After flying to the mountain print forest, Heng Yanlin looked at the boundless forest and immediately spread his divine consciousness. On the one hand, he flew slowly, while paying attention to whether there was something different around him.

It's too big here. If the sharp blade team doesn't make any noise during the battle, it will be extremely difficult for Heng Yanlin to find the other party.

And far away from Hengyan forest, the blade team is carrying out a very difficult battle.

"Bang bang bang!"

One after another extremely loud explosion sound, unceasingly rings, did not when this explosion sound falls, one side is has one after another tree, the explosion extremely miserable.

"Where the hell did these guys come from? It seems that they are very clear about our actions. They are directly ambushed here

At this time, a man with a dark face spat out his mouth and swore. While swearing, he threw four or five grenades out of his body. Suddenly, there was a violent roar outside.

"I don't know, but these guys are all aiming at our goods. This is the latest research result. I didn't want it. It was known by outsiders. The most important thing is that these guys are foreign mercenaries. They are some of the most powerful."

At this time, the mouse also took a breath and said with a bad face. Before that, they also had a fight with these people and knew that these people were extremely powerful.

At that time, they were not afraid of these people, but now they are different. They are all from different mercenaries, and they are all the elite among the elite. Under their siege, they have been defeated.

In the past, they fought with them with their bodies, but they didn't get much advantage, and even fell behind. Fortunately, they broke out quickly. Otherwise, under the siege of these people, they would have been dead and could not die.

"We have to give the Dan team time to delay. The things in the Dan team's hands can't fall into these people's hands."

These people, in fact, are not very clear about what they are going to deliver, but vaguely, they can still guess that this thing, which is similar to reinforcement, is specially capable of making soldiers like them.

Things like this can't fall into the hands of these people. Once they are taken abroad and their research is successful, they will definitely suffer when they go out to carry out tasks!

"I know, hurry up, that thing blows them up, these guys come in, they don't have much firepower in their hands, but we are different. Fortunately, we have enough firepower to delay."

The strong man on one side, at this time, also responded. Then he took off a rocket launcher and put it in his hand as if it was a toy. The diameter of the rocket launcher was launched towards the rear.

It's a group of people in the back who burst into tears.

"Grass! How much firepower has this Chinese team brought? It's already so strong. How can it still carry so many thermal weapons? "

A foreign mercenary was a little disheartened, and immediately scolded. His tone was full of anger.

They are also very strong. When they enter China, they do not bring many weapons because the inspection is very strict.

In their view, in their own country, the sharp blade team should not carry so many weapons. What's wrong is that the other side not only brought but also brought so many weapons.

These things will not kill them, but they can blow them to death. No one wants to rush up against such a fierce fire and become a live target.

"We can't go on like this. If we go on like this, all the people will run away. Is the former team sure to catch up with the escaped ones? Don't be run away, the mission will be a failure

"Shut up, that's my lone eagle team. My lonely eagle team is very powerful. Do you want to try it?"

"Hum, if all the people in your team are women, I don't mind trying it. How powerful is it?"

At this time, a group of foreign mercenaries were hiding outside the big trees. They all had different skin colors and obviously belonged to different teams. Therefore, they were full of gunpowder and looked at this posture as if they were about to fight at any time.

"Shut up, this time's action is absolutely to complete the task. You should quarrel. After you go back, you will quarrel. If it affects me to finish my task, I will kill you all at that time."

One side of a very strong black, listen to these people's words, immediately a little impatient, said a hard, let these people's quarrel, is directly calm down.

It can be seen that this black man should be extremely powerful, otherwise, with such unruly fellows, they would not be so calm for a word."It seems that the firepower of the other side is getting weaker. We all rush together and blow up a few times. I'm very angry when I'm so pressed. If I don't twist the other side's head off, I'll never give up!"

The big black man turned around and listened carefully. Then he said something. As he said it, he slapped the huge tree in front of him. The big tree was suddenly broken by such a beat, and then the diameter was broken into countless pieces.


The big man called out and rushed to the front. When the people behind him saw this, they immediately followed up and rushed to the front. The rest of them did not dare to play tricks at this time.

They know how cruel this black man is. If they don't get together at the moment, they will definitely crush their heads afterwards. The key is that they can't beat this guy.

"Damn it, your ammunition? Why are they all empty? "

As soon as the mouse saw the situation behind him, he quickly turned back, but when he saw his teammates, he was carrying a full bag of ammunition. At this time, he was completely empty. He was surprised and asked.

On hearing this, his teammates immediately turned their eyes. "I've been bombing the opposite side for nearly an hour. I'm not moving the powder magazine. Where did I get so much ammunition?"

Listen to this, the mouse face slightly black, but the heart is also helpless, know this matter can't blame his teammates, when even fast running up.

These people are not opponents of each other. At this time, they can only run fast. It is not wise to fight with each other.


After they had run for a distance, a roar suddenly rang out, and then they saw a very tall black man, who jumped heavily and then fell in front of them.

"Go on

When the mice and others saw this situation, they were immediately shocked. Then they gave a sharp drink. If they didn't solve this guy quickly, they would be surrounded once the people behind them came.

When the black man saw the mouse and others rushing towards him, a scornful smile flashed on his face. His big hand, with great speed, was directly facing a fan in front of him. Several of his team members of the sharp blade team wanted to dodge.

But the speed was so fast that they couldn't respond to it. They threw it hard on the big tree behind, smashing the big tree into two.

The mouse's body was extremely flexible. It went directly around the black man's back, raised a foot, and then fell heavily on the black man. However, the black man's body did not even shake after receiving the foot. The mouse's face changed dramatically when he saw this.

With his strength, this foot falls on the boulder, can kick in two, but to deal with this guy, is actually no effect?


Seeing this, the mouse didn't want to think about it. It was shouting at other people that the defense could not be broken. It was staying, just dying!

"Run, where can you go? One by one must die here today At this time, several figures came to the scene one after another. They surrounded the whole area directly. Although there was a gap between them, this gap was quite airtight for them!

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