"By the way, you know what to do with this man?"

Hengyanlin at this time, directly refers to the one side of the waiter, is directly open to say a sentence.

After hearing this, Lucian looked at the waiter, and then nodded again and again, "Dear Sir, don't worry. We will dismiss this person immediately. In addition, we will let our colleagues block her together.

As soon as the words fell, the waiter on the other side changed his face. The salary of this job was very high. She took great pains to get this job.

If it is blocked like this, she will not have any job opportunities in such high-end places in the future.

"This gentleman, please, it's just my rudeness. Please don't take a common view with me and let me go this time."

At the thought of this, the terrified waiter rushed to hengyanlin and begged him bitterly. On the one hand, he begged, and on the other hand, he looked at hengyanlin with great hope, hoping that hengyanlin could let go of her horse.

However, Heng Yanlin did not look at her at this time, but put his eyes on Lucian.

When Lucien saw this, he immediately understood what Heng Yanlin meant. At the moment, he took out his walkie talkie. After a few random commands, several men in security clothes came up.

Under the instruction of Lucien, he directly grabbed the waiter and then took it out. Heng Yanlin didn't look at each other. At this time, Lucian had already packed all the clothes and sent them to Heng Yanlin.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin directly grasped it, and then held it in his hand. Then he left with Shan Haizhen. Seeing two people on one side, they all avoided their bodies, fearing that they were blocking their way.

Out of this matter, one side of Shan Haizhen at this time, also do not want to go down, directly to Heng Yan Lin said a word, two people then are together to leave here.

Looking for a hotel at random, the two people directly stayed down.

Heng Yanlin is sitting on the sofa while Shan Haizhen goes in for a shower.

A moment later, Shan Haizhen came out of the bathroom. Her face was white and tender. At this time, she looked a little red. Heng Yanlin was slightly stunned.

Shan Haizhen sat down beside Heng Yanlin and took a look at him. Then he lowered his head and seemed to be thinking about something.

"If you have something, you can say it directly. If you hold back, you'd better say it."

Heng Yanlin looks at Shan Haizhen in front of him and casually says a word. He can feel that Shan Haizhen seems to have a lot of words to say to him, but because of something, he seems to be afraid.

Shan Haizhen listened to this, raised his head, looked at Heng Yan Lin, then bit his lips slightly and said.

"Actually, I'm from China."

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, his face didn't fluctuate a bit. He looked at Shan Haizhen quietly without any unexpected expression on his face. Hengyanlin was like this, which made shanhaizhen a little strange, even when he looked at hengyanlin road curiously.

"Why, aren't you surprised?" After hearing the speech, Heng Yanlin looked at her directly, and then shook his head. "What's so amazing about this? Anyway, I've been with you for so long. Although you are very familiar with foreign countries, and you speak English fluently, sometimes, your casual actions reveal the fact that you are Chinese."

Heng Yanlin shrugged his shoulders and said that there are some things printed in the bones, but there is no way to change them. Just like On Shan Haizhen, hengyanlin is still easy to distinguish.

When shanhaizhen heard the speech, she was a little surprised. Originally, she thought that she had been covered up very well, but she didn't expect that in hengyanlin, she didn't hide the past at all. Instead, she was found directly.

At the thought of this, Shan Haizhen seems to be frustrated and relieved.

"I used to be one of the heirs of a large family, but because of the family fighting, I was expelled. At that time, there was no place for me in China. So I came abroad, and by chance, I became a mercenary."

Shan Haizhen opened his mouth and explained to Heng Yanlin faintly. As he said it, he seemed to have thought of something very bad. At this time, he directly raised a few ugly faces.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin frowned slightly. When a woman was helpless, she became a mercenary directly. The danger was unknown to outsiders.

Even if Heng Yanlin thought a little, he was able to think of a few points. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been dead for a long time. I don't know how this mountain and sea treasure survived at this time.

"Who persecuted you? Do you need me to avenge you?"

Heng Yanlin looks at Shan Haizhen in front of him, and then inquires. Shan Haizhen in front of him is at least one of his own women. If Shan Haizhen needs anything, he doesn't mind. He comes directly to help Shan Haizhen kill some people."No, those people are really too powerful. Some families in China are not as powerful as you can imagine. Your strength is already very strong. But facing them, you are still very poor. I can't let you take such risks."

Hearing the speech, Shan Haizhen shook his head directly and rejected Heng Yanlin's request. Heng Yanlin had not seen the old monsters in the family, who had seen their power.

So I don't know their strength, but her heart is very clear, those families, in China belong to the transcendent existence, are ordinary people, absolutely can not provoke the existence.

Hengyanlin saw this, eyebrows slightly pick, listen to Shan Haizhen's words, seems to be in that family, there are very powerful people? I just don't know how much it is.

A leader of yunyin sect who fought with Heng Yanlin last time, his strength is quite good. If those people in the family have the same strength, it's not too much trouble.

Thinking of this, hengyanlin is about to ask something, but Shan Haizhen seems to be aware of something at this time. Seeing Heng Yanlin want to open his mouth, he shakes his head repeatedly.

"Give up your heart. I won't tell you about the family. If you know about it, it's not good for you, and you are not their opponent at all. I'm glad you think so for me, but I can't tell you about these things."

Shan Haizhen raised her head and whispered to Heng Yanlin. As she said it, she stretched out her slender hand and gently rubbed Heng Yanlin's cheek.

Hengyanlin saw this, a little helpless, he is on his own strength, is very confident, but this Shan Haizhen is not believe at all, so is not willing to tell himself, he just wants to help her revenge, there is no one can find.

"What a family like this in China

Heng Yanlin thought for a moment, and then opened his mouth to ask. It seemed that the people he had contacted in the past seemed to have no such thing. In the past, he had heard of the existence of some families.

But those families, and what shanhaizhen said, seem to be totally different from the same type or class.

"There are about dozens of them, which are very few. If there are more, I'm afraid these families don't have to hide in the view of the public at ordinary times. With their strength, they can cover the whole of China."

Shanhaizhen heard the speech and thought about it. When she was young, she also met people from other families. Occasionally, she heard them talk about them. There are more than ten families like this.

That is to say, because of the small number of families, the exchanges between these families are relatively frequent. There are also some families with very good relations, and even use the ancient way of marriage to ensure the relationship between the two families. Hengyanlin smell speech, slightly think about, is nodding, that constantly flashing eyes, at this time, is that mountain sea treasure do not know, hengyanlin is thinking of something.

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