"Let's go and remove these ores."

Lin Hengyan looked at the ore in his hand, smiled at Jiang Qianman, and said, "We must remove this ore." Hengyan Lin looked at the ore in his hand, and smiled at Jiang Qianman, and said, "We must remove this ore, and if we don't, they won't even be able to take it back.

But if he had someone help him carry this jade stone away, then the contents of this giant boulder would not be handed over to others.

"Alright, alright. I bought so many stones. There should be some jade in there!"

In her opinion, with so many ores, how could she resolve them? The reason why she was so excited was because she was looking forward to opening treasures, and did not really care about the price of the ores.

When the people at the side heard their conversation, they immediately shook their heads. The rookies of this age were truly foolish and adorable. They were completely unaware of the fact that they had been tricked. Only after they had undone the jade would they know that they had been tricked.

Lin Ming looked around and then went to find several workers. After spending some money, he had them bring the jade back to the machine. He then called over a stonecutter and began to prepare the stones.

The stonecutter masters were unwilling to explain the situation with Heng Xiulin. Everyone could tell with a single glance that if a fool like this was able to understand the stone, it would be strange if it could be solved.

Most importantly, if so many of the ores could not be extracted, then the people who wanted to find them to open the stone would naturally be less. All the stone-gamblers would have a gambling mindset.

If you were unable to remove the jade stone and cut it down, who would care if it was a stone? In short, they would feel that you were unlucky, so they let you resolve it directly to their master who had good luck.

Both Heng Yulin and Jiang Qian Man raised the price several times, but no one came to open the stone. This made Jiang Qian Man extremely angry. In the end, a young man couldn't bear to see this and walked out himself, preparing to open the stone for them.

"The two of you, don't hold too much hope. Most of the ores here cannot be extracted from jade. It is even possible that there isn't even a single jade. It is also possible that there isn't even a single jade."

The young man looked at the two of them and sighed. Undoing so many pieces of trash, he still didn't know if there would be anyone malicious who would spread his name. At that time, he probably wouldn't be able to continue staying here.

He had no doubt that some of his colleagues in the stonecutter team would do the same. They would use all sorts of methods to force someone away. Naturally, they would lose a competitor.

"It's fine, you go ahead and solve it. If you have any problems, just leave it to us."

Hearing this, Jiang Qianman, who was standing to the side, felt that something was wrong. However, Eternal Yan Lin faintly smiled and casually cut a line on a few stones for the young man to begin.

The young man looked at the Eternal Yan Forest that was drawing a line and didn't have much hope. He only shook his head and followed the line drawn by the Eternal Yan Forest as he prepared to open the stone.

When the crowd saw that they were starting to unravel the stone, they all walked over in groups of twos and threes. Some of them were curious, while others naturally wanted to see the two of them make a joke of themselves.

Sssii ~ ~

The machine continued to hum, and water splashed in all directions. When the machine finally stopped its roaring, Jiang Qian Man's hand, which was wrapped around Eternal Yan Lin's arm, suddenly began to strength up. It was obvious that Jiang Qian Man was also nervous.

When the young man with the stone removed saw this, he immediately used water to wash it clean. Soon after, it revealed a lustrous green color, as if it was the color of a prairie, causing everyone who saw the jade to be stunned for a moment.

"Ss, is this the result of a gain?" "How is this possible!?"

"Looking at the water quality, it is at least an ice type. Just with this piece of jade, it could offset most of the money they spent before! "

"My luck is so good. Among so many wastes, I can actually get a piece of jade or a piece of top-quality emerald green ice seed?"

Everyone returned to their senses as they stared dumbstruck at this scene. This was too shocking. They thought that even if they were to choose among the best ores, they might not be able to pick out a single piece of jade.

In the end, these two new players actually managed to unravel the jade? This caused everyone to be extremely shocked. Could this be a legend? Was there really such a thing as luck among fools?

"Young brother, why don't you give this jade to me? I am willing to offer one million for this jade!" I hope that little brother can give this jade to me! "

"I am willing to bid 1.3 million to give me this jade. I will transfer the funds on the spot!"

"I bid 1.5 million for this piece of jade!" How about you give this jade to me? "

The merchants guarding the side didn't actually have much hope. It was just that when someone opened the stone, they still kept watch. They were afraid that if someone opened the jade, they would immediately rise in power and they wouldn't miss it.

But now, what they found unbelievable was that the amount of jade in Eternal Yan Lin's hand had increased by a lot. Moreover, looking at the appearance of the jade, everyone didn't even need to think to know that the jade in the ore was actually very large.

As merchants of this industry, they didn't have the same level of discernment as those rock gambling experts. However, at the very least, after the jade was broken down, they could estimate how big the jade inside was.

They had seen too many of the jade in Hengyan Lin's hand. A ore like this, the jade in it would usually be able to occupy three fifths of the original stone. With this amount of jade, it was already enough for them to raise the price a little bit.

