Heng Yanlin looked up at the bloody head of Mr. Wu, and gently shook his head. He opened a pool again and continued to clean it.

One side of the treasure said that Wu Xiyuan actually hit the stone platform, and also hit the head and blood, immediately in the heart of a surprise, followed by heart incomparable chagrin.

Damn it, how can you suddenly fail to catch Wu Xiyuan? If this collision is broken, this business will be doomed!

At the thought of this, he immediately stepped forward and helped Wu Xiyuan. He repeatedly inquired and asked, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu, how are you? Are you ok?"

"Nothing? How can there be nothing? I'm bleeding! How did you help him? "

Wu Xiyuan was so hit, and just as soon as he was washed by the water in the pool, the wine suddenly dissipated. Listening to Bao Yi's words, he said with a roar.

It's no wonder that he was so angry.

Baoyi was scolded like this, but he didn't dare to have any back talk. He was very angry in his heart and was even more afraid that the business would be ruined. At this time, he saw Heng Yanlin on the side, and he was still cleaning up, which made him angry.

"Did you just trip Mr. Wu? Otherwise, how could he have fallen! "

No matter whether this thing is done by Heng Yanlin or not, at this time, Baoyi is ready to push this matter all over Heng Yanlin, and then let Wu Xiyuan on one side teach Heng Yanlin a good lesson.

When Wu Xi's strength was gone, he asked his secretary to serve the guy. He thought that the business could still be made.

"Is it you who hit me?" Hearing this, Wu Xiyuan immediately raised his head and looked at Heng Yanlin. His eyes were full of fierce light, which seemed to be incomparably appalled.

Heng Yanlin is still washing his face, even his head is not twisted, "he fell, or others trip is not know? Are you a fool? "

In Heng Yanlin's voice, there is some impatience. A drunkard like this falls to death, and he will not help to cure him.

"It's clear that you bumped into Laozi. You were here just now! Otherwise, how could I fall on your position? Even if you didn't hit me, you still let me bump into it. Don't you know how to help me? "

Although Wu Xiyuan's drinking spirit was dispersed a little, his head was still a little dull. Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, he would believe it and immediately yelled at Heng Yanlin.

When he said this, he saw the flowerpot on one side, but he didn't want to think about it. He lifted it up and threw it at Heng Yanlin. If it was thrown on the head of ordinary people, it would have to be head broken and bleeding.

Heng Yan Lin saw this, his eyes slightly cold, stretched out a hand, it is extremely easy to catch the flowerpot, then cold eyes toward the two people slowly walk.

When they saw this, they were cold in their hearts. At present, the flowerpot was in hengyanlin's hands. If hengyanlin threw it all at once, they would be extremely miserable.

"What do you want to do? Put down that flowerpot and say everything. If you dare to smash it, you will die!"

That Baoyi looked at Heng Yanlin and said in a sharp voice that he was a little scared. If Heng Yanlin's brain was congested and he did something out of the ordinary, what would happen to Wu Xiyuan, it would be over.

It's just that Bao Yi is a little bit worried, but Wu Xiyuan is not afraid at all. Looking at Heng Yanlin, he sneers and says, "how can you smash me with a flowerpot? Do you know where this is? If you dare to move me, I must let you have a hard time

What Wu Xiyuan said was extremely confident. As early as a few months ago, there was a direct change in a person, and that person happened to have an extraordinary relationship with him.

So, just now, even if Heng Yanlin was crushed to death, he did not have a thing at all, but only one person died, not at all.

Heng Yanlin heard the speech and sneered. He directly shook the flowerpot in his hand. The flowerpot was flying towards the Wu Xiyuan with a trace of broken air.


Wu Xiyuan didn't react. He felt a dark shadow flash in front of his eyes. Then, on his legs, there was a strong sense of pain, which almost made him faint.

The reason why I didn't faint is that when I was about to faint, I was awakened by a very painful feeling.

"Ah! My legs! My leg seems to be broken

Wu Xiyuan fell to the ground and felt the pain. His legs were unable to move. He immediately screamed.

One side of that Bao's opinion was startled. He didn't expect that Heng Yanlin really dared to do it. Seeing that Wu Xiyuan's legs were extremely tortuous, his heart was slightly shocked.

"How dare you even dare to move him? Don't kill youBaoyi looks at that is still a calm face of hengyanlin, and wishes he wanted to scold him. But when he thought of the ferocity of hengyanlin's hand just now, he took back some words and just looked at him coldly.

"Why, you want to be the same as him?"

Hengyanlin cast a glance at that Baoyi, and then he said coldly that if it wasn't for the flowerpot thrown on Wu Xiyuan's head, there would be blood everywhere, so that hengyanlin would be a little uncomfortable. This guy would have died a long time ago, I don't know how many times.

However, if this guy is calling, Heng Yanlin doesn't mind. He really sends him on the road.

That Baoyi listened to Heng Yanlin's words, and suddenly felt a tremor in his heart. Looking at Wu Xiyuan's twisted legs, he didn't want to bear the pain at all.

"You're finished, you dare to attack me, this city, you don't want to go out! I'll catch you and sink in the lake! "

Wu Xiyuan forced down the pain, looked at the hengyanlin, slowly raised his hand, pointed to Heng Yanlin, and said a word with extreme ruthlessness. He did not expect that Heng Yanlin actually dared to do it.

"Go and call me the security guard. It's all my people here. This guy dares to be here. He's so unscrupulous that I have to kill him!"

Wu Xiyuan's face was full of sweat at the moment. He turned his head to that Baoyi and said something. On the other hand, he slowly stepped back a few steps and wanted to stay away from Hengyan forest.

Before the security guard comes, let this guy be proud for a while, but when they come, we must let the boy know how good he is!

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, but also did not lift his head, randomly washed a hand, is to wipe clean, want to leave here from the door.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin wanted to go, Wu Xiyuan's eyes were cold, "do you still want to go when you arrive at this time? Don't you think it's too late? Do you want to be lucky? " "I tell you, don't think about it. Then we are the people who can transfer the traffic bureau at will. No matter what kind of transportation you take, I can find you out and intercept you. At that time, you will know my means and dare to break my leg! I have to

kill your family

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, step slightly a meal, coldly looked at the guy on the ground, "I'm in the front of the box, you'll let people come to me, don't worry, I won't go." When Heng Yanlin finished speaking, he was ready to leave. However, at this moment, a large group of people came to the gate, which directly surrounded the place and blocked Heng Yanlin's way.

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