"Same as before, strawberry sago."

When they came to a drink shop, Liu Xueyan said a word to the employee. Then she sat at the window beside her and didn't mean to take care of Heng Yanlin. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin suddenly had a twitch in the corners of his mouth.

It's not right. At least it's a treat. But at this moment, what's this? It's a treat. It's just my own order. I didn't even ask him what he wanted.

At this time, Liu Xueyan seemed to have guessed what hengyanlin wanted to say. She looked up and down at hengyanlin and said, "you should not wait for me, let me ask what you want, and then you order?"

That Liu Xueyan looked at Heng Yanlin, in the eyes, with a touch of examination, as if to say, this kind of thing is needed for her, hengyanlin is also too much affectation.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin shook his head slightly. For this woman, he was helpless, but it was rare. When he met such a straightforward woman, ordinary people would ask him what kind of words you want.

"Give me the same one as her."

Heng Yanlin doesn't know what the food here is, but he is at will. Anyway, he doesn't come here to eat. What's more, he has a good talk with the man in front of him.

The employee listened to Heng Yanlin's words and looked at him in surprise. He didn't know what the relationship between hengyanlin and Liu Xueyan was. You know, Liu Xueyan had never dated anyone before.

But at this time, sitting together with this guy or a man, it is inevitable that people want to guess what the relationship is between the two.

At the thought, often come here, the most eye-catching, although some of the cold beauty, but it is like a master of flowers in general, let him is some heartache.

After ordering drinks, Heng Yanlin went directly to Liu Xueyan's side and sat down. When Liu Xueyan saw this, she frowned slightly. What she hated most was that someone was sitting beside her for no reason.

Especially in the case of strangers, she is more resistant to this, so she subconsciously wants to move away.

Constant pressure Lin saw the other party's action, immediately some helpless, "don't move, wait a moment what I say, it's not convenient for others to hear, you'd better sit here and wait for me to finish, then what you want is up to you."

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, Liu Xueyan's body was slightly stiff. Then she looked at Heng Yanlin, and saw that his eyes were still crystal clear and had no meaning before. After thinking about it, she finally sat down and did not move.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's eyes filled with a touch of satisfaction. No matter what, the other party is still more obedient, so the next conversation can continue.

"How much do you know about your body?" Heng Yanlin thought for a moment and asked Liu Xueyan. Liu Xueyan had been a little relieved. After hearing Heng Yanlin's words, he immediately raised his head with extreme vigilance and looked at Heng Yanlin. His look was directly in defense of a metamorphosis


Hengyanlin see this, suddenly is some helpless to see this Liu Xueyan a look, even if he is interested in her, this kind of words is not to say here?

"What I want to say is, do you understand something strange about your body?"

Listening to hengyanlin's words, Liu Xueyan's face changed slightly, and then some ugly looked at Heng Yanlin. "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a problem with my body."

Liu Xueyan's face, at this time is to become ugly incomparable, cold response to Heng Yanlin, is to turn around, do not want to talk to Heng Yanlin.

Hengyanlin see this, some speechless looking at the Liu Xueyan in front of him, this kind of thing is already to this point, what is not easy to say? So hide and tuck in, what role, not afraid of their own disease outbreak?

"You, as the master, should be very aware of your physical condition. If you are so unwilling to face it, you may not have much time."

Hengyanlin's quiet voice came from one side and passed to Liu Xueyan's ears. After that, Liu Xueyan's face changed slightly. After biting his lip and hesitating, he turned his head and looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him.

"What do you know? Why do you know this thing? "

Liu Xueyan's eyes are a little complicated at this time. In addition to some people in her family, there is no one else. But Heng Yanlin, how does he know about it? Liu Xueyan's heart is very confused.

"There are some special skills, isn't it normal?" Seeing that Liu Xueyan turned her head, Heng Yanlin immediately gave a slight smile and then said a word.

The things on Liu Xueyan's body can be said to be sick, but in fact it can also be said that it is not. After all, there is no illness that can make a person like this. "Just say it directly," Heng Yanlin is not the kind of person who goes around the bush. Looking at Liu Xueyan in front of him, he says directly, "I can help you to cure some things in your body, and give you some unimaginable things, but you need to pay a price.”

"what price?"

Listening to Heng Yanlin's words, Liu Xueyan immediately felt a tremor in her heart. Then she looked at Heng Yanlin in front of her and said something with her lips. She didn't know whether what Heng Yanlin said was true or not.

But since the other party has already put forward a request, she wants to hear what the other party's request is and what price she needs to pay.

"I need you to give me your new year's Eve when I need to."

At this time, Heng Yanlin's eyes were slightly frozen, and then he said to Liu Xueyan in front of him. Liu Xueyan is a rare constitution. As long as Heng Yanlin can have this constitution, his cultivation will be able to recover quickly and incomparably.

This kind of speed is totally unnecessary. Heng Yanlin is working hard to practice, and he doesn't know that it can be completed until the monkey years and months. As long as the other party reaches a certain level of cultivation, he can quickly help Heng Yanlin recover his accomplishments.

So at the moment, Heng Yanlin is extremely patient with Liu Xueyan in front of him. As long as the other party can help him fulfill this wish, he doesn't mind paying more things out.

Just, that Liu Xueyan listen to Heng Yanlin's words, her face slightly changed, but then, that face became extremely cold appearance.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin frowned slightly. In fact, the person who got this constitution is not the appearance of this iceberg, but because of the influence of his constitution. Therefore, in some time after that, the person will become more and more cold.

After all, the emotion will freeze up, which seems very common in the cultivation of immortals. After all, there are some skills that can change people's character.

But here, a disease that can affect a person's character is not so common, even can be said to be weird. "You don't hide anything. You just say what you want. Although you are the same as those men, you have to be more straightforward than them," said Liu Xueyan, who did not notice her abnormality at all. She took a look at constant pressure forest and said it indifferently.

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he was helpless and had no way out. That kind of skill was to meet such requirements and cultivate in this way. However, hengyanlin wanted to change his method to restore his own realm to success without the other party's thing. In this way, the other party's vigilance towards him will be much weaker, and there is no need for him to say this. He is directly misunderstood and looks like those men, just for her body.

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