Heng Yanlin's action is just a flash of time, which is to abolish these people. It is not only to defeat these people, but also to let people know more about the realm of the master, and his eyes are full of fear. At this time, everyone made up their mind to make it clear to the people close to them that this guy at present can't be provoked. Once this guy is provoked, not only themselves, but also their own people will suffer together!

"You, you dare to give up our martial arts!"

Wang Mingyuan got up with great difficulty and felt the feeling of emptiness in his body. Without the surging and incomparable force, Wang Mingyuan looked at Heng Yanlin with a touch of ruthlessness in his eyes.

This is the martial arts they have practiced for many years! Now it means that if you don't have it, in the world of martial arts, how can a person who doesn't even have martial arts skills live on? I'm afraid that if I return to my family, I will be ridiculed by everyone.

In the past, the people he bullied would be eager to climb up to him, and then try to tear a piece of meat off his body!

At the thought of this, Wang Mingyuan's face was extremely pale. Looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, he also took a look of ferocity. However, after facing Heng Yanlin's calm eyes, he was instantly extinguished.

This is the first-class martial arts, they are no longer hengyanlin's opponents, now hengyanlin destroyed their martial arts, how can they be hengyanlin's opponents?

"You should be glad that if no one pleads, you will be dead."

Heng Yanlin coldly looked at the fierce look in his eyes, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. These people, who have been practicing for hundreds of years, will not be his opponents, but they are just ants.

"Come on, since you have found your mother, there is no need to stay here."

Heng Yanlin turns his head, looks at Shan Haizhen, and then says something. At the moment, he has shown his strength. People who believe in the mountain family dare not come to provoke him. Under such circumstances, they have no difficulty in taking people away.

Hearing this, Shan Haizhen's face was full of joy, and then she nodded. She did not expect that Heng Yanlin's strength was so strong that it was so strong. This is because she left the family when she was very young. When she was very young, she just felt that the people around her were extremely powerful. That feeling was deep in her heart. Even after seeing Heng Yanlin several times, she felt that Heng Yanlin would not be the opponent of those people.

At the moment, hengyanlin has such a powerful strength, what else needs to be hidden? You don't need it at all!

"You didn't tell me that you are so powerful. In the past, there was no need to be furtive at all. It's OK for us to rush in together and take people away!"

Shan Haizhen with a new look, up and down looking at Heng Yan Lin, constantly called strange road.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, immediately turned a white eye, "I have been with you before, directly is to come in, and then take away people, you said, here the people are very powerful, I must sneak in."

That Shan Haizhen thought, as if before, Heng Yan Lin did say this, but she did not believe it.

Hearing this, the people of the mountain family on the other side immediately raised their eyebrows. Then they looked at Heng Yanlin two people, who regarded this place as something.

It is to rush in and take away people directly. Do you have any eyes on the owner here? At the moment, he ignored them directly and said that he should not sneak in. The people of the mountain family were speechless.

However, thinking about Heng Yanlin's strength and all the people of the Wang family who were still lying, they thought about it and swallowed up the words in their mouth. They were silent and silent.

Anyway, there are still family owners. They don't speak up. It's better not to interrupt. Otherwise, they will lose their martial arts and no one will help them to say a word.

Although the martial arts are not as good as those of the Wang family, they are also martial arts, right?

"Mother, let's go. There's nothing to stay here. My daughter will take you out of here!"

Shan Haizhen turned her head and didn't argue with Heng Yanlin. The diameter was pulling Kong danxuan's arm. Then she said with a happy face that she had not known how long she had been waiting for this day. Now it has come true and it is not happy.

But when Kong danxuan listened to this, he was a little embarrassed. Looking at Shan Haizhen in front of him, his eyes were full of embarrassment. She had been staying for such a long time. She could go if she wanted to go.

"Haizhen, since you are back, why don't you stay? Why leave? "Kong danxuan looked at his daughter and inquired with some doubts. At that time, his daughter left like this and didn't even leave any news. The mountain family didn't know how many people were mad.

At present, Shan Haizhen has come back, so she can stay. Even at that time, there were some festivals, but with her there, there would not be many people who would embarrass her.

Hearing this, Shan Haizhen flashed a cold look in her eyes, "stay, where can I stay? If I stay, I will be killed one day!"

"Killed? What's the matter? You didn't leave on your own

When Kong danxuan heard the speech, he was stunned for a moment, then his face changed. He looked at his daughter with an incredible face, and then he inquired nervously.

"Who said I was leaving myself?" Hearing this, Shan Haizhen's face was full of doubts. After thinking about it, she immediately said with a sneer, "yes, after all, it's hard to say such a thing. Naturally, it's going to hide you!"

Shan Haizhen turns her head and looks at Shan Junqing. Her eyes are full of coldness. At that time, if she was not the man who wanted to pursue her directly, how could she have been exiled abroad, and then tossed and turned into a mercenary?

Listening to Shan Haizhen's words, Kong danxuan's face suddenly changed, and then he was white. He looked at Shan Junqing and chased his daughter. Isn't that clear? Isn't he referring to Shan Junqing?

Besides him, who can let shanhaizhen say so! Before that, she was very strange in her heart. Why did she not say a word about her daughter, and then all kinds of people sent people to look for information, but there was no result. Only now did she know that it was the beast who was chasing after her own daughter!

This is how, crazy people, can do things out!

"You brute, even your own daughter! Her fault is so great that you can't kill a daughter of your own

Kong danxuan immediately roared and said that the husband and wife, at this time, there is a kind of instant revenge.

Hearing this, Shan Junqing's face was iron green. Then he looked at Kong danxuan and Shan Haizhen. He said angrily, "what nonsense! What have I done for her! Isn't it that she is self willed and doesn't want the marriage arranged by the family, and then runs out without permission? " Listening to Shan Junqing's words, the two girls looked at him coldly, without a look of trust. The people on the side looked at this scene, and they all looked at each other in surprise. No one would have thought that, in this mountain family, such a good play is actually one after another, which is really amazing!

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