After saying that sentence, 33 paused again and continued to say, "so even if I really lost in the first set, you can at least make it easier to deal with it."

Hearing what 33 said, Ruiwen didn't promise him at the first time, but looked at other people. Her beautiful eyes showed the color of inquiry. Then she opened her mouth and asked aloud, "what do you want to see about this? Do you agree that 33 should be the first to play?"

"I don't think so."

When Ruiwen finished saying this, someone made a voice and made an objection.

Hearing the man's voice, the people turned their heads and looked over, and found that the man talking was hengyanlin.

If it was someone else, it was impossible for everyone present to answer, but it was actually put forward by Heng Yanlin. Naturally, everyone should listen carefully.

At that moment, Ruiwen looked at Heng Yanlin, and there was an unexpected color on her pretty face. She opened her mouth to him and asked, "en? Why do you think it's not possible?"

At this moment, 33 also opened his mouth and said, "yes, why do you think it's impossible?"

Hearing these people's questions, Heng Yanlin saw that everyone's eyes were looking at him together. Heng Yanlin coughed gently, and a very serious expression appeared on his handsome face. Then he said aloud, "why can't it? Let me tell you!"

"Because we have to face the dragon team, right? Then they are likely to send the strongest people at the beginning, even if not the strongest, at least in the second or third."

"Why? Because this is a arena match, not a personal match!"

"This means that if they send the strongest person in the early stage, and then easily solve our people, then the rest of us will undoubtedly bear more pressure. In that case, like 33, put it in front, it is equivalent to cannon fodder, and there is no effect at all."

33. Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, he immediately looked helpless and said to Heng Yanlin, "I say Mr. Lin, although I know my strength is indeed very weak, can you stop saying it so frankly, I will also be very sad, OK?"

Hearing the words, Heng Yanlin, when even his eyebrows were slightly moved upward, a confused color appeared on his face. Looking at 33, he opened his mouth and asked, "isn't it like this?"


33 immediately felt that he was severely pierced by Heng Yanlin. At that moment, he waved helplessly and said, "OK, Mr. Lin, you continue to talk."

Others smiled secretly.

Hengyan Lin Bai glanced at him and continued, "so we must send the strongest at the beginning. No matter who the other party sends, the overall strength must be stronger than us, right? Therefore, we must start again, and we must try our best to defeat if we can defeat, defeat if we can't defeat, and also seriously injure him, so that the people behind us can pick up the leak, such as those with slightly inferior strength..."

Speaking of this sentence, Heng Yanlin looked at 331 intentionally or unintentionally.

33 immediately wanted to cry without tears, and really wanted to find a wall to crash into.

As for the faces of others, a strange color also appeared, and they all looked at 33.

Because they heard what Heng Yanlin said, "pick up the leak..."

That is to say, in hengyanlin's heart, is the strength of 33 weak enough to only "pick up the leak"?

As for 33, seeing the eyes of these people, I really want to find a hole to drill in.

It's really... Disgraced!

Ruiwen heard what Heng Yanlin said, and she also felt very reasonable. If 33 was allowed to go up in the first set, I'm afraid there was no way to take advantage of anything at all, and maybe 33's strength would be sacrificed in vain.

At that moment, Ruiwen nodded gently at Heng Yanlin and said softly, "I quite agree with what you said. Since it's like this, I really want to know what your own plan is? Who should be sent first?"

"Let me come first, my strength is very excellent!"

Ruiwen's words came out, and Yuling twisted her head. A very proud look appeared on her face, and she opened her mouth and said.

Hearing what Yu Ling said, Ruiwen was also stunned. She also knew that Yu Ling's strength was indeed very strong. At the moment, she nodded, but she didn't determine the candidate at the first time. Instead, she looked at Heng Yanlin and asked, "how about letting Yu Ling play first?"

Heng Yanlin glanced at Yu Ling and said faintly, "of course, but if I'm going to arrange the candidates, I won't put Yu Ling in the first place, but in the third."


Ruiwen was also a little surprised when she heard this, and asked aloud, "is it because the rain order is not strong enough?"

"Hey, Captain Ruiwen, it's a little too much for you to say so. Why am I not strong enough? Those bastards of the dragon team, can I play three in a dozen?" The rain made me unhappy immediately and said directly.

Ruiwen smelled the words, squinted at the rain order, and said, "can you stop bragging?"


"Shut up!"

When she saw that Yu Ling wanted to say something more, Ruiwen glared at him angrily and scolded directly.

The rain order can only be honestly shut up.

Ruiwen looked at hengyanlin again and wanted to hear the next answer of hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin swept the rain order with the color of grievance on his face, and also smiled faintly. He immediately looked at Ruiwen and said aloud, "it's actually a very simple truth."

"It's not that the rain order is not strong enough, but because he is strong enough, he must be placed in the third position."

Hearing this, Yuling's eyes immediately became extremely bright, looked up at Ruiwen with great pride, and said, "did you hear that? Captain Ruiwen and Xiaolin said I was strong, okay?"

"Shut up and don't interrupt here!"

Ruiwen glanced at Yu Ling unhappily, continued to look at Heng Yanlin, and asked, "why is he strong enough... To put him in the third position?"

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin smiled and said, "didn't I just say it? Because the DPCA team will definitely send the strongest person at the beginning."

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