
Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, everyone present was surprised.

Ruiwen frowned and asked softly, "do you think the reason why that guy looks like this is all because he took the potion just now?"

Heng Yanlin nodded and said aloud, "yes, I think he seems to have lost his mind after taking the potion, but similarly, because his strength has been enhanced, the emotions and voices of these people around him can be transmitted to him, so that his emotions encounter strong stimulation... So, he suddenly becomes very angry, and then wants to deal with those guys..."

Speaking of this, Heng Yanlin paused again, gently shook his head, opened his mouth, and said aloud, "but all this is just my guess, not to mention, another key point is, if this guy's potion is from the Dragon Team..."

"Well, it is very likely that the DPCA will use it when playing against us!" Mu Shishan thought of this problem at the first time, and opened the powder Tender lips, said it.

"There is nothing wrong with this!" Hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin also nodded gently and replied.

"However, since this guy took the medicine, he turned into this... Even Li Zhi can't control it, and he is likely to lose it. Do you think it's possible for the dragon team to take it?" Mu Shishan also thought of a problem at this moment. At present, she frowned slightly, and then slightly tilted her head, looked at Heng Yanlin in confusion, and asked aloud.

Other people also obviously thought of this problem, so they nodded one after another, thinking whether it would be like this.

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, he glanced around again. The color of thinking appeared on everyone's faces, and a faint smile appeared on hengyanlin's handsome face, Then he whispered to them, "what you said is not wrong. If the guy just took the medicine really has such side effects, then the DPCA may not take it, but what if the guy took only the general version developed by the DPCA?"

"Normal version?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned again.

Ruiwen frowned and said aloud, "you mean, it is likely that the dragon team has a better potion, and this guy in the way is taking a incomplete potion?"

"My guess is like this, but I don't know whether it's like this or not," Heng Yanlin heard this, and nodded gently, and then sighed, "but anyway, they must have big killers, so we have to guard against it. OK, let's move on."

Hearing that Heng Yanlin said that he would continue to go to the game scene, several people present were stunned.

Ruiwen pointed to the strong man in the vest who was chasing the inner city man, opened his lips and asked aloud, "what should that guy do?"

Heng Yanlin raised his head slightly and glanced at the strong man in the vest in the distance. There was an indifferent expression on his extraordinarily handsome and very handsome face, and then said indifferently, "that guy... Someone will help us solve it."

Yes, hengyanlin doesn't think such a big thing has happened and no one will deal with it. It's obviously impossible.

However, the reason why Heng Yanlin is so indifferent is that he wants to tell those people in the dark that since you connive at such things, you must figure out what consequences will happen after this connivance.

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan and Ruiwen, especially Mu Shishan and Ruiwen, both girls' hearts were filled with unbearable emotions. After all, those inner-city people, no matter how they say it, that is, their mouths are a little cheap, in fact, they are innocent anyway.

As for Yu Ling and 33, they naturally don't have any nonsense. Anyway, they don't like these inner city people with broken mouths for a long time.

Therefore, hearing hengyanlin say so, they naturally agree very much and have no objection.

So, even if Mu Shishan and Ruiwen want to persuade everyone to help, those guys are just innocent people, and they don't have this idea.

After all, Mu Shishan is all looking at Heng Yanlin to act. Although if she opens her mouth to persuade him, Heng Yanlin must agree, but in that case, it can't be said that there will be a gap between the two.

Moreover, since Heng Yanlin is unwilling to help, there is naturally a reason why he doesn't want to help. Therefore, Mu Shishan won't forcibly reverse Heng Yanlin's decision after Heng Yanlin's decision. She is not such a woman.

As for Ruiwen, there is naturally nothing to say. They are unwilling to help, and she is the weakest of the five people here, so let her help, there is no doubt that it is just to die.

And to be honest, Ruiwen is also very smart. She is not an idiot.

She can probably know why hengyanlin and they are not willing to deal with each other.

Because if they really take action, it is likely to consume more power. At that time, it will be more difficult to go to the game site to fight with the DPCA team.

Therefore, if they really help those inner city people because of compassion, there is no doubt that they are really deceived!

We can't say that Heng Yanlin is wrong. Naturally, we can't say that those inner-city people are at fault.

It can only be said that these people have become others' pawns after all.

"Let's go. If we stay any longer, we will only fall into the trap." At this moment, Heng Yanlin said faintly.

Heng Yanlin knew that if they hadn't left, those guys in the dark would not have done it.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin had already said so, the people naturally didn't say any nonsense and followed.

On the rooftop of a high-rise building, a man dressed in black saw the trajectory of hengyanlin's actions, and then he said coldly, "they were not deceived, you go ahead."


"Whew, whew, whew..."

At present, when this man with a strong vest continued to attack the inner city people, suddenly, the broken air was resounding.

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