Seeing Heng Yanlin at this time, he was still indifferent. He didn't realize that he was a liar, which made Tian Ya more angry at this time.

"Well, don't you say that if I don't leave, there will be trouble. I'll see what happens if I stay here and don't leave."

At this time, Tianya was angry. She put down the cruel words and said it. The other side didn't say that if she stayed here, there would be trouble. Then she would stay and wait to expose the plot of the other party!

"Do you think you won't be in trouble if you're here?" As soon as the words of Tianya fell, there was a very bleak voice. Listening to this, Tian yadang turned his head and looked impatiently to make the other party go away. But when he saw the crowd of the other party, he suddenly breathed a little, and then his face was a little pale.

"Yes, when you have the courage, you dare to stay here after hurting me. I have to say that you have the courage."

The bald head looked at several people, and then said with a heavy face. In the tone, it was extremely cold.

"That's the trouble you're talking about?"

That Tian Ya listened to this, turned to look at Heng Yan Lin, eyes, suddenly there is a trace of panic, the other party so many people, if they start to them, they can run where, where can not go!

At this time, Jiang Siyu on the other side also turned to look at hengyanlin and wanted to know whether this was the trouble hengyanlin said. If so, with hengyanlin's ability, he should be able to protect the other party.

And if not, what would be the trouble? "What he said is not wrong. Your trouble is me. You should listen to him and go back early. In this way, I may not find you. But now, I will take you back and lick you all over your body, and then let countless people come to you and make you become a humble woman

The bald man had gauze on his face at the moment. Listening to the elegant words, he immediately gave a grim smile. Then he began to say that, as he spoke, he took a look at each other's figure at the foot of the mountain. In his eyes, there was a flash of hot color.

The younger brothers behind the bald head, listening to this, in their eyes, immediately flashed a touch of joy, the other two women, can be the best of the best, even if they drink a sip of soup, they are extremely satisfied.

At the thought of this, these people are dancing the steel pipe and other things in their hands, and then they are shouting.

Hearing this, her face suddenly changed, and then she looked at the other party in great panic. If this guy really used such means to herself as the other party said, she would rather die!

"As for this thing, where can it be counted as trouble? You think too much about it."

At this time, Heng Yanlin finally raised his head and took a look at the people dancing with swords and sticks in the distance. Then he shook his head. In his eyes, he was extremely disdainful.

Listen to Heng Yanlin's words, the two women's faces are a little changed, even this is not trouble, what is the trouble? The key is, how to solve the current problem?

"Boy, I remember you. It was at this time that I still pretended to be there. I really want to die!"

The bald head listened to Heng Yanlin's words, his eyes swept Heng Yanlin, and then he cried out in great anger. It was this guy who kicked himself and let himself lose his face. At this time, he was sitting in pain. Hearing this, Heng Yanlin flashed a sneer in his eyes, and then pointed to some of the original diners around them. At this time, they had already run away, but there were still dozens of people. At this time, he looked at the bareheaded people with covetous eyes.

"I think you'd better see what the people around you are talking about."

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, the group of people suddenly turned around and looked around, but saw dozens of people on the side. At this time, they all stood up and looked at them with a bad look.

When they saw this, they immediately flashed a look of disdain in their eyes.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you are also on the road. You can call some guys to come here. However, there are still some less hands. If you are less, you will be less. But you don't bring any guys. What do you mean?"

The bald head looked at the people around him. Then he shook his head. He felt sorry for the other party's behavior. Then he raised his hand and said to the crowd, "let's all fight. I'll interrupt these people's hands and feet."

That bareheaded words fall, at this time, in the eyes of the younger brothers, there is a flash of fierce color, and then is to raise the hands of the knife, gun and stick, is to cut at these people.

And the people around me were shocked when they saw this. These guys actually said that they would chop people down?At the thought of this, these people are also angry, immediately is a pistol, is pulled out from these people's waist one by one, and then said with a cold face.

"Put down your weapons, or we'll shoot!"

That group of young brothers, saw the black muzzle, immediately was stunned for a while, then was a cold heart, a touch of Sen Leng is directly floating from the bottom of their hearts.

Damn, these guys are cops? What's the situation? There are so many policemen here. If they can't find out, they are waiting for them?

"Put down your weapons quickly!"

Just be frightened by these thugs, these policemen are also a little bit exasperated, immediately is harshly reprimand way.

Those gangsters did not experience such a situation. They immediately dropped everything in their hands, and then squatted on the side, which seemed to be incomparable cooperation. Seeing this, the police immediately mobilized more people to catch these people one by one into the car.

At that most striking moment, he was given preferential treatment by all people. Three or four people pressed him to the front. When he passed by hengyanlin, Heng Yanlin looked up, looked at the other party, and then shook his head.

"As I said, you're not a problem at all."

Hearing this, the bald head was angry and almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood. At the moment, he didn't understand. When Heng Yanlin was in front of him, he had already called the police and waited for him here.

But he really foolishly ran over, and then cheated, one end into the bag, thought of here, he is extremely upset, if in the previous time, he did not come back, also won't be caught.

However, he did not expect that this guy could easily find these people, and then squat here, not afraid that he did not come? If this happens, the other party is not embarrassed to die!

The passers-by on one side, seeing the bald head and other people, were all arrested. Immediately, their faces were filled with joy. The rest said that these people had just looked at them, and they were disgusted.

At present, they were all clapping.

Heng Yan Lin saw two people, at this time, are finished, but also got up to buy a single, ready to take two people away.

At this time, Jiang Siyu, who was behind him, directly caught up with him. Then he looked at Heng Yanlin with concern on his face and asked, "what is Tianya's trouble? Now that she's gone, is there still time? " Jiang Siyu has always been thinking about this matter. Looking at Heng Yanlin, she is anxious to know the exact news. This is her best friend, and she is reluctant to let the other party suffer a little harm.

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