A group of soldiers, just a moment later, surrounded all the floors where Heng Yanlin was. He had just asked the front desk staff. After returning, Heng Yanlin did not go out.

In this way, hengyanlin is definitely left in the room. If he goes in at this moment, he will definitely be able to arrest Heng Yanlin, and then he will be able to end the case.

Several soldiers came to the door and looked at each other. They were sure that the other party was ready. After that, they nodded gently. Then they took out a card from the hotel. With a slight sound, the door of the room was opened gently.

"Passive, everyone hold their heads and squat down for me!"

The soldiers responded quickly. As soon as the door opened, they rushed into it. Then they held up their guns and yelled.

When the soldiers entered the building, they were seen to have no one in the room.

At one side of the window, a window has been opened, but there is no rope hanging there. Here, there are dozens of floors from the ground, and it is impossible to jump out of this window at all.

This is something that everyone subconsciously thought of. At this time, a commander in the back also came in and saw that it was extremely clean and had not even left a piece of clothes. Instead, there were used disposable items in the bathroom, and immediately frowned.

"Where are the people?"

"Report, after coming in, we didn't find anyone. It may have been running away."

When a soldier heard the speech, he said it directly. In his words, he was quite depressed. In the past, they all thought that people were 100% in this place, but after they rushed in, they didn't see a person.


When Michael heard this, he frowned. Then he looked at the big bed beside him. It seemed that there was some messy bed. Then he went over and touched it. After that, a cold color appeared on his face.

"This bed is still hot, you give me nobody? It must be around here. Find it quickly

Michael snorted coldly and ignored his own people. He didn't know what happened to these guys. The bed was warm. How could people be absent?

These people are all elites, but they are not sensitive enough. How did they get into this?

For this, Michael is extremely dissatisfied in the heart, ready to fire them after this matter, but at the moment, still need to find out the two guys.

I don't know how these two guys found them. Before leaving, he didn't report to anyone. He directly locked in here. After coming here, he blocked many things.

However, these two people actually know that they should still hide in a certain part of the restaurant at this time, but the restaurant has been surrounded by him, and where the other party can go is just a little more time to find out the other party.

When Michael opened the window, he could not see it from the bottom.

About this is the other party's cover up. They want to make them think that the other party is running out of here, but how to say, at such a high place here, how can the other party run out?

However, if the other party has any high-tech equipment, such as adsorption gloves, it is not impossible.

"Team a, have you found anything? Have you gone out of the restaurant? Besides, check it out. Don't let anyone in or out of the restaurant."

"The report shows that there is no problem on the ground floor, no one is seen going in and out, and the elevator is in a state of no use."

The staff at the bottom were persistent, so when they heard the question, they immediately responded. When Michael heard the words, he was immediately relieved in his heart, and then ordered the people to search layer by layer.

However, two hours later, there was still no sign of hengyanlin. At this time, they woke up some other tenants. After confirming that there was no problem, they drove them out of the hotel and took temporary care of them.

However, it is slow to find the trace of Heng Yanlin, not to say, is not even a person's shadow has not seen.

"Captain, I've scanned the whole restaurant with thermal imaging. When I get down, I don't see a red dot. There is no one in this restaurant."

The next member, after scanning carefully for a few times, trotted over and said to Michael on the side. As soon as the words fell, Michael's face became very ugly.

"How did the other party run out? Did you find out the reason?"

"No, I've seen all the surveillance. They only saw the video they went in, but I didn't see any of the things that came out."At this time, the soldiers on one side were also very depressed. They had seen the video many times, but they didn't find out what happened to Heng Yanlin. This made them depressed.

"Are you all rubbish? They have already found this place, but they let these two people run away, and then they don't even know how the other party ran! "

At this time, Michael was finally unable to suppress his anger. He immediately said in a cold voice. Before that, he had always thought that Heng Yanlin must be hiding in the restaurant.

Think of yourself spend a little more time, is able to find out the other party.

But now, after such a long time, don't say the other person, is a shadow is not found, before this, also carefully check their room.

It was found that the room was extremely clean. The two men did not leave anything they had brought. They took all their belongings away at this time.

This makes him how not to be angry, what does it mean, that the other party is extremely leisurely when he leaves, completely does not pay attention to them, carries his own luggage, and then swaggers away.

This made him have a feeling of being beaten in the face. He tried his best to think that he could catch the other party. But now he found that he was wrong from the beginning to the end. He had already run away.

"Leave some of them and look for them. The others will go back with me to see if we can find these two people through some monitoring around here after we arrive."

As the microphone spoke, he gave an order to other people. The main purpose of his words was to find out how hengyanlin and hengyanlin left here.

At the moment, in another restaurant, Heng Yanlin is by the window. He says that he sees the restaurant far away. Looking at it, there are people in black coming and going. All of a sudden, he hooks his mouth slightly, and then shakes his head.

These people, also want to find themselves in this way, can not help but also take themselves seriously. Before they came up, Heng Yanlin had already noticed them.

So it was slow and methodical. After everything was ready, he picked up shanhaizhen beside him. Then he flew to the restaurant and found a room where no one lived. Heng Yanlin was holding shanhaizhen in his arms and walked in.

The technology of opening the window, Heng Yanlin is absolutely incomparable, so after a moment, Heng Yanlin opened the window and put Shan Haizhen on the bed. Shanhaizhen did not know at the moment that she had changed into a restaurant in a short period of time. She just turned over at random and said to go to sleep.

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