Heng Yanlin and his wife did not come to the first floor directly, but came to the second floor. Then they changed an elevator to avoid some eyes and ears. When they went out, they had already changed their clothes.

This is what Shan Haizhen asked for, saying that he could avoid some trouble. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin obediently obeyed his orders and followed the meaning of shanhaizhen.

When the crowd left, there were a large number of men in black, who sealed off the place. All the unimportant people were expelled.

"Shall we go directly to the headquarters or?"

Heng Yanlin and Shan Haizhen are walking on a pedestrian street. They are all carrying shopping bags. They think they are all going shopping. However, hengyanlin and shanhaizhen are quite different from each other.

Listen to Heng Yanlin's inquiry, that Shan Haizhen at this time, slightly appears to be a bit depressed, as if it is a heavy hearted appearance.

Before that, Heng Yanlin had already noticed that there was something wrong with shanhaizhen. After thinking about it, it should be that after shanhaizhen got some information, it became like this.

Hengyanlin in the previous time, has not been asked, if Shan Haizhen does not want to say, he will never force her.

At this time, Shan Haizhen was distracted. After hengyanlin inquired twice, she came back to her mind and looked at hengyanlin. Then she gave a slight smile, indicating that hengyanlin didn't have to worry.

"It's impossible to move the headquarters as soon as possible, so don't worry, they will run away. This is a very famous pedestrian street. How about taking a walk first?"

Shan Haizhen said, while looking forward to the side of hengyanlin, hoping that his decision, can be recognized by hengyanlin.

"No problem. Whatever you want, I'll pay for it."

Hengyanlin smile, is directly should come down, that Shan Haizhen see this, immediately is cheering, then pull Heng Yanlin is toward the side of the shopping mall in the middle.

When you go in, you can see a wide range of goods in it. In addition to this, there are many people. Judging by their temperament, they are extremely extraordinary. I think they are all extremely wealthy people.

"Wow, take a good look at this dress!" At the moment, Shan Haizhen is just throwing everything aside and looking like a very little girl. When they stroll to a women's clothing store and see a white dress in it, Shan Haizhen screams. Then she runs over and wants to pick up the dress and try it on.

But at this time, one of the shop assistants on the side came directly over and stopped her.

"Madam, the clothes here can't be tried on at will. I hope you can understand."

Shanhaizhen heard the speech, and immediately was slightly stunned. Then she looked at the shop assistant in front of her. Her eyes were slightly narrowed. In her eyes, she was full of incomprehensible meaning. In the past, she had never heard of this rule!

Heng Yanlin looked at the other people on one side. Seeing that they were all casually picking up clothes, making gestures on their bodies and taking them to try on, he immediately pointed to those people and said.

"Why can they all try it on, but not my girlfriend?"

Hearing the speech, shanhaizhen turned her head and looked at the others. She saw that they were all trying on. Her eyes narrowed slightly and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"Why? Don't you know what kind of clothes you are wearing? It's OK to lose one's disgrace at home. When I come to this country, I have a few catties or two of them. I have to think about whether it's OK or not, but I've lost myself abroad! "

The shop assistant did not answer, but a woman turned around and looked at them. There was a hint of disdain in her eyes. Then she spoke to them in Chinese.

"You just look at our clothes and think we have no money and can't afford to buy clothes here?"

Heng Yanlin turned his head and asked the clerk in front of him. His voice was translated into English and reached the clerk's ear in front of him. After seeing Heng Yanlin and his face unchanged, the shop assistant nodded without hesitation and said, "yes, look at your clothes, you know you don't have much money. The clothes here are extremely expensive. All the guests are guests. You two should go to some shops outside."

"It's really a pair of idiots. It's enough for idiots to put their faces together to fight others. They've never seen such a thing before. Don't you know what to ask for? I have to humiliate Huaxia. "

The woman on one side, listening to the dialogue between Heng Yanlin and her head, immediately shook her head, and then said with great impatience.

If you don't have money, you have to go to some small shops outside. You have to come to the shopping centers of big brands inside. You don't have to look at the clothes they wear. They are all extremely cheap.

"Don't you think you're more disgraceful? The clothes on your body are only hundreds of thousands of yuan, and you still have the face to say such things here. I don't know. I thought that your clothes were millions. Besides, it was you who really humiliated the Chinese people. I didn't look at your virtue! "Shan Haizhen listened to the woman's words again and again, and immediately couldn't help but sneer at her. When she saw the other person's clothes, she recognized that her clothes were only hundreds of thousands.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it may have been extremely rich, but on her side, it is not known how many grades.

If it was not for the time before, she would have changed the clothes of both of them. Her clothes would have blinded this guy, and she would have thrown them away at will.

"What are you pretending to be! Don't make a fool of yourself if you don't have money. Am I wrong? Whose face are you losing now? Don't you feel shameful? "

As soon as the woman on the other side listened, she suddenly changed her face. Then she said angrily, pointing to the door at the same time, "I'm afraid you've saved a long time, so you can't come out easily? Do you really think that foreign things are very cheap? Cheap things are out there

The quarrel here, at this time, directly attracted the eyes of countless people. At this time, all the people on the side pointed to this side one after another.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin frowned slightly. It was Shan Haizhen, who still wanted to talk, stopped what she wanted to say.

"Forget it, what can we say with such people? It's just a drop in our class."

Shan Haizhen was stunned and then thought a little. She nodded. It was really a bit of a loss to quarrel with such people. She could only look down upon others and see their compatriots humiliated, just like falling into a hole.

It's really humiliating to keep fighting like this.

"Who is your manager? Call out, with your service attitude, I want to complain! "

There is no quarrel with that guy, but for the waiters here, Shan Haizhen can't bear it. She's very interested. She wants to go shopping. But this guy directly destroys her interest. This is what she can't forgive.

Hearing this, the waiter frowned slightly, and his eyes were slightly alarmed. If he was complained about this, although there would be no big deal on his side, he would be deducted some salary.

"Go on, you poor people. You can't afford to buy anything? Now I want to complain, do you mind my being idle? " Complaints, absolutely can not let them complain, so can only be to drive them away in the first said, if their manager came here, found here, can be fun.

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