explain why so many days have passed, but a green family has not come to save you, or even inquire about you."

"Because from the beginning to the end, they all feel that you are still in the youth family, and you have not disappeared."

"They take your clone as you, so they are so relieved."

"No, it's impossible!!"

Even if Heng Yanlin said such words, there is no doubt that it is a very shocking news for Qingguang, which directly impacted his body back and forth, making him gasp for breath, and then he said aloud, "how is this possible?! how can I be cloned?! what's the joke?"

"In fact, we are not kidding you. Anyway, no matter how you want to reject this fact, the fact is that there, your is indeed cloned, and if we guess correctly, it is likely to be a plan prepared at the beginning."

"What do you mean?"

Qingguang heard this sentence from Heng Yanlin. His face was full of confusion, and he asked aloud.

Even if it was Lvyang, his face showed surprise. At the same time, he also looked at hengyanlin very curiously. He wanted to know why hengyanlin said such a sentence.

"How did the senior elder promise you at the beginning? What benefits did he promise you after you secretly attacked the green house and got a lot of information about the source plan?"

Looking at Qingguang, Heng Yanlin's extremely handsome and handsome face showed a serious expression. At the same time, he slowly opened his mouth and asked.

Hearing Heng Yanlin's inquiry, Qingguang was stunned for a moment, and even with a confused face, he said aloud, "does this have anything to do with what you just said?"

"Of course it matters. Just say it directly." Heng Yanlin said faintly.

Although I don't know why hengyanlin asked these questions and what to do, Qingguang replied very seriously: "the mysterious man said that if we can get all the information of the source plan, as long as we give it to them, he will give us part of the source plan information for us to study, and will also help us become the first family in the outer city of the steel core city, and even let us govern the whole outer city."

"At the same time, it can also help me improve my strength, make my strength reach s level, and make me a super existence!"

Hearing these benefits that Qingguang said, Lvyang felt so speechless that he couldn't help saying, "so after he said these words, you believed it?"

"Of course not, but his strength is so strong that I can't fight again. What can I do? I can only reluctantly believe it..."

Speaking of this, Qingguang suddenly stopped, and his eyes burst out with bright light, as if he thought of something, which made Qingguang's face emerge with a very ugly expression, and even couldn't help but utter a dirty word.

"Shit! Did you get my genes at that time, so you can clone me?"

Hearing what Qingguang said, Heng Yanlin and Lvyang looked at each other, and immediately Lvyang said, "what's the matter?"

"At that time, I didn't believe them, but the mysterious man said that there was a device that could make me stronger, such as giving me a reward in advance? Anyway, I didn't believe it very much, but after the test, my strength was indeed enhanced a lot, so I believed them."

"It is likely that I got my genetic data at that time, so I can be cloned?"

Hearing what Qingguang said, Heng Yanlin and Lvyang looked at each other again, and then Lvyang said aloud, "it's likely that it's really like this. After all, it's easy for a stupid person like you to get your genetic data."

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