After solving the problem of shanhaizhen, Heng Yanlin just wanted to go for a walk at will and stabilize his accomplishments. After making a breakthrough, he didn't expect that someone actually sent a text message to his mobile phone.

Heng Yanlin took out his mobile phone and looked at it. Then he took a taxi and went to the airport directly.

Jiang Siyu sent him a text message, saying that he had encountered a strange thing. He hoped Heng Yanlin could help him and solve it. She could not solve the problem by herself.

This Jiang Siyu is also regarded as his apprentice, so Heng Yanlin, after seeing him, directly responds.

After flying for several hours, Heng Yanlin got off the plane in Jiang Siyu's city and took a taxi. He came to the University. Last time he came, Heng Yanlin was still waiting for Jiang Siyu. Unexpectedly, this time he came here, he still had to wait for her here.

However, after knowing that hengyanlin was coming, Jiang Siyu did not dare to let Heng Yanlin wait here. After a while, a white figure appeared slowly in the distance, and then walked slowly towards hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin noticed the fluctuation of his spiritual power before his figure appeared. Besides Jiang Siyu's accident, there was probably no one else. Looking at the figure, Heng Yan Lin saw that Jiang Siyu was wearing an ancient dress. When she walked there, her clothes were fluttering, and her face seemed to be a fairy. All the students passing by were staring at Jiang Siyu.

"Look, look, our student's goddess Jiang Siyu has come out!"

When the students on one side saw it, they did not forget to remind the people next to them. They just looked at them instead of turning their heads.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Siyu seemed to be used to it. There was no trace of fluctuation in her expression on her face. She was still indifferent and looked at Heng Yanlin.

"Siyu, Siyu!"

Just as Jiang Siyu was about to approach Heng Yanlin, a man came out from the side, and then he yelled at Jiang Siyu.

But Jiang Siyu still didn't hear it. He was still straight towards hengyanlin.

The man seems to be used to it, the diameter is a wave, immediately ran from a distance, and then holding a large bunch of flowers, handed to the man.

The man took the flower, then stepped forward a few steps, and then walked to Jiang Siyu and looked at her affectionately.

"Siyu, this flower is for you. Only with your beautiful face can you match it!"

Heng Yanlin was listening to this, and his cheek was slightly puffed. The EQ of this guy was not so good. He said that Jiang Siyu could match this flower? Doesn't that mean the flowers are more beautiful?

Sure enough, after Jiang Siyu heard this, he immediately glanced at him coldly, "then you and this flower will be good together. What are you doing after me?"

After that, he ignored the embarrassed man and went to Heng Yanlin, then showed a very brilliant smile.

At one side, I don't know how many people there are. At the moment, they all put their eyes on Jiang Siyu. Seeing that Jiang Siyu was so happy to Heng Yanlin, she was heartbroken.

In the past few months, Jiang Siyu did not know why. Suddenly, she changed her mind and became extremely beautiful. All the women in the college were suppressed.

Here, Jiang Siyu has become a real goddess level figure, some people secretly photographed Jiang Siyu's face, and then spread it out.

Even outside, Jiang Siyu has a lot of fans. In this case, some people from the outside world came here to pursue Jiang Siyu.

However, for these people, Jiang Siyu was extremely despised. Only after she stepped into the immortal cultivation world, she realized that these people were not even farts compared with Heng Yanlin.

The man who had been chasing Jiang Siyu. Seeing that Jiang Siyu was smiling so brightly at Heng Yanlin at this time, his face sank. Looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, he was full of bad intentions. In his eyes, there was a cold twinkling.

"This gentleman, I don't know where I'm from. It seems that I have never seen you before?"

Shan Xinghan goes to Heng Yanlin, then reaches out his hand and smiles at Heng Yanlin. The chill in his eyes, at this time, has been restrained. Unfortunately, in the past, hengyanlin has already looked at the bottom of his heart.

"Who is this?"

Heng Yanlin didn't even think about this guy in the Council. He asked Jiang Siyu directly. Although he had not experienced this kind of thing many times, he could still see that this guy was fighting for the wind and jealousy?That mountain Xinghan listened to Heng Yanlin's words, and immediately his face was cold. This guy didn't even mean to answer himself. Instead, he asked about Jiang Xinghan.

How does it make him not angry? Especially in front of Jiang Siyu, he lost face even more.

"It's just a annoying guy who's been harassing me all the time."

When Jiang Siyu heard the speech, she responded with indifference. Naturally, she looked down on this person.

That is to say, Jiang Siyu has not experienced the cruelty of the cultivation world, and she has broken away from her original identity. Otherwise, this kind of annoying person would have disappeared in front of her.

"I see you, if you want to find a woman, you'd better change another one. Just her, you still don't deserve it."

Yan Han said, out of Yan Heng's intention, Yan Heng said that he wanted to leave, and then he told him to leave.

But for that mountain Xinghan, Heng Yanlin's persuasion is full of contempt and disdain. Among them, he immediately changed his face and let them go out together. Who knows what will happen at that time?

At the thought of this, the mountain star cold eyes are some Yin cold up.

"What are you? You deserve to talk to me like that? "

Immediately, the unbearable Shan Xinghan angrily denounced hengyanlin. The voice was a direct roar. The students on the other side were watching the students here. They all listened clearly. They immediately paid attention to them.

Jiang Siyu was originally the goddess here, and now she is going to be taken away. They can't even pay attention to them. The mountain Xinghan is also quite famous here.

In the past, there were other students who were also pursuing Jiang Siyu, but because of the appearance of the mountain Xinghan, these people were forced away.

Later, in the college, there was a spread about the identity of the mountain Xinghan. It was heard that the identity of that mountain Xinghan was extremely complicated. Even the big people needed to give him face.

In this way, if there is a conflict between the two people, he is afraid that hengyanlin will definitely suffer losses. At least, in Heng Yanlin, they can't see anything extraordinary about him.

"Siyu, you know, my family's status and status are extremely unusual. No matter how much, it is much better than this guy. When you are with this guy, he can't give you anything!"

After scolding Heng Yanlin, that mountain Xinghan opened his mouth to Jiang Siyu. In his tone of voice, he was quite proud, but he didn't show how powerful he was. All of them were portrayed on his face.

However, Jiang Siyu didn't care much about what he said. He didn't pay attention to it at all.

"If there is nothing, don't hinder us both to go out. How far is it?"

At this time, Jiang Siyu finally couldn't help it. Before that, the guy was annoyed. But at this time, this guy was actually blocking her from going out with Heng Yanlin, which made her very angry. Since her practice, she has become more and more idolized by hengyanlin. Now it is not easy to be together with hengyanlin. She doesn't know how much she wants to stay with hengyanlin for a while. Who dares to obstruct her is the person she hates most!

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