Although Mu Shishan felt that she was about to lose her breath, and the whole face became red because of physiological relations, the eyes revealed in her beautiful eyes did not have any color of fear.

Seeing that Mu Shishan's eyes did not reveal any fear, but were so tenacious, which was a very bad thing for Bai long.

Why do you say bad things? Because Bai Long didn't expect Mu Shishan to be so determined, which is a great insult to Bai Long!

If Mu Shishan's eyes were flustered and frightened, it would be an extremely pleasant enjoyment for Bai Long, because he felt that this was simply the greatest success and a great achievement!

But why does Mu Shishan not seem to be very angry at all in this situation?

Why is this?

Why can someone who is going to die be so calm?

This made Bai Long's heart really puzzled.

Moreover, because the white dragon is fused with the dragon blood, his mind is more or less affected.

Therefore, at present, Bai Long's emotions are actually very brutal, but they are restrained by Bai Long's original reason.

However, now Mu Shishan is dying, but she is a little afraid and flustered. For Bai Long, it is true that she will be very unhappy.

So that at present, the anger gradually occupied the reason of the white dragon man, and the eyes revealed in his eyes gradually became blood red.

Then, white dragon gnashed his teeth and roared, "Mom, a chicken, why aren't you afraid? Do you know you're dying now!"

With that, Bai long used a little more force, acting on the palm of his hand on Mu Shishan's snow-white neck.

At that moment, Mu Shishan felt the suffocation again, making her gasp in a big breath, and the whole beautiful and exquisite face became more red again.

However, after hearing these words, Mu Shishan's eyes were still calm, and even a contemptuous smile was sketched between the corners of her lips. She struggled to open her lips and said slowly:

"Hehe, why should I be afraid? Besides, who says, I will die?"

"You have the ability to kill me now, otherwise, I will find a chance to kill back!"

Bai Long heard these words, but the eyes revealed more disdain. Even the corners of his mouth outlined a sneering smile and said contemptuously, "Oh? Really? It's up to you? Don't forget, now you are still in my hands, and the power of life and death is in my hands. How dare you tell me you want to kill me?"

"Hahahaha... I'm really laughing to death. How do you want to kill me? Come on! I want to see it!"

Bai Long shouted, and even to give Mu Shishan a chance, he slightly loosened the palm of his hand that pinched Mu Shishan's snow-white neck, just to see how mu Shishan killed him.

It has to be said that Bai Long's behavior really made Mu Shishan a little relieved.

Soon, Mu Shishan's beautiful eyes showed a cold look, and continued to sneer, "really? Do you really think you have the chance to win?"

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Bai Long sneered and said disdainfully, "is it?"

With this sentence, Bai Long suddenly loosened his palm and threw forward fiercely, directly throwing Mu Shishan on the ground.


Mu Shishan immediately felt a ferocious force acting on her, which made her couldn't help but snort, and a mouthful of red blood gushed out of her mouth.

Seeing that Mu Shishan's mouth was already spitting out red blood, white dragon's eyes were full of strong murders, and then a cold voice rolled out in his throat: "now you go to hell!"

When the words fell, Bai Long raised his right leg and directly forced towards Mu Shishan's chest Kick forward.

Without any mercy, I'll really destroy the flowers directly.

Mu Shishan looked at Bai Long's kick, and her eyes became extremely cold at this moment. There was no fear on her delicate and beautiful face, so she looked at Bai Long straightly.

Just when Bai Long's foot was about to kick Mu Shishan, the originally weak breath on Mu Shishan suddenly rose at this moment and became extremely strong. At the same time, Mu Shishan's state also became full in an instant. Then Mu Shishan suddenly raised her jade hand, and in her jade hand, she was holding a dark knife tightly.

Dragon scale knife!


At that moment, the dragon scale knife in Mu Shishan's hand stabbed on the sole of the foot kicked by Bai Longfei.

At that moment, the solid dragon scales on the white dragon's surface were torn apart by the dragon scale knife in Mu Shishan's hand like tofu dregs. At that moment, the red blood splashed out of it.

Then, Mu Shishan tore the dragon scale knife held by her jade hand directly forward, and directly pulled the white dragon together with the big one Half the body of the leg was split in two!

This made the pupils of Bai Long's eyes shrink suddenly, revealing extremely shocked eyes, and immediately his mouth was emitting a heart rending scream.

Bai Long didn't expect such a situation!

Why is it like this?!

This is unscientific!!

However, no matter what Bai Long thinks in his heart, he has been completely killed now!

At the moment when his consciousness dissipated, he also saw the dark knife in Mu Shishan's hand. His heart was filled with horror, which was very bitter. He thought to himself, "originally, this situation would be like this..."

Yes, Bai Long has recognized the dark knife in Mu Shishan's hand. It's a... Dragon scale knife!

It must be the same level of power to break the Dragon scales on his surface!

Dragon scale knife, this is something that white dragon didn't think of at all!

"No wonder this mu Shishan has been convinced that he still has a chance to overturn. The original main reason is here... Really, really... What a pity..."

Bai Long was full of bitterness and finally lost his breath.

"No -"

A roar suddenly rang out.

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