"Hey! What's the matter? Why is the picture gone?"

"What happened?"

"Where's the picture? Play it quickly!"

"Yes, we want to see the result!"

At that moment, many spectators watching this game, whether supporting the DPCA team or supporting the cross-country team, shouted in succession!

The competition is going to the most intense part, and the audience also saw that the mood became the most excited. As a result, you suddenly said no and then it was gone. Isn't this disappointing?

Soon, an official came out and explained to the crowd that the holographic projection machine had some faults and was now in full repair. Please wait patiently.

Hearing that the holographic projection machine actually broke down, the audience was not happy at once!

"What, why did it break down at this time?"

"Yes, it's intentional!"

"Is there something behind it?"

"No matter, we want to recover immediately!"

"Yes! Recover!"

At that moment, the audience became extremely excited and foamed.

However, with the sound of "clattering", an inspector of the inspection department came out of the crowd in full gear, and then began to stare at the audience who wanted to make trouble sternly, and shouted coldly, "what do you want?! is there any king's law?! be quiet! Make a fuss again, and catch all the inspection department!"

Seeing the appearance of this inspector, the audience who wanted to make trouble suddenly turned off and dared not say any more nonsense.

As for the old Mao and others in front of the bar, when they saw that the holographic projection screen in the sky directly disappeared, they were all stunned, and they didn't understand what was going on.

As for ah San, he suddenly became very nervous. He turned his head to look at Lao Mao and asked softly, "Ah Mao, you said that the captain would not happen to them? Otherwise, why would you suddenly close the screen at this time?"

There was no expression on a Mao's face. He frowned slightly, and a thoughtful color passed quickly in his eyes, Then he said slowly, "don't worry, there shouldn't be anything. It may be that the energy fluctuation just now is too terrible, so it will impact the holographic projection machines, resulting in the short-term failure of those machines. We have asked Allen to go to the square to ask about the situation, and he will be back soon."

As soon as the voice fell, Allen quickly ran over the street.

"Arlen, what's the matter? Do you know why? Why did the holographic image disappear directly?" Seeing ah Leng coming back, ah San directly stood up and hurriedly asked.

A Leng panted and didn't speak, but forked his waist, then directly picked up a bottle of coke next to him, and then blocked it towards his mouth, and then "Gulu Gulu" drank a few mouthfuls, and then he was panting again.

Seeing that ah Leng was speechless, ah San couldn't help patting his big face in a hurry Leg, hurriedly shouted: "Oh, you talk quickly, what's the matter with you?"

"You have to let me be angry first?"

A Leng looked at a San unhappily, and then took a few breaths again. Finally, after straightening out his breath, he said to the crowd, "I asked the people over there, and they said that the holographic machine broke down, so the picture disappeared. Now it is under full repair."

Hearing Arlen's answer, everyone present had some accidents.

A San blinked his eyes, turned his head and looked at Lao Mao. He opened his mouth and said, "Lao Mao, you are really good. You guessed it. It's really like this!"

Hearing this, Lao Mao immediately said proudly, "of course, I've read a lot of books, and I'm also literate, OK?"

"Ah Mao, do you know when the holographic projection machine will be repaired?" Ah San asked such a question again.


Hearing this, the proud smile on Lao Mao's face suddenly became stiff. Even if he glared at ah San angrily, he said unhappily, "I'm not the one who repairs the holographic projection machine. How can I know when to repair it? Don't always give me trouble!"

"In fact, what I'm more worried about is that the energy can actually affect the holographic projection machine. How fierce the battle should be!"

Old Mao frowned, looked at the blue sky, and sighed softly, "I don't know what kind of situation it will be. It's really worrying..."

At this moment, inside the steel core city, in the competition venue, above the challenge arena, in the corner.

Two extremely terrible energies are constantly impacting and squeezing, as if to tear apart the whole space. They are extremely terrifying and make people feel extremely nervous!

No matter who it is, I didn't expect that the power erupted by Mu Shishan and Bai Long could reach such a degree that they had broken through the limit and reached the level of S!

All of a sudden, the staff in the control room were also operating in a hurry, trying to restore many arrays in the whole competition arena.

However, at present, many arrays are scattered due to the impact of this terrible force, and have been seriously disturbed, which is simply difficult to recover.

Although the energy barrier on the competition arena still exists, according to this situation, it is estimated that it will be broken soon.

"Click, click, click..."

Sure enough, as they thought, cracks had appeared on the surface of the entire energy barrier, and they spread out crazily in the form of butterfly effect, one after another, and in an instant, they covered the surface of the entire energy barrier, dense and shocking.


With a bang, the energy barrier was smashed, and the violent energy on the competition arena poured out like a flood.

"Come on, start the backup barrier!"

A middle-aged man who seemed to be in charge shouted hurriedly, and his face became very flustered.


When the energy on the challenge arena tears the energy barrier and spreads outward, a new energy barrier suddenly rises on the ground and directly covers the whole challenge arena.

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