However, Eternal Yan Forest was very clear about this piece of jade. Therefore, they naturally wouldn't sell this jade. Even if they did sell it, they would cut it out and the price would rise a lot.

However, it was not so hazy, and these merchants could use this to push down the price.

"Sorry, I'm going to keep this piece for myself, so I won't sell it."

The Eternal Yan Lin shook his head as he spoke to the few merchants. Then, he made a few more lines on the jade stone for the young man to continue to remove it. If he did not remove the remaining parts, it could reduce their volume and bring them back as well.

"With how you treat it, it's very easy to cut off a lot of that jade."

As the young man with the broken stone looked at the lines of the Eternal Yan Forest, his mouth twitched and he finally said to the Lin Family. In his opinion, the Eternal Yan Forest was only lucky to be able to obtain a jade stone like this.

But this method of Eternal Yan Lin was too sloppy. Whoever took out the jade would have to study it for a long time and only then make a move, afraid that they would be able to cut it.

"It doesn't matter. If something happens, I'll carry the burden. You just need to resolve it."

After Lin Ming patted the youth's shoulder, he turned to the young man and said. For this young man to stand out and help him with such good will, the young man was truly a grateful person.

After the young man heard what Eternal Yan Lin said, he thought about the other party's previous performance. If he could spend millions that easily, then he would not be lacking in wealth, and he nodded his head. Since Lin Ming did not care about the loss, then what would he care.

Even though everyone had already anticipated this, after the jade was completely removed, they all took a deep breath and looked at the Eternal Yan Forest with envious eyes. After the cleaning was completed, the jade that was even bigger than a fist was presented in front of everyone.

Just one piece of jade was enough to sell for around two million, this was all money. Even some of the experts who bet with the stones stared at the piece of jade with reddened eyes.

The jade that they took in a year, the jade that they were able to take out, was not necessarily this big, nor did they have such good quality jade.

Jiang Qian Man held the jade in her hand and looked at it. She looked at it lovingly and then slightly raised her head and said to the Eternal Yan Forest, "Give this jade to me!"

The jade that she had bought with Eternal Yan Lin was immediately undone. From her point of view, this was also due to her contribution and thus she naturally had the feeling of unlocking her own jade. Therefore, she was quite fond of this piece of jade.

Of course, it was impossible for her to freely ask for this piece of jade. When the time came, she would either buy a finished jade or transfer some money to Lin Ming.

"No, this piece isn't too good. I'll give you something even better later."

After looking at the jade in her hand, he shook his head and said. Perhaps in the eyes of others, the jade in her hand was good enough, but in his eyes, it wasn't good enough.

When Jiang Qianman heard Eternal Yan Lin's rejection, her mouth slightly pouted, but when she heard what he said afterwards, she immediately broke into a smile. She already felt good about this piece of jade in front of her, but since Eternal Yan Lin said there was a better jade, she was naturally very happy.

When the surrounding people heard what Eternal Yan Lin said, the corners of their mouths curled. Aren't you satisfied that you could buy such a fine ore and cut out such a fine piece of jade?

He still wanted to cut out a better piece of jade.

He simply did not know if this person was overconfident or was just thinking. After taking out a piece of jade, he thought that he could take out the jade as he pleased.

If that was the case, then wouldn't the jade be transformed into a cabbage? If they wanted to remove it, they would all become rich.

Lin Hengyan Forest ignored everyone's thoughts. After taking out the jade, he randomly picked another jade. After looking at it, he confirmed what he saw. There was a thin line on the jade that was cut by the young man.

That young man already knew that it was useless talking to Eternal Yan Lin. After seeing him pass over the ore, he didn't say anything and directly began to cut.

At this moment, he had the same thoughts as everyone else. He was already extremely lucky to be able to unravel a piece of jade. Now, he wanted to unravel another piece of jade? Unexpectedly, this was just a pipe dream.

In his heart, he didn't think that Lin Min would be able to unravel a jade. Naturally, he could do whatever he wanted with a jade stone.

At this time, the surrounding people had also gathered. Some of them heard that after opening the rock, they would continue to open the ore. Naturally, they could not restrain their curiosity and directly ran over to watch.

However, after they came and heard what had happened to the Eternal Yan Forest, they lost all hope after seeing just one rookie. They no longer held any hope that the Eternal Yan Forest would be able to obtain the jade stone.

The reason that he stayed behind was probably because he wanted to see the Eternal Yan Forest. He couldn't discern the expression on his face from the ores that he had found. To put it bluntly, he was just watching a joke.

Seeing such a rookie like Eternal Yan Lin being able to take out such a good jade, some people's hearts naturally felt somewhat unbalanced. The jealousy in their hearts stirred, they naturally wanted to see Eternal Yan Lin make a fool of himself.

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