"Is there anything wrong?"

The two people on one side saw Heng Yanlin staring at the other side. They raised their heads in a strange way and looked over there. Only what they saw, apart from the black mountain range, was only the raging thunder and lightning. There was nothing else.

In their hearts, they knew that their strength was too low, so they couldn't see what Heng Yanlin wanted to see at this moment.

"The last time you saw Reiki, it was in what weather."

At this time, Heng Yanlin suddenly asked Jiang Siyu, who was on the other side.

Jiang Siyu didn't know what Heng Yanlin asked about this. After a little thought, he said, "it's sunny. At that time, it happened to be out to play, so the weather is still good."

"On the day I went out to play, did it rain and thunder outside?"

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, is to ask a sentence again.


Jiang Siyu was stunned and then quickly replied, "yes, it was raining. At that time, it was raining. I remember that the rain was still very heavy. After a day, we went out to play."

"The reason why I can't see the rain is that I can't see it? But why is that? "

After Jiang Siyu finished, he looked at Heng Yanlin's eyes and immediately understood. When Heng Yanlin inquired about the meaning of this, he immediately opened his mouth and asked, is this spiritual power so strange that it can only appear after rain.

"It's not clear now. After all, the spiritual power has not yet appeared. But if you go out and have a look, you can know whether it is like this or not."

Hengyanlin smell speech, light looked at one side of the mountain, turned to walk downstairs, two women see this, is also quickly follow up, ready to go out with hengyanlin.

At the moment, thunder and lightning are rampant outside. People who come here for a holiday are honest and honest in the hotel. They don't want to go out at all. The behavior of Heng Yanlin is a little different.

"Sir, it's going to rain outside. Sir, it's safer to stay in the hotel."

The waiter saw that they didn't bring anything, so they wanted to go out. They immediately yelled and ordered.

I don't know the origin of the other party, but at least I know that this person can't have an accident. When the waiter saw the three people, he went out like this. He was immediately in a hurry and naturally he was dissuaded.

Hengyanlin three people smell speech, looked at her, just a faint smile, declined the other party's good intentions, is to go outside, they are practitioners, outside rain what is not affecting them.

"Well, sir

Seeing that the three people were listening to their own words, they walked on like this. The waiter was worried, but he didn't dare to obstruct them. He immediately looked at the three people with hatred.

They are all well intentioned to dissuade them. They just don't know. Be safe. Don't go out. If something happens, they will regret it. When Heng Yanlin and his wife left the restaurant, they walked toward the river where Jiang Siyu said he had the spiritual power. But before they arrived at the place, the rain began to rain as big as beans. It was only for a moment that it gathered into a rain curtain, which covered the world in an instant.

Heng Yanlin urged his spirit power to wrap the three people in it. The rain had not fallen on the three people. It seemed that he had met with some invisible air mask. It was so slow that the three people did not get any rain.

"Wow, is that one of our abilities?"

Liu Xueyan and Liu Xueyan were the first to see this ability. They were curious and said, not to mention, with the existence of the hood, they both felt a strong sense of security.

A moment later, the three people came to the river. When they just looked up, they still didn't see any spiritual power fluctuation.

"Is it wrong? There is still no spiritual power here."

Liu Xueyan looked at it carefully several times, raised her head and asked hengyanlin. After watching for a long time, she didn't see any spiritual power. What Heng Yanlin means is that after rain, there will be spiritual power here?

"Patience is waiting."

Heng Yanlin's body stood there. When he saw that there was still no spiritual power around him, there was no disappointment on his face, but he was still standing slightly, and then seemed to be waiting for something.

When the rain hit this time, it was getting bigger and bigger, and then it surged up. This piece of heaven and earth was going to be submerged. However dense the rain was, it could not be poured into the scope of the three people at this time.

But in this way, the vision of the three people is limited, and they can't see what's going on outside. After standing like this for more than an hour, they still didn't see anything. Under some disappointment in their hearts, the two girls were also impatient. They just wanted to talk to Heng Yanlin. When they went around, they suddenly found a very strange phenomenon。

"What's wrong with these fish? How can they swim to the front

That Liu Xueyan looked at the river, countless fish at this time, are flooding up the river, and then toward the front of the continuous swimming, immediately some curious said.

When Heng Yanlin heard the words, he looked down at the fish, and his eyebrows stirred slightly. At the beginning, he was sensing the fluctuation of the spiritual power. He did not take care of the river water at all. Naturally, he did not pay attention to the situation.

At present, seeing the appearance of this situation, I immediately understood what came to me. Then I went to the front and said, "go to the front and you will know why. Maybe the appearance of the spiritual power has something to do with this."

As a creature, it will instinctively approach those spiritual powers. These fish become this way, probably because of the attraction of the spiritual power.

Listen to Heng Yanlin's words, the two women are also in the heart of a slight shock, waiting for this long time, finally can have a good news!

The three people walked slowly towards the front along the river, but this time, they became more and more surprised. In the front of the river, it was full of fish. At a glance, the fish were all over the river!

The two women were surprised to see that they had never seen it before. Now they are a bit dazzled by such scenes.

"There's nothing to make a fuss about. For psychic power and some creatures, they will instinctively jump on them. But when you look at these fish riots, something good will appear in front of you."

On the one hand, Heng Yanlin popularized knowledge to the two women, and on the other hand, he continued to move towards the front. The speed of the three men was extremely fast, but in a moment, they came to the front.

Just came here, three people are a bit stupefied.

In the upper part, although there are rivers flowing down, there are no fish swimming towards this side. On the contrary, they are crowding on the side of the cliff, constantly facing the crowding appearance ahead. What attracts them one after another is this cliff.

"What is the situation? Is it this wall that attracts them? How can't I feel what's wrong with this wall? "

Liu Xueyan reached out and touched the cliff, but did not feel anything wrong. She turned around and looked at Heng Yan Lin with a puzzled face, and then asked.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin did not go to the cliff, but was staring at the river, as if he had already thrown into the river and saw what was going on under it.

"It's not that cliff, it's in there."

When Heng Yanlin raised his head again, he had a clear look on his face. "We have to go into the water and go in and have a look. It's here, nothing can be seen." Two girls listen to Heng Yanlin's words, slightly a Zheng, into the water? But they can't swim. How can they go down like this? How far can they get there? What's more, how can they drown at that time?

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